# gographql Exemple d'API GraphQL, PostgresQL, en Go ``` go build && go run . ``` Accéder à l'API : ``` http://localhost:8383/graphql ``` Accéder à l'UI graphiql : ``` http://localhost:8383 ``` ## Query Toute rếquete visant à récupérer une donnée est appellée une 'Query' ``` # Query via curl curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"query": " query { user { id,firstname,lastname,roles{name} } }"}' \ http://localhost:8383/graphql ``` ``` # Query via GraphQL query GetAllUsers { user { id firstname lastname roles { name } } } ``` ## Mutation Toute requếte visant à modifier une donnée est appellée une 'Mutation' ``` # Mutation via curl curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"query": "mutation { createUser(firstname: \"John\", lastname: \"Snow\") { id,firstname,lastname } }"}' \ http://localhost:8383/graphql ``` ``` # Mutation via GraphQL mutation CreateUser($firstname: String!, $lastname: String!) { createUser(firstname: $firstname, lastname: $lastname) { id firstname lastname } } ``` ## Postgres Si besoin, lancer un serveur postgres via Docker ``` mkdir $HOME/docker/postgres/volumes docker run --rm -d \ --name postgres \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \ -p 5432:5432 \ -v $HOME/docker/postgres/volumes:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ postgres psql -U postgres -h localhost > create user graphql; > alter user graphql with encrypted password 'graphql'; > create database graphql; > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "graphql" to graphql; > \exit psql -U graphql -h localhost > CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT ); ```