* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection; /** * CompiledUrlMatcherDumper creates PHP arrays to be used with CompiledUrlMatcher. * * @author Fabien Potencier * @author Tobias Schultze * @author Arnaud Le Blanc * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class CompiledUrlMatcherDumper extends MatcherDumper { private $expressionLanguage; private $signalingException; /** * @var ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface[] */ private $expressionLanguageProviders = []; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dump(array $options = []) { return <<generateCompiledRoutes()}]; EOF; } public function addExpressionLanguageProvider(ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface $provider) { $this->expressionLanguageProviders[] = $provider; } /** * Generates the arrays for CompiledUrlMatcher's constructor. */ public function getCompiledRoutes(bool $forDump = false): array { // Group hosts by same-suffix, re-order when possible $matchHost = false; $routes = new StaticPrefixCollection(); foreach ($this->getRoutes()->all() as $name => $route) { if ($host = $route->getHost()) { $matchHost = true; $host = '/'.strtr(strrev($host), '}.{', '(/)'); } $routes->addRoute($host ?: '/(.*)', [$name, $route]); } if ($matchHost) { $compiledRoutes = [true]; $routes = $routes->populateCollection(new RouteCollection()); } else { $compiledRoutes = [false]; $routes = $this->getRoutes(); } [$staticRoutes, $dynamicRoutes] = $this->groupStaticRoutes($routes); $conditions = [null]; $compiledRoutes[] = $this->compileStaticRoutes($staticRoutes, $conditions); $chunkLimit = \count($dynamicRoutes); while (true) { try { $this->signalingException = new \RuntimeException('Compilation failed: regular expression is too large'); $compiledRoutes = array_merge($compiledRoutes, $this->compileDynamicRoutes($dynamicRoutes, $matchHost, $chunkLimit, $conditions)); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if (1 < $chunkLimit && $this->signalingException === $e) { $chunkLimit = 1 + ($chunkLimit >> 1); continue; } throw $e; } } if ($forDump) { $compiledRoutes[2] = $compiledRoutes[4]; } unset($conditions[0]); if ($conditions) { foreach ($conditions as $expression => $condition) { $conditions[$expression] = "case {$condition}: return {$expression};"; } $checkConditionCode = <<indent(implode("\n", $conditions), 3)} } } EOF; $compiledRoutes[4] = $forDump ? $checkConditionCode.",\n" : eval('return '.$checkConditionCode.';'); } else { $compiledRoutes[4] = $forDump ? " null, // \$checkCondition\n" : null; } return $compiledRoutes; } private function generateCompiledRoutes(): string { [$matchHost, $staticRoutes, $regexpCode, $dynamicRoutes, $checkConditionCode] = $this->getCompiledRoutes(true); $code = self::export($matchHost).', // $matchHost'."\n"; $code .= '[ // $staticRoutes'."\n"; foreach ($staticRoutes as $path => $routes) { $code .= sprintf(" %s => [\n", self::export($path)); foreach ($routes as $route) { $code .= sprintf(" [%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s],\n", ...array_map([__CLASS__, 'export'], $route)); } $code .= " ],\n"; } $code .= "],\n"; $code .= sprintf("[ // \$regexpList%s\n],\n", $regexpCode); $code .= '[ // $dynamicRoutes'."\n"; foreach ($dynamicRoutes as $path => $routes) { $code .= sprintf(" %s => [\n", self::export($path)); foreach ($routes as $route) { $code .= sprintf(" [%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s],\n", ...array_map([__CLASS__, 'export'], $route)); } $code .= " ],\n"; } $code .= "],\n"; $code = preg_replace('/ => \[\n (\[.+?),\n \],/', ' => [$1],', $code); return $this->indent($code, 1).$checkConditionCode; } /** * Splits static routes from dynamic routes, so that they can be matched first, using a simple switch. */ private function groupStaticRoutes(RouteCollection $collection): array { $staticRoutes = $dynamicRegex = []; $dynamicRoutes = new RouteCollection(); foreach ($collection->all() as $name => $route) { $compiledRoute = $route->compile(); $staticPrefix = rtrim($compiledRoute->getStaticPrefix(), '/'); $hostRegex = $compiledRoute->getHostRegex(); $regex = $compiledRoute->getRegex(); if ($hasTrailingSlash = '/' !== $route->getPath()) { $pos = strrpos($regex, '$'); $hasTrailingSlash = '/' === $regex[$pos - 1]; $regex = substr_replace($regex, '/?$', $pos - $hasTrailingSlash, 1 + $hasTrailingSlash); } if (!$compiledRoute->getPathVariables()) { $host = !$compiledRoute->getHostVariables() ? $route->getHost() : ''; $url = $route->getPath(); if ($hasTrailingSlash) { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); } foreach ($dynamicRegex as [$hostRx, $rx, $prefix]) { if (('' === $prefix || str_starts_with($url, $prefix)) && (preg_match($rx, $url) || preg_match($rx, $url.'/')) && (!$host || !$hostRx || preg_match($hostRx, $host))) { $dynamicRegex[] = [$hostRegex, $regex, $staticPrefix]; $dynamicRoutes->add($name, $route); continue 2; } } $staticRoutes[$url][$name] = [$route, $hasTrailingSlash]; } else { $dynamicRegex[] = [$hostRegex, $regex, $staticPrefix]; $dynamicRoutes->add($name, $route); } } return [$staticRoutes, $dynamicRoutes]; } /** * Compiles static routes in a switch statement. * * Condition-less paths are put in a static array in the switch's default, with generic matching logic. * Paths that can match two or more routes, or have user-specified conditions are put in separate switch's cases. * * @throws \LogicException */ private function compileStaticRoutes(array $staticRoutes, array &$conditions): array { if (!$staticRoutes) { return []; } $compiledRoutes = []; foreach ($staticRoutes as $url => $routes) { $compiledRoutes[$url] = []; foreach ($routes as $name => [$route, $hasTrailingSlash]) { $compiledRoutes[$url][] = $this->compileRoute($route, $name, (!$route->compile()->getHostVariables() ? $route->getHost() : $route->compile()->getHostRegex()) ?: null, $hasTrailingSlash, false, $conditions); } } return $compiledRoutes; } /** * Compiles a regular expression followed by a switch statement to match dynamic routes. * * The regular expression matches both the host and the pathinfo at the same time. For stellar performance, * it is built as a tree of patterns, with re-ordering logic to group same-prefix routes together when possible. * * Patterns are named so that we know which one matched (https://pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2syntax.html#SEC23). * This name is used to "switch" to the additional logic required to match the final route. * * Condition-less paths are put in a static array in the switch's default, with generic matching logic. * Paths that can match two or more routes, or have user-specified conditions are put in separate switch's cases. * * Last but not least: * - Because it is not possible to mix unicode/non-unicode patterns in a single regexp, several of them can be generated. * - The same regexp can be used several times when the logic in the switch rejects the match. When this happens, the * matching-but-failing subpattern is excluded by replacing its name by "(*F)", which forces a failure-to-match. * To ease this backlisting operation, the name of subpatterns is also the string offset where the replacement should occur. */ private function compileDynamicRoutes(RouteCollection $collection, bool $matchHost, int $chunkLimit, array &$conditions): array { if (!$collection->all()) { return [[], [], '']; } $regexpList = []; $code = ''; $state = (object) [ 'regexMark' => 0, 'regex' => [], 'routes' => [], 'mark' => 0, 'markTail' => 0, 'hostVars' => [], 'vars' => [], ]; $state->getVars = static function ($m) use ($state) { if ('_route' === $m[1]) { return '?:'; } $state->vars[] = $m[1]; return ''; }; $chunkSize = 0; $prev = null; $perModifiers = []; foreach ($collection->all() as $name => $route) { preg_match('#[a-zA-Z]*$#', $route->compile()->getRegex(), $rx); if ($chunkLimit < ++$chunkSize || $prev !== $rx[0] && $route->compile()->getPathVariables()) { $chunkSize = 1; $routes = new RouteCollection(); $perModifiers[] = [$rx[0], $routes]; $prev = $rx[0]; } $routes->add($name, $route); } foreach ($perModifiers as [$modifiers, $routes]) { $prev = false; $perHost = []; foreach ($routes->all() as $name => $route) { $regex = $route->compile()->getHostRegex(); if ($prev !== $regex) { $routes = new RouteCollection(); $perHost[] = [$regex, $routes]; $prev = $regex; } $routes->add($name, $route); } $prev = false; $rx = '{^(?'; $code .= "\n {$state->mark} => ".self::export($rx); $startingMark = $state->mark; $state->mark += \strlen($rx); $state->regex = $rx; foreach ($perHost as [$hostRegex, $routes]) { if ($matchHost) { if ($hostRegex) { preg_match('#^.\^(.*)\$.[a-zA-Z]*$#', $hostRegex, $rx); $state->vars = []; $hostRegex = '(?i:'.preg_replace_callback('#\?P<([^>]++)>#', $state->getVars, $rx[1]).')\.'; $state->hostVars = $state->vars; } else { $hostRegex = '(?:(?:[^./]*+\.)++)'; $state->hostVars = []; } $state->mark += \strlen($rx = ($prev ? ')' : '')."|{$hostRegex}(?"); $code .= "\n .".self::export($rx); $state->regex .= $rx; $prev = true; } $tree = new StaticPrefixCollection(); foreach ($routes->all() as $name => $route) { preg_match('#^.\^(.*)\$.[a-zA-Z]*$#', $route->compile()->getRegex(), $rx); $state->vars = []; $regex = preg_replace_callback('#\?P<([^>]++)>#', $state->getVars, $rx[1]); if ($hasTrailingSlash = '/' !== $regex && '/' === $regex[-1]) { $regex = substr($regex, 0, -1); } $hasTrailingVar = (bool) preg_match('#\{\w+\}/?$#', $route->getPath()); $tree->addRoute($regex, [$name, $regex, $state->vars, $route, $hasTrailingSlash, $hasTrailingVar]); } $code .= $this->compileStaticPrefixCollection($tree, $state, 0, $conditions); } if ($matchHost) { $code .= "\n .')'"; $state->regex .= ')'; } $rx = ")/?$}{$modifiers}"; $code .= "\n .'{$rx}',"; $state->regex .= $rx; $state->markTail = 0; // if the regex is too large, throw a signaling exception to recompute with smaller chunk size set_error_handler(function ($type, $message) { throw str_contains($message, $this->signalingException->getMessage()) ? $this->signalingException : new \ErrorException($message); }); try { preg_match($state->regex, ''); } finally { restore_error_handler(); } $regexpList[$startingMark] = $state->regex; } $state->routes[$state->mark][] = [null, null, null, null, false, false, 0]; unset($state->getVars); return [$regexpList, $state->routes, $code]; } /** * Compiles a regexp tree of subpatterns that matches nested same-prefix routes. * * @param \stdClass $state A simple state object that keeps track of the progress of the compilation, * and gathers the generated switch's "case" and "default" statements */ private function compileStaticPrefixCollection(StaticPrefixCollection $tree, \stdClass $state, int $prefixLen, array &$conditions): string { $code = ''; $prevRegex = null; $routes = $tree->getRoutes(); foreach ($routes as $i => $route) { if ($route instanceof StaticPrefixCollection) { $prevRegex = null; $prefix = substr($route->getPrefix(), $prefixLen); $state->mark += \strlen($rx = "|{$prefix}(?"); $code .= "\n .".self::export($rx); $state->regex .= $rx; $code .= $this->indent($this->compileStaticPrefixCollection($route, $state, $prefixLen + \strlen($prefix), $conditions)); $code .= "\n .')'"; $state->regex .= ')'; ++$state->markTail; continue; } [$name, $regex, $vars, $route, $hasTrailingSlash, $hasTrailingVar] = $route; $compiledRoute = $route->compile(); $vars = array_merge($state->hostVars, $vars); if ($compiledRoute->getRegex() === $prevRegex) { $state->routes[$state->mark][] = $this->compileRoute($route, $name, $vars, $hasTrailingSlash, $hasTrailingVar, $conditions); continue; } $state->mark += 3 + $state->markTail + \strlen($regex) - $prefixLen; $state->markTail = 2 + \strlen($state->mark); $rx = sprintf('|%s(*:%s)', substr($regex, $prefixLen), $state->mark); $code .= "\n .".self::export($rx); $state->regex .= $rx; $prevRegex = $compiledRoute->getRegex(); $state->routes[$state->mark] = [$this->compileRoute($route, $name, $vars, $hasTrailingSlash, $hasTrailingVar, $conditions)]; } return $code; } /** * Compiles a single Route to PHP code used to match it against the path info. */ private function compileRoute(Route $route, string $name, $vars, bool $hasTrailingSlash, bool $hasTrailingVar, array &$conditions): array { $defaults = $route->getDefaults(); if (isset($defaults['_canonical_route'])) { $name = $defaults['_canonical_route']; unset($defaults['_canonical_route']); } if ($condition = $route->getCondition()) { $condition = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile($condition, ['context', 'request']); $condition = $conditions[$condition] ?? $conditions[$condition] = (str_contains($condition, '$request') ? 1 : -1) * \count($conditions); } else { $condition = null; } return [ ['_route' => $name] + $defaults, $vars, array_flip($route->getMethods()) ?: null, array_flip($route->getSchemes()) ?: null, $hasTrailingSlash, $hasTrailingVar, $condition, ]; } private function getExpressionLanguage(): ExpressionLanguage { if (null === $this->expressionLanguage) { if (!class_exists(ExpressionLanguage::class)) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to use expressions as the Symfony ExpressionLanguage component is not installed.'); } $this->expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage(null, $this->expressionLanguageProviders); } return $this->expressionLanguage; } private function indent(string $code, int $level = 1): string { return preg_replace('/^./m', str_repeat(' ', $level).'$0', $code); } /** * @internal */ public static function export($value): string { if (null === $value) { return 'null'; } if (!\is_array($value)) { if (\is_object($value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Symfony\Component\Routing\Route cannot contain objects.'); } return str_replace("\n", '\'."\n".\'', var_export($value, true)); } if (!$value) { return '[]'; } $i = 0; $export = '['; foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if ($i === $k) { ++$i; } else { $export .= self::export($k).' => '; if (\is_int($k) && $i < $k) { $i = 1 + $k; } } $export .= self::export($v).', '; } return substr_replace($export, ']', -2); } }