197 lines
8.6 KiB
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2022-12-23 16:27:07 +01:00
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'html5video', {
requires: 'widget',
lang: 'bg,ca,de,en,eu,es,ru,uk,fr,ko,pt,pt-br,pl',
icons: 'html5video',
init: function( editor ) {
editor.widgets.add( 'html5video', {
button: editor.lang.html5video.button,
template: '<div class="ckeditor-html5-video"></div>',
* Allowed content rules (http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules):
* - div-s with text-align,float,margin-left,margin-right inline style rules and required ckeditor-html5-video class.
* - video tags with src, controls, width and height attributes.
allowedContent: 'div[data-responsive](!ckeditor-html5-video){text-align,float,margin-left,margin-right}; video[src,poster,controls,autoplay,width, height,loop]{max-width,height};',
requiredContent: 'div(ckeditor-html5-video); video[src];',
upcast: function( element ) {
return element.name === 'div' && element.hasClass( 'ckeditor-html5-video' );
dialog: 'html5video',
init: function() {
var src = '';
var autoplay = '';
var loop = '';
var controls = '';
var align = this.element.getStyle( 'text-align' );
var width = '';
var height = '';
var poster = '';
// If there's a child (the video element)
if ( this.element.getChild( 0 ) ) {
// get it's attributes.
src = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'src' );
width = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'width' );
height = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'height' );
autoplay = this.element.getChild(0).getAttribute('autoplay');
allowdownload = !this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'controlslist' );
loop = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'loop' );
advisorytitle = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'title' );
controls = this.element.getChild(0).getAttribute('controls');
responsive = this.element.getAttribute( 'data-responsive' );
poster = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'poster' );
if ( src ) {
this.setData( 'src', src );
if ( align ) {
this.setData( 'align', align );
} else {
this.setData( 'align', 'none' );
if ( width ) {
this.setData( 'width', width );
if ( height ) {
this.setData( 'height', height );
if ( autoplay ) {
this.setData( 'autoplay', 'yes' );
if ( allowdownload ) {
this.setData( 'allowdownload', 'yes' );
if ( loop ) {
this.setData( 'loop', 'yes' );
if ( advisorytitle ) {
this.setData( 'advisorytitle', advisorytitle );
if ( responsive ) {
this.setData( 'responsive', responsive );
if (controls) {
this.setData('controls', controls);
if ( poster ) {
this.setData('poster', poster);
data: function() {
// If there is an video source
if ( this.data.src ) {
// and there isn't a child (the video element)
if ( !this.element.getChild( 0 ) ) {
// Create a new <video> element.
var videoElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'video' );
// Set the controls attribute.
if (this.data.controls) {
videoElement.setAttribute('controls', 'controls');
// Append it to the container of the plugin.
this.element.append( videoElement );
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'src', this.data.src );
if (this.data.width) this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'width', this.data.width );
if (this.data.height) this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'height', this.data.height );
if ( this.data.responsive ) {
this.element.setAttribute("data-responsive", this.data.responsive);
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setStyle( 'max-width', '100%' );
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setStyle( 'height', 'auto' );
} else {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeStyle( 'max-width' );
this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeStyle( 'height' );
if (this.data.poster) this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute('poster', this.data.poster);
this.element.removeStyle( 'float' );
this.element.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
this.element.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
if ( this.data.align === 'none' ) {
this.element.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
} else {
this.element.setStyle( 'text-align', this.data.align );
if ( this.data.align === 'left' ) {
this.element.setStyle( 'float', this.data.align );
this.element.setStyle( 'margin-right', '10px' );
} else if ( this.data.align === 'right' ) {
this.element.setStyle( 'float', this.data.align );
this.element.setStyle( 'margin-left', '10px' );
if ( this.element.getChild( 0 ) ) {
if ( this.data.autoplay === 'yes' ) {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'autoplay', 'autoplay' );
} else {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeAttribute( 'autoplay' );
if ( this.data.loop === 'yes' ) {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'loop', 'loop' );
} else {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeAttribute( 'loop' );
if ( this.data.allowdownload === 'yes' ) {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeAttribute( 'controlslist' );
} else {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'controlslist', 'nodownload' );
if ( this.data.advisorytitle ) {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'title', this.data.advisorytitle );
} else {
this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeAttribute( 'title' );
if (this.data.controls) {
this.element.getChild(0).setAttribute('controls', 'controls');
} else {
} );
if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
editor.addMenuGroup( 'html5videoGroup' );
editor.addMenuItem( 'html5videoPropertiesItem', {
label: editor.lang.html5video.videoProperties,
icon: 'html5video',
command: 'html5video',
group: 'html5videoGroup'
editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) {
if ( element &&
element.getChild( 0 ) &&
element.getChild( 0 ).hasClass &&
element.getChild( 0 ).hasClass( 'ckeditor-html5-video' ) ) {
return { html5videoPropertiesItem: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'html5video', this.path + 'dialogs/html5video.js' );
} );