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2023-11-28 16:35:49 +01:00
package rpc
import (
edgehttp "forge.cadoles.com/arcad/edge/pkg/http"
type Module struct {
server *app.Server
bus bus.Bus
callbacks sync.Map
func (m *Module) Name() string {
return "rpc"
func (m *Module) Export(export *goja.Object) {
if err := export.Set("register", m.register); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "could not set 'register' function"))
if err := export.Set("unregister", m.unregister); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "could not set 'unregister' function"))
func (m *Module) OnInit(ctx context.Context, rt *goja.Runtime) error {
requestErrs := m.bus.Reply(ctx, Address, m.handleRequest)
go func() {
for err := range requestErrs {
logger.Error(ctx, "error while replying to rpc requests", logger.CapturedE(errors.WithStack(err)))
httpIncomingMessages, err := m.bus.Subscribe(ctx, edgehttp.AddressIncomingMessage)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
go m.handleIncomingHTTPMessages(ctx, httpIncomingMessages)
return nil
func (m *Module) register(call goja.FunctionCall, rt *goja.Runtime) goja.Value {
fnName := util.AssertString(call.Argument(0), rt)
var (
callable goja.Callable
ok bool
if len(call.Arguments) > 1 {
callable, ok = goja.AssertFunction(call.Argument(1))
} else {
callable, ok = goja.AssertFunction(rt.Get(fnName))
if !ok {
panic(rt.NewTypeError("method should be a valid function"))
ctx := context.Background()
logger.Debug(ctx, "registering method", logger.F("method", fnName))
m.callbacks.Store(fnName, callable)
return nil
func (m *Module) unregister(call goja.FunctionCall, rt *goja.Runtime) goja.Value {
fnName := util.AssertString(call.Argument(0), rt)
return nil
func (m *Module) handleRequest(env bus.Envelope) (any, error) {
request, ok := env.Message().(*Request)
if !ok {
logger.Warn(context.Background(), "unexpected bus message", logger.F("message", env.Message()))
return nil, errors.WithStack(bus.ErrUnexpectedMessage)
ctx := logger.With(request.Context, logger.F("request", request))
logger.Debug(ctx, "received rpc request")
rawCallable, exists := m.callbacks.Load(request.Method)
if !exists {
logger.Debug(ctx, "method not found")
return nil, errors.WithStack(ErrMethodNotFound)
callable, ok := rawCallable.(goja.Callable)
if !ok {
logger.Debug(ctx, "invalid method")
return nil, errors.WithStack(ErrMethodNotFound)
result, err := m.server.Exec(ctx, callable, request.Context, request.Params)
if err != nil {
ctx, "rpc call error",
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return result, nil
func (m *Module) handleIncomingHTTPMessages(ctx context.Context, incoming <-chan bus.Envelope) {
defer func() {
m.bus.Unsubscribe(edgehttp.AddressIncomingMessage, incoming)
for env := range incoming {
msg, ok := env.Message().(*edgehttp.IncomingMessage)
if !ok {
logger.Error(ctx, "unexpected incoming http message type", logger.F("message", env.Message()))
jsonReq, ok := m.isRPCRequest(msg.Payload)
if !ok {
requestCtx := logger.With(msg.Context, logger.F("rpcRequestMethod", jsonReq.Method), logger.F("rpcRequestID", jsonReq.ID))
request := NewRequestEnvelope(msg.Context, jsonReq.Method, jsonReq.Params)
sessionID := module.ContextValue[string](msg.Context, edgehttp.ContextKeySessionID)
reply, err := m.bus.Request(requestCtx, request)
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
ctx, "could not execute rpc request",
if errors.Is(err, ErrMethodNotFound) {
if err := m.sendMethodNotFoundResponse(sessionID, jsonReq.ID); err != nil {
ctx, "could not send json rpc error response",
if err := m.sendErrorResponse(sessionID, jsonReq.ID, err); err != nil {
ctx, "could not send json rpc error response",
if err := m.sendResponse(sessionID, jsonReq.ID, reply.Message(), nil); err != nil {
ctx, "could not send json rpc result response",
func (m *Module) sendErrorResponse(sessionID string, requestID any, err error) error {
return m.sendResponse(sessionID, requestID, nil, &JSONRPCError{
Code: -32603,
Message: err.Error(),
func (m *Module) sendMethodNotFoundResponse(sessionID string, requestID any) error {
return m.sendResponse(sessionID, requestID, nil, &JSONRPCError{
Code: -32601,
Message: "method not found",
func (m *Module) sendResponse(sessionID string, requestID any, result any, err error) error {
env := edgehttp.NewOutgoingMessageEnvelope(sessionID, map[string]interface{}{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": requestID,
"error": err,
"result": result,
if err := m.bus.Publish(env); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
func (m *Module) isRPCRequest(payload map[string]any) (*JSONRPCRequest, bool) {
jsonRPC, exists := payload["jsonrpc"]
if !exists || jsonRPC != "2.0" {
return nil, false
rawMethod, exists := payload["method"]
if !exists {
return nil, false
method, ok := rawMethod.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, false
id := payload["id"]
params := payload["params"]
return &JSONRPCRequest{
ID: id,
Method: method,
Params: params,
}, true
func ModuleFactory(bus bus.Bus) app.ServerModuleFactory {
return func(server *app.Server) app.ServerModule {
mod := &Module{
server: server,
bus: bus,
return mod
var _ app.InitializableModule = &Module{}