Matthieu Lamalle mlamalle
  • Joined on 2019-09-29
mlamalle pushed to hydra-sql-fix at CadolesKube/sso-kustom 2024-10-10 10:31:27 +02:00
40ec4440a7 chore(hydra-sql): correction requete password et fetchdata et ajout paquet xdebug
mlamalle deleted branch xdebug from Cadoles/hydra-sql 2024-10-10 10:26:28 +02:00
mlamalle pushed to develop at Cadoles/hydra-sql 2024-10-10 10:26:25 +02:00
8e56433216 Merge pull request 'feat: ajout du packet xdebug à l'image' (#42) from xdebug into develop
19178bbe3b fix typo
f39ab1626e feat: ajout du packet xdebug à l'image
Compare 3 commits »
mlamalle merged pull request Cadoles/hydra-sql#42 2024-10-10 10:26:23 +02:00
feat: ajout du packet xdebug à l'image
mlamalle pushed to xdebug at Cadoles/hydra-sql 2024-10-10 10:25:41 +02:00
19178bbe3b fix typo
mlamalle created pull request CadolesKube/sso-kustom#49 2024-10-10 10:21:47 +02:00
chore(hydra-sql): correction requete password et fetchdata
mlamalle pushed to hydra-sql-fix at CadolesKube/sso-kustom 2024-10-10 10:20:07 +02:00
a3843f8925 chore(hydra-sql): correction requete password et fetchdata
mlamalle created branch hydra-sql-fix in CadolesKube/sso-kustom 2024-10-10 10:20:06 +02:00
mlamalle commented on pull request Cadoles/hydra-sql#42 2024-10-10 10:15:46 +02:00
feat: ajout du packet xdebug à l'image

Pourquoi avoir supprimé php81-bcmath ?

mlamalle suggested changes for Cadoles/hydra-sql#42 2024-10-10 10:15:46 +02:00
feat: ajout du packet xdebug à l'image
mlamalle deleted branch issue-43 from Cadoles/hydra-sql 2024-10-10 10:01:36 +02:00
mlamalle pushed to develop at Cadoles/hydra-sql 2024-10-10 10:01:31 +02:00
14668150cb Merge pull request 'modification requete de fetch à la bdd #43' (#44) from issue-43 into develop
0903151f27 chore (authenticator) #43 : fix isset variable
f378751f7a chore (maj) #43 : ajout package debug, révision docker-compose pour environnement standalone
d707a91694 chore (login) #43 : remaniement connexion sql, passage à 1 requête au lieu de 2 pour performances
Compare 4 commits »
mlamalle merged pull request Cadoles/hydra-sql#44 2024-10-10 10:01:30 +02:00
modification requete de fetch à la bdd #43
mlamalle commented on pull request Cadoles/hydra-sql#44 2024-10-08 15:16:50 +02:00
modification requete de fetch à la bdd #43

Impossible de se connecter avec n'importe quel utilisateur. erreur : IDENTIFIANT OU MOT DE PASSE INCORRECTS.


WARNING: [pool www] child 17 said into stderr: "PHP message: [info]…
mlamalle created pull request CadolesKube/sso-kustom#46 2024-09-24 14:39:32 +02:00
fix(hydra-dispatcher): typo on ref
mlamalle pushed to sprint-15 at CadolesKube/sso-kustom 2024-09-24 14:39:18 +02:00
6274207e52 fix(hydra-dispatcher): typo on ref
mlamalle created branch sprint-15 in CadolesKube/sso-kustom 2024-09-24 14:39:16 +02:00
mlamalle created pull request CadolesKube/sso-kustom#45 2024-09-24 13:46:29 +02:00
mlamalle created branch sprint-15 in CadolesKube/sso-kustom 2024-09-24 13:44:45 +02:00