Futher reduce allocations on the compiler hot path
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,15 +23,17 @@ services:
command: fresh -c fresh.conf
- db
- rails_app
build: rails-app/.
command: bash -c "rm -f tmp/pids/server.pid && bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b ''"
- ./rails-app:/app
- /app/tmp
- "3000:3000"
- db
- super_graph
# - redis
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Postgres also supports full text search using a TSV index. Super Graph makes it
query {
products(search "amazing") {
products(search: "ale") {
@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ tables:
id: stripe_id
url: http://rails_app:3000/stripe/$id
path: data
# debug: true
# pass_headers:
# - cookie
# - host
@ -417,8 +418,7 @@ And voila here is the result. You get all of this advanced and honestly complex
Even tracing data is availble in the Super Graph web UI if tracing is enabled in the
config. By default it is for development.
Even tracing data is availble in the Super Graph web UI if tracing is enabled in the config. By default it is enabled in development. Additionally there you can set `debug: true` to enable http request / response dumping to help with debugging.

@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ require (
github.com/garyburd/redigo v1.6.0
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github.com/gobuffalo/flect v0.1.1
github.com/gobuffalo/logger v0.0.0-20190315122211-86e12af44bc2
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github.com/jinzhu/inflection v0.0.0-20180308033659-04140366298a // indirect
github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8
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github.com/garyburd/redigo v1.6.0/go.mod h1:NR3MbYisc3/PwhQ00EMzDiPmrwpPxAn5GI05/YaO1SY=
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github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0 h1:P3YflyNX/ehuJFLhxviNdFxQPkGK5cDcApsge1SqnvM=
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github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.4.0 h1:WDFjx/TMzVgy9VdMMQi2K2Emtwi2QcUQsztZ/zLaH/Q=
@ -39,8 +43,13 @@ github.com/hpcloud/tail v1.0.0 h1:nfCOvKYfkgYP8hkirhJocXT2+zOD8yUNjXaWfTlyFKI=
github.com/hpcloud/tail v1.0.0/go.mod h1:ab1qPbhIpdTxEkNHXyeSf5vhxWSCs/tWer42PpOxQnU=
github.com/jinzhu/inflection v0.0.0-20180308033659-04140366298a h1:eeaG9XMUvRBYXJi4pg1ZKM7nxc5AfXfojeLLW7O5J3k=
github.com/jinzhu/inflection v0.0.0-20180308033659-04140366298a/go.mod h1:h+uFLlag+Qp1Va5pdKtLDYj+kHp5pxUVkryuEj+Srlc=
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0 h1:Zjp+RcGpHhGlrMbJzXTrZZPrWj+1vfm90La1wgB6Bhc=
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0/go.mod h1:7hK45KPybAkOC6peb+G5yklZfMxEjkZhHbwpqxOKXbg=
github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.1 h1:mweAR1A6xJ3oS2pRaGiHgQ4OO8tzTaLawm8vnODuwDk=
github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.1/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ=
github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0/go.mod h1:dAy3ld7l9f0ibDNOQOHHMYYIIbhfbHSm3C4ZsoJORNo=
github.com/kr/pty v1.1.1/go.mod h1:pFQYn66WHrOpPYNljwOMqo10TkYh1fy3cYio2l3bCsQ=
github.com/kr/text v0.1.0/go.mod h1:4Jbv+DJW3UT/LiOwJeYQe1efqtUx/iVham/4vfdArNI=
github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8 h1:JvRqmeZcfrHC5u6uVleB4NxxNbzx6gpbJiQknDbKQu0=
github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8/go.mod h1:/tj9csK2iPSBvn+3NLM9e52usepMtrd5ilFYA+wQNJ4=
github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.0 h1:LLgXmsheXeRoUOBOjtwPQCWIYqM/LU1ayDtDePerRcY=
@ -62,6 +71,8 @@ github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0/go.mod h1:5z9KED0ma1S8pY6P1sdut58dfprrGBbd/9
github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.1.0 h1:g0fH8RicVgNl+zVZDCDfbdWxAWoAEJyI7I3TZYXFiig=
github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.1.0/go.mod h1:M8bDsm7K2OlrFYOpmOWEs/qY81heoFRclV5y23lUDJ4=
github.com/rs/xid v1.2.1/go.mod h1:+uKXf+4Djp6Md1KODXJxgGQPKngRmWyn10oCKFzNHOQ=
github.com/rs/zerolog v1.14.3 h1:4EGfSkR2hJDB0s3oFfrlPqjU1e4WLncergLil3nEKW0=
github.com/rs/zerolog v1.14.3/go.mod h1:3WXPzbXEEliJ+a6UFE4vhIxV8qR1EML6ngzP9ug4eYg=
@ -116,6 +127,8 @@ golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190425163242-31fd60d6bfdc/go.mod h1:RgjU9mgBXZiqYHBnxXauZ1Gv1EHHAz9KjViQ78xBX0Q=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405 h1:yhCVgyC4o1eVCa2tZl7eS0r+SDo693bJlVdllGtEeKM=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/errgo.v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:hNsd1EY+bozCKY1Ytp96fpM3vjJbqLJn88ws8XvfDNI=
gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7 h1:xOHLXZwVvI9hhs+cLKq5+I5onOuwQLhQwiu63xxlHs4=
gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7/go.mod h1:Tz8NjZHkW78fSQdbUxIjBTcgA1z1m8ZHf0WmKUhAMys=
gopkg.in/tomb.v1 v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7 h1:uRGJdciOHaEIrze2W8Q3AKkepLTh2hOroT7a+7czfdQ=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/dosco/super-graph/psql
BenchmarkCompile-8 50000 26899 ns/op 4984 B/op 136 allocs/op
BenchmarkCompileParallel-8 200000 8128 ns/op 5046 B/op 136 allocs/op
ok github.com/dosco/super-graph/psql 3.455s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/dosco/super-graph/psql
BenchmarkCompile-8 50000 25670 ns/op 4533 B/op 134 allocs/op
BenchmarkCompileParallel-8 200000 7533 ns/op 4590 B/op 134 allocs/op
ok github.com/dosco/super-graph/psql 3.149s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/dosco/super-graph/psql
BenchmarkCompile-8 100000 16476 ns/op 3282 B/op 66 allocs/op
BenchmarkCompileParallel-8 300000 4639 ns/op 3324 B/op 66 allocs/op
ok github.com/dosco/super-graph/psql 3.274s
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -18,31 +19,30 @@ const (
type Config struct {
Schema *DBSchema
Vars map[string]string
TableMap map[string]string
Schema *DBSchema
Vars map[string]string
type Compiler struct {
schema *DBSchema
vars map[string]string
tmap map[string]string
func NewCompiler(conf Config) *Compiler {
return &Compiler{conf.Schema, conf.Vars, conf.TableMap}
return &Compiler{conf.Schema, conf.Vars}
func (c *Compiler) AddRelationship(key uint64, val *DBRel) {
c.schema.RelMap[key] = val
func (c *Compiler) AddRelationship(child, parent string, rel *DBRel) error {
return c.schema.SetRel(child, parent, rel)
func (c *Compiler) IDColumn(table string) string {
t, ok := c.schema.Tables[table]
if !ok {
return empty
func (c *Compiler) IDColumn(table string) (string, error) {
t, err := c.schema.GetTable(table)
if err != nil {
return empty, err
return t.PrimaryCol
return t.PrimaryCol, nil
type compilerContext struct {
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ func (co *Compiler) Compile(qc *qcode.QCode, w *bytes.Buffer) (uint32, error) {
c.w.WriteString(`) FROM (`)
var ignored uint32
var err error
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
@ -90,12 +89,17 @@ func (co *Compiler) Compile(qc *qcode.QCode, w *bytes.Buffer) (uint32, error) {
if id < closeBlock {
sel := &c.s[id]
ti, err := c.schema.GetTable(sel.Table)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if sel.ID != 0 {
if err = c.renderJoin(sel); err != nil {
return 0, err
skipped, err := c.renderSelect(sel)
skipped, err := c.renderSelect(sel, ti)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -113,7 +117,16 @@ func (co *Compiler) Compile(qc *qcode.QCode, w *bytes.Buffer) (uint32, error) {
} else {
sel := &c.s[(id - closeBlock)]
err = c.renderSelectClose(sel)
ti, err := c.schema.GetTable(sel.Table)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = c.renderSelectClose(sel, ti)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if sel.ID != 0 {
if err = c.renderJoinClose(sel); err != nil {
@ -130,16 +143,7 @@ func (co *Compiler) Compile(qc *qcode.QCode, w *bytes.Buffer) (uint32, error) {
return ignored, nil
func (c *compilerContext) getTable(sel *qcode.Select) (
*DBTableInfo, error) {
if tn, ok := c.tmap[sel.Table]; ok {
return c.schema.GetTable(tn)
return c.schema.GetTable(sel.Table)
func (c *compilerContext) processChildren(sel *qcode.Select) (uint32, []*qcode.Column) {
func (c *compilerContext) processChildren(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) (uint32, []*qcode.Column) {
var skipped uint32
cols := make([]*qcode.Column, 0, len(sel.Cols))
@ -152,8 +156,8 @@ func (c *compilerContext) processChildren(sel *qcode.Select) (uint32, []*qcode.C
for _, id := range sel.Children {
child := &c.s[id]
rel, ok := c.schema.RelMap[child.RelID]
if !ok {
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(child.Table, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
skipped |= (1 << uint(id))
@ -183,12 +187,12 @@ func (c *compilerContext) processChildren(sel *qcode.Select) (uint32, []*qcode.C
return skipped, cols
func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select) (uint32, error) {
skipped, childCols := c.processChildren(sel)
func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) (uint32, error) {
skipped, childCols := c.processChildren(sel, ti)
hasOrder := len(sel.OrderBy) != 0
if sel.AsList {
if ti.Singular == false {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `SELECT coalesce(json_agg("%s"`, c.sel.Table)
c.w.WriteString(`SELECT coalesce(json_agg("`)
@ -246,7 +250,7 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select) (uint32, error) {
// FROM (SELECT .... )
err = c.renderBaseSelect(sel, childCols, skipped)
err = c.renderBaseSelect(sel, ti, childCols, skipped)
if err != nil {
return skipped, err
@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select) (uint32, error) {
return skipped, nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderSelectClose(sel *qcode.Select) error {
func (c *compilerContext) renderSelectClose(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
hasOrder := len(sel.OrderBy) != 0
if hasOrder {
@ -270,6 +274,10 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderSelectClose(sel *qcode.Select) error {
c.w.WriteString(` LIMIT ('`)
c.w.WriteString(`') :: integer`)
} else if ti.Singular {
c.w.WriteString(` LIMIT ('1') :: integer`)
} else {
c.w.WriteString(` LIMIT ('20') :: integer`)
@ -281,7 +289,7 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderSelectClose(sel *qcode.Select) error {
c.w.WriteString(`') :: integer`)
if sel.AsList {
if ti.Singular == false {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `) AS "%s_%d"`, c.sel.Table, c.sel.ID)
aliasWithID(c.w, sel.Table, sel.ID)
@ -304,16 +312,21 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinClose(sel *qcode.Select) error {
func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinTable(sel *qcode.Select) {
rel, ok := c.schema.RelMap[sel.RelID]
if !ok {
panic(errors.New("no relationship found"))
parent := &c.s[sel.ParentID]
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(sel.Table, parent.Table)
if err != nil {
if rel.Type != RelOneToManyThrough {
parent := &c.s[sel.ParentID]
pt, err := c.schema.GetTable(parent.Table)
if err != nil {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN "%s" ON (("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`,
//rel.Through, rel.Through, rel.ColT, c.parent.Table, c.parent.ID, rel.Col1)
@ -322,7 +335,7 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinTable(sel *qcode.Select) {
c.w.WriteString(`" ON ((`)
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.ColT)
c.w.WriteString(`) = (`)
colWithTableID(c.w, parent.Table, parent.ID, rel.Col1)
colWithTableID(c.w, pt.Name, parent.ID, rel.Col1)
@ -343,8 +356,8 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderRemoteRelColumns(sel *qcode.Select) {
for _, id := range sel.Children {
child := &c.s[id]
rel, ok := c.schema.RelMap[child.RelID]
if !ok || rel.Type != RelRemote {
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(child.Table, sel.Table)
if err != nil || rel.Type != RelRemote {
if i != 0 || len(sel.Cols) != 0 {
@ -380,15 +393,10 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinedColumns(sel *qcode.Select, skipped uint32)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select,
func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo,
childCols []*qcode.Column, skipped uint32) error {
var groupBy []int
ti, err := c.getTable(sel)
if err != nil {
return err
isRoot := sel.ID == 0
isFil := sel.Where != nil
isSearch := sel.Args["search"] != nil
@ -473,19 +481,30 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select,
c.w.WriteString(` FROM `)
if tn, ok := c.tmap[sel.Table]; ok {
if c.schema.IsAlias(sel.Table) || ti.Singular {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s" AS "%s"`, tn, c.sel.Table)
colWithAlias(c.w, tn, sel.Table)
tableWithAlias(c.w, ti.Name, sel.Table)
} else {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s"`, c.sel.Table)
// if tn, ok := c.tmap[sel.Table]; ok {
// //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s" AS "%s"`, tn, c.sel.Table)
// tableWithAlias(c.w, ti.Name, sel.Table)
// } else {
// //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s"`, c.sel.Table)
// c.w.WriteString(`"`)
// c.w.WriteString(sel.Table)
// c.w.WriteString(`"`)
// }
if isRoot && isFil {
c.w.WriteString(` WHERE (`)
if err := c.renderWhere(sel); err != nil {
if err := c.renderWhere(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
@ -499,7 +518,7 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select,
if isFil {
c.w.WriteString(` AND `)
if err := c.renderWhere(sel); err != nil {
if err := c.renderWhere(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
@ -525,6 +544,10 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select,
c.w.WriteString(` LIMIT ('`)
c.w.WriteString(`') :: integer`)
} else if ti.Singular {
c.w.WriteString(` LIMIT ('1') :: integer`)
} else {
c.w.WriteString(` LIMIT ('20') :: integer`)
@ -562,13 +585,13 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderOrderByColumns(sel *qcode.Select) {
func (c *compilerContext) renderRelationship(sel *qcode.Select) {
rel, ok := c.schema.RelMap[sel.RelID]
if !ok {
panic(errors.New("no relationship found"))
parent := c.s[sel.ParentID]
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(sel.Table, parent.Table)
if err != nil {
switch rel.Type {
case RelBelongTo:
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`,
@ -599,18 +622,13 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderRelationship(sel *qcode.Select) {
func (c *compilerContext) renderWhere(sel *qcode.Select) error {
func (c *compilerContext) renderWhere(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
st := util.NewStack()
if sel.Where != nil {
ti, err := c.getTable(sel)
if err != nil {
return err
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
@ -909,6 +927,14 @@ func colWithAlias(w *bytes.Buffer, col, alias string) {
func tableWithAlias(w *bytes.Buffer, table, alias string) {
w.WriteString(`" AS "`)
func colWithTable(w *bytes.Buffer, table, col string) {
@ -987,3 +1013,11 @@ func int2string(w *bytes.Buffer, val int32) {
func relID(h *xxhash.Digest, child, parent string) uint64 {
v := h.Sum64()
return v
@ -100,12 +100,17 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
schema := &DBSchema{
Tables: make(map[string]*DBTableInfo),
RelMap: make(map[uint64]*DBRel),
t: make(map[string]*DBTableInfo),
rm: make(map[string]map[string]*DBRel),
al: make(map[string]struct{}),
aliases := map[string][]string{
"users": []string{"mes"},
for i, t := range tables {
schema.updateSchema(t, columns[i])
schema.updateSchema(t, columns[i], aliases)
vars := NewVariables(map[string]string{
@ -115,9 +120,6 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
pcompile = NewCompiler(Config{
Schema: schema,
Vars: vars,
TableMap: map[string]string{
"mes": "users",
@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ func fetchByID(t *testing.T) {
sql := `SELECT json_object_agg('product', products) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "products" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."price") > (0)) AND (("products"."price") < (8)) AND (("id") = (15))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";`
sql := `SELECT json_object_agg('product', product) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "product_0"."id" AS "id", "product_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "product" FROM (SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name" FROM "products" AS "product" WHERE ((("product"."price") > (0)) AND (("product"."price") < (8)) AND (("id") = (15))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "product_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";`
resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql)
if err != nil {
@ -432,7 +434,7 @@ func queryWithVariables(t *testing.T) {
sql := `SELECT json_object_agg('product', products) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "products" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."price") > (0)) AND (("products"."price") < (8)) AND (("products"."price") = ('{{PRODUCT_PRICE}}')) AND (("id") = ('{{PRODUCT_ID}}'))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";`
sql := `SELECT json_object_agg('product', product) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "product_0"."id" AS "id", "product_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "product" FROM (SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name" FROM "products" AS "product" WHERE ((("product"."price") > (0)) AND (("product"."price") < (8)) AND (("product"."price") = ('{{PRODUCT_PRICE}}')) AND (("id") = ('{{PRODUCT_ID}}'))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "product_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";`
resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql)
if err != nil {
@ -451,7 +453,7 @@ func syntheticTables(t *testing.T) {
sql := `SELECT json_object_agg('me', mes) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "mes_0"."email" AS "email") AS "sel_0")) AS "mes" FROM (SELECT "mes"."email" FROM "users" AS "mes" WHERE ((("mes"."id") = ('{{user_id}}'))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "mes_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";`
sql := `SELECT json_object_agg('me', me) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "me_0"."email" AS "email") AS "sel_0")) AS "me" FROM (SELECT "me"."email" FROM "users" AS "me" WHERE ((("me"."id") = ('{{user_id}}'))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "me_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";`
resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql)
if err != nil {
@ -4,166 +4,10 @@ import (
type DBSchema struct {
Tables map[string]*DBTableInfo
RelMap map[uint64]*DBRel
type DBTableInfo struct {
Name string
PrimaryCol string
TSVCol string
Columns map[string]*DBColumn
type RelType int
const (
RelBelongTo RelType = iota + 1
type DBRel struct {
Type RelType
Through string
ColT string
Col1 string
Col2 string
func NewDBSchema(db *pg.DB) (*DBSchema, error) {
schema := &DBSchema{
Tables: make(map[string]*DBTableInfo),
RelMap: make(map[uint64]*DBRel),
tables, err := GetTables(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, t := range tables {
cols, err := GetColumns(db, "public", t.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
schema.updateSchema(t, cols)
return schema, nil
func (s *DBSchema) updateSchema(t *DBTable, cols []*DBColumn) {
// Current table
ti := &DBTableInfo{
Name: t.Name,
Columns: make(map[string]*DBColumn, len(cols)),
// Foreign key columns in current table
var jcols []*DBColumn
colByID := make(map[int]*DBColumn)
for i := range cols {
c := cols[i]
ti.Columns[strings.ToLower(c.Name)] = cols[i]
colByID[c.ID] = cols[i]
ct := strings.ToLower(t.Name)
s.Tables[ct] = ti
h := xxhash.New()
for _, c := range cols {
switch {
case c.Type == "tsvector":
s.Tables[ct].TSVCol = c.Name
case c.PrimaryKey:
s.Tables[ct].PrimaryCol = c.Name
case len(c.FKeyTable) != 0:
if len(c.FKeyColID) == 0 {
// Foreign key column name
ft := strings.ToLower(c.FKeyTable)
fc, ok := colByID[c.FKeyColID[0]]
if !ok {
// Belongs-to relation between current table and the
// table in the foreign key
rel1 := &DBRel{RelBelongTo, "", "", c.Name, fc.Name}
s.RelMap[relID(h, ct, ft)] = rel1
// One-to-many relation between the foreign key table and the
// the current table
rel2 := &DBRel{RelOneToMany, "", "", fc.Name, c.Name}
s.RelMap[relID(h, ft, ct)] = rel2
jcols = append(jcols, c)
// If table contains multiple foreign key columns it's a possible
// join table for many-to-many relationships or multiple one-to-many
// relations
// Below one-to-many relations use the current table as the
// join table aka through table.
if len(jcols) > 1 {
for i := range jcols {
for n := range jcols {
if n != i {
s.updateSchemaOTMT(h, ct, jcols[i], jcols[n], colByID)
func (s *DBSchema) updateSchemaOTMT(
h *xxhash.Digest,
ct string,
col1, col2 *DBColumn,
colByID map[int]*DBColumn) {
t1 := strings.ToLower(col1.FKeyTable)
t2 := strings.ToLower(col2.FKeyTable)
fc1, ok := colByID[col1.FKeyColID[0]]
if !ok {
fc2, ok := colByID[col2.FKeyColID[0]]
if !ok {
// One-to-many-through relation between 1nd foreign key table and the
// 2nd foreign key table
//rel1 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, fc1.Name, col1.Name}
rel1 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, col2.Name, fc2.Name, col1.Name}
s.RelMap[relID(h, t1, t2)] = rel1
// One-to-many-through relation between 2nd foreign key table and the
// 1nd foreign key table
//rel2 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, col2.Name, fc2.Name}
rel2 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, col1.Name, fc1.Name, col2.Name}
s.RelMap[relID(h, t2, t1)] = rel2
type DBTable struct {
Name string `sql:"name"`
Type string `sql:"type"`
@ -255,18 +99,231 @@ WHERE c.relkind = 'r'::char
return t, nil
type DBSchema struct {
t map[string]*DBTableInfo
rm map[string]map[string]*DBRel
al map[string]struct{}
type DBTableInfo struct {
Name string
Singular bool
PrimaryCol string
TSVCol string
Columns map[string]*DBColumn
type RelType int
const (
RelBelongTo RelType = iota + 1
type DBRel struct {
Type RelType
Through string
ColT string
Col1 string
Col2 string
func NewDBSchema(db *pg.DB, aliases map[string][]string) (*DBSchema, error) {
schema := &DBSchema{
t: make(map[string]*DBTableInfo),
rm: make(map[string]map[string]*DBRel),
al: make(map[string]struct{}),
tables, err := GetTables(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, t := range tables {
cols, err := GetColumns(db, "public", t.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
schema.updateSchema(t, cols, aliases)
return schema, nil
func (s *DBSchema) updateSchema(
t *DBTable,
cols []*DBColumn,
aliases map[string][]string) {
// Foreign key columns in current table
colByID := make(map[int]*DBColumn)
columns := make(map[string]*DBColumn, len(cols))
for i := range cols {
c := cols[i]
columns[strings.ToLower(c.Name)] = cols[i]
colByID[c.ID] = cols[i]
singular := strings.ToLower(flect.Singularize(t.Name))
s.t[singular] = &DBTableInfo{
Name: t.Name,
Singular: true,
Columns: columns,
plural := strings.ToLower(flect.Pluralize(t.Name))
s.t[plural] = &DBTableInfo{
Name: t.Name,
Singular: false,
Columns: columns,
ct := strings.ToLower(t.Name)
if al, ok := aliases[ct]; ok {
for i := range al {
k1 := flect.Singularize(al[i])
s.t[k1] = s.t[singular]
k2 := flect.Pluralize(al[i])
s.t[k2] = s.t[plural]
s.al[k1] = struct{}{}
s.al[k2] = struct{}{}
jcols := make([]*DBColumn, 0, len(cols))
for _, c := range cols {
switch {
case c.Type == "tsvector":
s.t[singular].TSVCol = c.Name
s.t[plural].TSVCol = c.Name
case c.PrimaryKey:
s.t[singular].PrimaryCol = c.Name
s.t[plural].PrimaryCol = c.Name
case len(c.FKeyTable) != 0:
if len(c.FKeyColID) == 0 {
// Foreign key column name
ft := strings.ToLower(c.FKeyTable)
fc, ok := colByID[c.FKeyColID[0]]
if !ok {
// Belongs-to relation between current table and the
// table in the foreign key
rel1 := &DBRel{RelBelongTo, "", "", c.Name, fc.Name}
s.SetRel(ct, ft, rel1)
// One-to-many relation between the foreign key table and the
// the current table
rel2 := &DBRel{RelOneToMany, "", "", fc.Name, c.Name}
s.SetRel(ft, ct, rel2)
jcols = append(jcols, c)
// If table contains multiple foreign key columns it's a possible
// join table for many-to-many relationships or multiple one-to-many
// relations
// Below one-to-many relations use the current table as the
// join table aka through table.
if len(jcols) > 1 {
for i := range jcols {
for n := range jcols {
if n != i {
s.updateSchemaOTMT(ct, jcols[i], jcols[n], colByID)
func (s *DBSchema) updateSchemaOTMT(
ct string,
col1, col2 *DBColumn,
colByID map[int]*DBColumn) {
t1 := strings.ToLower(col1.FKeyTable)
t2 := strings.ToLower(col2.FKeyTable)
fc1, ok := colByID[col1.FKeyColID[0]]
if !ok {
fc2, ok := colByID[col2.FKeyColID[0]]
if !ok {
// One-to-many-through relation between 1nd foreign key table and the
// 2nd foreign key table
//rel1 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, fc1.Name, col1.Name}
rel1 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, col2.Name, fc2.Name, col1.Name}
s.SetRel(t1, t2, rel1)
// One-to-many-through relation between 2nd foreign key table and the
// 1nd foreign key table
//rel2 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, col2.Name, fc2.Name}
rel2 := &DBRel{RelOneToManyThrough, ct, col1.Name, fc1.Name, col2.Name}
s.SetRel(t2, t1, rel2)
func (s *DBSchema) GetTable(table string) (*DBTableInfo, error) {
t, ok := s.Tables[table]
t, ok := s.t[table]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown table '%s'", table)
return t, nil
func relID(h *xxhash.Digest, child, parent string) uint64 {
v := h.Sum64()
return v
func (s *DBSchema) SetRel(child, parent string, rel *DBRel) error {
sc := strings.ToLower(flect.Singularize(child))
pc := strings.ToLower(flect.Pluralize(child))
if _, ok := s.rm[sc]; !ok {
s.rm[sc] = make(map[string]*DBRel)
if _, ok := s.rm[pc]; !ok {
s.rm[pc] = make(map[string]*DBRel)
sp := strings.ToLower(flect.Singularize(parent))
pp := strings.ToLower(flect.Pluralize(parent))
s.rm[sc][sp] = rel
s.rm[sc][pp] = rel
s.rm[pc][sp] = rel
s.rm[pc][pp] = rel
return nil
func (s *DBSchema) GetRel(child, parent string) (*DBRel, error) {
rel, ok := s.rm[child][parent]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown relationship '%s' -> '%s'",
child, parent)
return rel, nil
func (s *DBSchema) IsAlias(name string) bool {
_, ok := s.al[name]
return ok
@ -303,6 +303,8 @@ func lexName(l *lexer) stateFn {
v := l.current()
lowercase(l.input, s, e)
if len(v) == 0 {
switch {
case strings.EqualFold(v, "query"):
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
@ -31,11 +30,8 @@ type Column struct {
type Select struct {
ID int32
ParentID int32
RelID uint64
Args map[string]*Node
AsList bool
Table string
Singular string
FieldName string
Cols []Column
Where *Exp
@ -163,7 +159,12 @@ func NewCompiler(c Config) (*Compiler, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fm[strings.ToLower(k)] = fil
k1 := strings.ToLower(k)
singular := flect.Singularize(k1)
plural := flect.Pluralize(k1)
fm[singular] = fil
fm[plural] = fil
return &Compiler{fl, fm, bl, c.KeepArgs}, nil
@ -202,7 +203,6 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileQuery(op *Operation) (*Query, error) {
selects := make([]Select, 0, 5)
st := util.NewStack()
h := xxhash.New()
if len(op.Fields) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("empty query")
@ -226,46 +226,31 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileQuery(op *Operation) (*Query, error) {
field := &op.Fields[fid]
fn := strings.ToLower(field.Name)
if _, ok := com.bl[fn]; ok {
tn := strings.ToLower(field.Name)
if _, ok := com.bl[tn]; ok {
tn := flect.Pluralize(fn)
s := Select{
selects = append(selects, Select{
ID: id,
ParentID: parentID,
Table: tn,
Children: make([]int32, 0, 5),
s := &selects[(len(selects) - 1)]
if s.ID != 0 {
p := &selects[s.ParentID]
p.Children = append(p.Children, s.ID)
s.RelID = relID(h, tn, p.Table)
if fn == tn {
s.Singular = flect.Singularize(fn)
} else {
s.Singular = fn
if fn == s.Table {
s.AsList = true
} else {
s.Paging.Limit = "1"
if len(field.Alias) != 0 {
s.FieldName = field.Alias
} else if s.AsList {
s.FieldName = s.Table
} else {
s.FieldName = s.Singular
s.FieldName = s.Table
err := com.compileArgs(&s, field.Args)
err := com.compileArgs(s, field.Args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -296,7 +281,6 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileQuery(op *Operation) (*Query, error) {
s.Cols = append(s.Cols, col)
selects = append(selects, s)
@ -858,14 +842,6 @@ func buildPath(a []string) string {
return b.String()
func relID(h *xxhash.Digest, child, parent string) uint64 {
v := h.Sum64()
return v
func (t ExpOp) String() string {
var v string
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ services:
- "8080:8080"
image: dosco/super-graph-demo:latest
RAILS_ENV: "development"
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package serv
import (
@ -84,8 +86,8 @@ type configRemote struct {
} `mapstructure:"set_headers"`
func (c *config) getAliasMap() map[string]string {
m := make(map[string]string, len(c.DB.Tables))
func (c *config) getAliasMap() map[string][]string {
m := make(map[string][]string, len(c.DB.Tables))
for i := range c.DB.Tables {
t := c.DB.Tables[i]
@ -93,7 +95,9 @@ func (c *config) getAliasMap() map[string]string {
if len(t.Table) == 0 {
m[flect.Pluralize(t.Name)] = t.Table
k := strings.ToLower(t.Table)
m[k] = append(m[k], strings.ToLower(t.Name))
return m
@ -107,12 +111,16 @@ func (c *config) getFilterMap() map[string][]string {
if len(t.Filter) == 0 {
name := flect.Pluralize(t.Name)
singular := flect.Singularize(t.Name)
plural := flect.Pluralize(t.Name)
if t.Filter[0] == "none" {
m[name] = []string{}
m[singular] = []string{}
m[plural] = []string{}
} else {
m[name] = t.Filter
m[singular] = t.Filter
m[plural] = t.Filter
@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ func (c *coreContext) resolveRemotes(
to[n] = jsn.Field{[]byte(s.FieldName), ob.Bytes()}
}(i, id, s)
fmt.Println(">>>", i)
@ -22,16 +22,21 @@ type resolvFn struct {
Fn func(r *http.Request, id []byte) ([]byte, error)
func initResolvers() {
func initResolvers() error {
rmap = make(map[uint64]*resolvFn)
for _, t := range conf.DB.Tables {
err := initRemotes(t)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func initRemotes(t configTable) {
func initRemotes(t configTable) error {
h := xxhash.New()
var err error
for _, r := range t.Remotes {
// defines the table column to be used as an id in the
@ -41,24 +46,26 @@ func initRemotes(t configTable) {
// if no table column specified in the config then
// use the primary key of the table as the id
if len(idcol) == 0 {
idcol = pcompile.IDColumn(t.Name)
idcol, err = pcompile.IDColumn(t.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
idk := fmt.Sprintf("__%s_%s", t.Name, idcol)
// register a relationship between the remote data
// and the database table
key := h.Sum64()
val := &psql.DBRel{
Type: psql.RelRemote,
Col1: idcol,
Col2: idk,
pcompile.AddRelationship(key, val)
err := pcompile.AddRelationship(strings.ToLower(r.Name), t.Name, val)
if err != nil {
return err
// the function thats called to resolve this remote
// data request
@ -81,6 +88,8 @@ func initRemotes(t configTable) {
// index resolver obj by IDField
rmap[xxhash.Sum64(rf.IDField)] = rf
return nil
func buildFn(r configRemote) func(*http.Request, []byte) ([]byte, error) {
@ -88,7 +97,8 @@ func buildFn(r configRemote) func(*http.Request, []byte) ([]byte, error) {
client := &http.Client{}
fn := func(inReq *http.Request, id []byte) ([]byte, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf(reqURL, id), nil)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(reqURL, id)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", uri, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -107,6 +117,7 @@ func buildFn(r configRemote) func(*http.Request, []byte) ([]byte, error) {
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to connect to: %s", uri)
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ func initDB(c *config) (*pg.DB, error) {
func initCompilers(c *config) (*qcode.Compiler, *psql.Compiler, error) {
schema, err := psql.NewDBSchema(db)
schema, err := psql.NewDBSchema(db, c.getAliasMap())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -167,9 +167,8 @@ func initCompilers(c *config) (*qcode.Compiler, *psql.Compiler, error) {
pc := psql.NewCompiler(psql.Config{
Schema: schema,
Vars: c.DB.Variables,
TableMap: c.getAliasMap(),
Schema: schema,
Vars: c.DB.Variables,
return qc, pc, nil
@ -182,20 +181,22 @@ func Init() {
conf, err = initConf()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to read config")
db, err = initDB(conf)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to connect to database")
qcompile, pcompile, err = initCompilers(conf)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to connect to database")
if err := initResolvers(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to initialized resolvers")
@ -216,21 +217,21 @@ func startHTTP() {
if err := srv.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
logger.Printf("http: %v", err)
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("shutdown signal received")
srv.RegisterOnShutdown(func() {
if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("db closed")
fmt.Printf("%s listening on %s (%s)\n", serverName, conf.HostPort, conf.Env)
if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("server closed")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user