Arcad.debug = true; describe('Arcad', function() { describe('#connect()', function() { after(() => { Arcad.disconnect(); }); it('should open the connection', function() { return Arcad.connect() .then(() => { chai.assert.isNotNull(Arcad._conn); }); }); }); describe('#disconnect()', function() { it('should close the connection', function() { Arcad.disconnect(); chai.assert.isNull(Arcad._conn); }); }); describe('#send()', function() { this.timeout(5000); before(() => { return Arcad.connect(); }); after(() => { Arcad.disconnect(); }); it('should send a message to the backend and echo back', function(done) { const now = new Date(); const handler = evt => { chai.assert.equal(, now.toJSON()); Arcad.removeEventListener('message', handler); done(); } // Server should echo back message Arcad.addEventListener('message', handler); // Send message to backend Arcad.send({ now }); }); }); }); describe('Remote Procedure Call', function() { before(() => { return Arcad.connect(); }); after(() => { Arcad.disconnect(); }); it('should call the remote echo() method and resolve the returned value', function() { const foo = "bar"; return Arcad.rpc('echo', { foo }) .then(result => { chai.assert.equal(, foo); }); }); it('should call the remote throwError() method and reject with an error', function() { return Arcad.rpc('throwError') .catch(err => { // Assert that it's an "internal" error // See chai.assert.equal(err.code, -32603); }); }); it('should call an unregistered method and reject with an error', function() { return Arcad.rpc('unregisteredMethod') .catch(err => { // Assert that it's an "method not found" error // See chai.assert.equal(err.code, -32601); }); }); it('should call the add() method repetitively and keep count of the sent values', function() { this.timeout(5000); const values = []; for(let i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { values.push((Math.random() * 1000 | 0)); } return Arcad.rpc('reset') .then(() => { return Promise.all( => Arcad.rpc("add", {value: v}))); }) .then(() => Arcad.rpc('total')) .then(remoteTotal => { const localTotal = values.reduce((t, v) => t+v); console.log("Remote total:", remoteTotal, "Local total:", localTotal); chai.assert.equal(remoteTotal, localTotal) }) }); }); describe('File Module', function() { before(() => { return Arcad.connect(); }); after(() => { Arcad.disconnect(); }); it('should upload then download a file', function() { const content = "file "+(new Date()).toJSON(); const file = new Blob([content], {type: "text/plain"}); return Arcad.upload(file) .then(upload => upload.result()) .then(fileId => { chai.assert.isNotEmpty(fileId); const fileUrl = Arcad.fileUrl(fileId); chai.assert.isNotEmpty(fileUrl); return fetch(fileUrl) .then(res => res.text()) .then(fileContent => { chai.assert.equal(content, fileContent); }); }) .catch(err => {; }) }); });