2024-04-26 15:09:11 +02:00
project_name : arcast
before :
hooks :
- go mod tidy
builds :
- id : arcast-player
binary : arcast-player
env :
ldflags :
- -s
- -w
- -X 'main.CommitRef={{ .Commit }}'
- -X 'main.Version={{ .Version }}'
gcflags :
- -trimpath="${PWD}"
asmflags :
- -trimpath="${PWD}"
goos :
- linux
goarch :
- amd64
- arm64
main : ./cmd/desktop
- id : arcast-client
binary : arcast-client
env :
ldflags :
- -s
- -w
- -X 'main.CommitRef={{ .Commit }}'
- -X 'main.Version={{ .Version }}'
gcflags :
- -trimpath="${PWD}"
asmflags :
- -trimpath="${PWD}"
goos :
- linux
goarch :
- amd64
- arm64
main : ./cmd/client
archives :
- id : arcast-client
builds : [ "arcast-client" ]
name_template : '{{ .ProjectName }}-client_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}'
files :
2024-04-26 15:23:36 +02:00
2024-04-26 15:09:11 +02:00
- id : arcast-player
builds : [ "arcast-player" ]
name_template : '{{ .ProjectName }}-player_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}'
files :
2024-04-26 15:23:36 +02:00
2024-04-26 15:09:11 +02:00
checksum :
name_template : "checksums.txt"
snapshot :
name_template : "{{ .Version }}"
changelog :
sort : asc
filters :
exclude :
- "^docs:"
- "^test:"
nfpms :
- id : arcast-player
builds :
- "arcast-player"
package_name : arcast-player
homepage : https://forge.cadoles.com/arcad/arcast
maintainer : Cadoles <contact@cadoles.com>
description : |-
Web diffusion player
license : AGPL-3.0
formats :
- apk
- deb
dependencies :
- chromium | chromium-browser | google-chrome-stable
contents :
- src : misc/packaging/player.desktop
dst : /usr/share/applications/arcast-player.desktop
type : config
- src : misc/logo/icon.png
dst : /usr/share/pixmaps/arcast-player.png
type : config
- id : arcast-client
builds :
- "arcast-client"
package_name : arcast-client
homepage : https://forge.cadoles.com/arcad/arcast
maintainer : Cadoles <contact@cadoles.com>
description : |-
Arcast player command-line client
license : AGPL-3.0
formats :
- apk
- deb