<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Builder; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ArrayNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BooleanNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\EnumNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\FloatNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\IntegerNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\NodeInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\PrototypedArrayNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ScalarNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\VariableNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\ParamConfigurator; /** * Generate ConfigBuilders to help create valid config. * * @author Tobias Nyholm <tobias.nyholm@gmail.com> */ class ConfigBuilderGenerator implements ConfigBuilderGeneratorInterface { /** * @var ClassBuilder[] */ private $classes; private $outputDir; public function __construct(string $outputDir) { $this->outputDir = $outputDir; } /** * @return \Closure that will return the root config class */ public function build(ConfigurationInterface $configuration): \Closure { $this->classes = []; $rootNode = $configuration->getConfigTreeBuilder()->buildTree(); $rootClass = new ClassBuilder('Symfony\\Config', $rootNode->getName()); $path = $this->getFullPath($rootClass); if (!is_file($path)) { // Generate the class if the file not exists $this->classes[] = $rootClass; $this->buildNode($rootNode, $rootClass, $this->getSubNamespace($rootClass)); $rootClass->addImplements(ConfigBuilderInterface::class); $rootClass->addMethod('getExtensionAlias', ' public function NAME(): string { return \'ALIAS\'; }', ['ALIAS' => $rootNode->getPath()]); $this->writeClasses(); } $loader = \Closure::fromCallable(function () use ($path, $rootClass) { require_once $path; $className = $rootClass->getFqcn(); return new $className(); }); return $loader; } private function getFullPath(ClassBuilder $class): string { $directory = $this->outputDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$class->getDirectory(); if (!is_dir($directory)) { @mkdir($directory, 0777, true); } return $directory.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$class->getFilename(); } private function writeClasses(): void { foreach ($this->classes as $class) { $this->buildConstructor($class); $this->buildToArray($class); if ($class->getProperties()) { $class->addProperty('_usedProperties', null, '[]'); } $this->buildSetExtraKey($class); file_put_contents($this->getFullPath($class), $class->build()); } $this->classes = []; } private function buildNode(NodeInterface $node, ClassBuilder $class, string $namespace): void { if (!$node instanceof ArrayNode) { throw new \LogicException('The node was expected to be an ArrayNode. This Configuration includes an edge case not supported yet.'); } foreach ($node->getChildren() as $child) { switch (true) { case $child instanceof ScalarNode: $this->handleScalarNode($child, $class); break; case $child instanceof PrototypedArrayNode: $this->handlePrototypedArrayNode($child, $class, $namespace); break; case $child instanceof VariableNode: $this->handleVariableNode($child, $class); break; case $child instanceof ArrayNode: $this->handleArrayNode($child, $class, $namespace); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unknown node "%s".', \get_class($child))); } } } private function handleArrayNode(ArrayNode $node, ClassBuilder $class, string $namespace): void { $childClass = new ClassBuilder($namespace, $node->getName()); $childClass->setAllowExtraKeys($node->shouldIgnoreExtraKeys()); $class->addRequire($childClass); $this->classes[] = $childClass; $property = $class->addProperty($node->getName(), $childClass->getFqcn()); $body = ' public function NAME(array $value = []): CLASS { if (null === $this->PROPERTY) { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; $this->PROPERTY = new CLASS($value); } elseif ([] !== $value) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(\'The node created by "NAME()" has already been initialized. You cannot pass values the second time you call NAME().\'); } return $this->PROPERTY; }'; $class->addUse(InvalidConfigurationException::class); $class->addMethod($node->getName(), $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'CLASS' => $childClass->getFqcn()]); $this->buildNode($node, $childClass, $this->getSubNamespace($childClass)); } private function handleVariableNode(VariableNode $node, ClassBuilder $class): void { $comment = $this->getComment($node); $property = $class->addProperty($node->getName()); $class->addUse(ParamConfigurator::class); $body = ' /** COMMENT * @return $this */ public function NAME($valueDEFAULT): self { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; $this->PROPERTY = $value; return $this; }'; $class->addMethod($node->getName(), $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'COMMENT' => $comment, 'DEFAULT' => $node->hasDefaultValue() ? ' = '.var_export($node->getDefaultValue(), true) : '']); } private function handlePrototypedArrayNode(PrototypedArrayNode $node, ClassBuilder $class, string $namespace): void { $name = $this->getSingularName($node); $prototype = $node->getPrototype(); $methodName = $name; $parameterType = $this->getParameterType($prototype); if (null !== $parameterType || $prototype instanceof ScalarNode) { $class->addUse(ParamConfigurator::class); $property = $class->addProperty($node->getName()); if (null === $key = $node->getKeyAttribute()) { // This is an array of values; don't use singular name $body = ' /** * @param ParamConfigurator|list<TYPE|ParamConfigurator> $value * @return $this */ public function NAME($value): self { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; $this->PROPERTY = $value; return $this; }'; $class->addMethod($node->getName(), $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'TYPE' => '' === $parameterType ? 'mixed' : $parameterType]); } else { $body = ' /** * @param ParamConfigurator|TYPE $value * @return $this */ public function NAME(string $VAR, $VALUE): self { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; $this->PROPERTY[$VAR] = $VALUE; return $this; }'; $class->addMethod($methodName, $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'TYPE' => '' === $parameterType ? 'mixed' : $parameterType, 'VAR' => '' === $key ? 'key' : $key, 'VALUE' => 'value' === $key ? 'data' : 'value']); } return; } $childClass = new ClassBuilder($namespace, $name); if ($prototype instanceof ArrayNode) { $childClass->setAllowExtraKeys($prototype->shouldIgnoreExtraKeys()); } $class->addRequire($childClass); $this->classes[] = $childClass; $property = $class->addProperty($node->getName(), $childClass->getFqcn().'[]'); if (null === $key = $node->getKeyAttribute()) { $body = ' public function NAME(array $value = []): CLASS { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; return $this->PROPERTY[] = new CLASS($value); }'; $class->addMethod($methodName, $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'CLASS' => $childClass->getFqcn()]); } else { $body = ' public function NAME(string $VAR, array $VALUE = []): CLASS { if (!isset($this->PROPERTY[$VAR])) { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; return $this->PROPERTY[$VAR] = new CLASS($VALUE); } if ([] === $VALUE) { return $this->PROPERTY[$VAR]; } throw new InvalidConfigurationException(\'The node created by "NAME()" has already been initialized. You cannot pass values the second time you call NAME().\'); }'; $class->addUse(InvalidConfigurationException::class); $class->addMethod($methodName, $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'CLASS' => $childClass->getFqcn(), 'VAR' => '' === $key ? 'key' : $key, 'VALUE' => 'value' === $key ? 'data' : 'value']); } $this->buildNode($prototype, $childClass, $namespace.'\\'.$childClass->getName()); } private function handleScalarNode(ScalarNode $node, ClassBuilder $class): void { $comment = $this->getComment($node); $property = $class->addProperty($node->getName()); $class->addUse(ParamConfigurator::class); $body = ' /** COMMENT * @return $this */ public function NAME($value): self { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; $this->PROPERTY = $value; return $this; }'; $class->addMethod($node->getName(), $body, ['PROPERTY' => $property->getName(), 'COMMENT' => $comment]); } private function getParameterType(NodeInterface $node): ?string { if ($node instanceof BooleanNode) { return 'bool'; } if ($node instanceof IntegerNode) { return 'int'; } if ($node instanceof FloatNode) { return 'float'; } if ($node instanceof EnumNode) { return ''; } if ($node instanceof PrototypedArrayNode && $node->getPrototype() instanceof ScalarNode) { // This is just an array of variables return 'array'; } if ($node instanceof VariableNode) { // mixed return ''; } return null; } private function getComment(VariableNode $node): string { $comment = ''; if ('' !== $info = (string) $node->getInfo()) { $comment .= ' * '.$info."\n"; } foreach ((array) ($node->getExample() ?? []) as $example) { $comment .= ' * @example '.$example."\n"; } if ('' !== $default = $node->getDefaultValue()) { $comment .= ' * @default '.(null === $default ? 'null' : var_export($default, true))."\n"; } if ($node instanceof EnumNode) { $comment .= sprintf(' * @param ParamConfigurator|%s $value', implode('|', array_map(function ($a) { return var_export($a, true); }, $node->getValues())))."\n"; } else { $parameterType = $this->getParameterType($node); if (null === $parameterType || '' === $parameterType) { $parameterType = 'mixed'; } $comment .= ' * @param ParamConfigurator|'.$parameterType.' $value'."\n"; } if ($node->isDeprecated()) { $comment .= ' * @deprecated '.$node->getDeprecation($node->getName(), $node->getParent()->getName())['message']."\n"; } return $comment; } /** * Pick a good singular name. */ private function getSingularName(PrototypedArrayNode $node): string { $name = $node->getName(); if ('s' !== substr($name, -1)) { return $name; } $parent = $node->getParent(); $mappings = $parent instanceof ArrayNode ? $parent->getXmlRemappings() : []; foreach ($mappings as $map) { if ($map[1] === $name) { $name = $map[0]; break; } } return $name; } private function buildToArray(ClassBuilder $class): void { $body = '$output = [];'; foreach ($class->getProperties() as $p) { $code = '$this->PROPERTY'; if (null !== $p->getType()) { if ($p->isArray()) { $code = 'array_map(function ($v) { return $v->toArray(); }, $this->PROPERTY)'; } else { $code = '$this->PROPERTY->toArray()'; } } $body .= strtr(' if (isset($this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'])) { $output[\'ORG_NAME\'] = '.$code.'; }', ['PROPERTY' => $p->getName(), 'ORG_NAME' => $p->getOriginalName()]); } $extraKeys = $class->shouldAllowExtraKeys() ? ' + $this->_extraKeys' : ''; $class->addMethod('toArray', ' public function NAME(): array { '.$body.' return $output'.$extraKeys.'; }'); } private function buildConstructor(ClassBuilder $class): void { $body = ''; foreach ($class->getProperties() as $p) { $code = '$value[\'ORG_NAME\']'; if (null !== $p->getType()) { if ($p->isArray()) { $code = 'array_map(function ($v) { return new '.$p->getType().'($v); }, $value[\'ORG_NAME\'])'; } else { $code = 'new '.$p->getType().'($value[\'ORG_NAME\'])'; } } $body .= strtr(' if (array_key_exists(\'ORG_NAME\', $value)) { $this->_usedProperties[\'PROPERTY\'] = true; $this->PROPERTY = '.$code.'; unset($value[\'ORG_NAME\']); } ', ['PROPERTY' => $p->getName(), 'ORG_NAME' => $p->getOriginalName()]); } if ($class->shouldAllowExtraKeys()) { $body .= ' $this->_extraKeys = $value; '; } else { $body .= ' if ([] !== $value) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf(\'The following keys are not supported by "%s": \', __CLASS__).implode(\', \', array_keys($value))); }'; $class->addUse(InvalidConfigurationException::class); } $class->addMethod('__construct', ' public function __construct(array $value = []) { '.$body.' }'); } private function buildSetExtraKey(ClassBuilder $class): void { if (!$class->shouldAllowExtraKeys()) { return; } $class->addUse(ParamConfigurator::class); $class->addProperty('_extraKeys'); $class->addMethod('set', ' /** * @param ParamConfigurator|mixed $value * @return $this */ public function NAME(string $key, $value): self { $this->_extraKeys[$key] = $value; return $this; }'); } private function getSubNamespace(ClassBuilder $rootClass): string { return sprintf('%s\\%s', $rootClass->getNamespace(), substr($rootClass->getName(), 0, -6)); } }