{{if or .Connected ( not .Claimed ) }} {{ end }}


Agent Status

Connected:{{if .Connected }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
Claimed:{{if .Claimed }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
{{ if and .Connected ( not .Claimed ) }}

Claim your agent

You can claim your agent by clicking the following link:
Claim me

You can also scan the following QRCode:

{{ end }} {{ if and .Connected .Claimed }}

Manage your agent

You can manage your agent by clicking the following link:
Manage me

You can also scan the following QRCode:

{{ end }}


Attribute Value
Thumbprint {{ .Thumbprint }}
Agent ID {{ if .Agent }}{{ .Agent.ID }}{{ else }}unknown{{end}}
Agent Label {{ with .Agent }}{{ if .Label }}{{ .Label }}{{ else }}empty{{end}}{{ else }}unknown{{end}}
Last server contact {{ if .Agent }}{{ .Agent.ContactedAt }}{{ else }}unknown{{end}}
Server URL {{ .ServerURL }}
Claim URL {{ .ClaimURL }}
Agent URL {{ if .Agent }}{{ .AgentURL }}{{ else }}unknown{{end}}
Agent version {{ .AgentVersion }}