{% extends "base.html.twig" %} {% block localstyle %} .issuecontent { width:75%; } .issuedetail { width:25%; padding-right: 10px; zoom:80%; } .text-small { font-size:80%; } .card-header, .card-body { padding:10px; background-color: var(--colorbgbodylight-darker); } .issue-body { zoom: 80%; } .badge { color: white; zoom:120%; } {% endblock %} {% block body %}

#{{issue.number}} = {{issue.title}}

le {{issue.created_at|date("d/m/Y H:i")}}
{% if issue.comments %} {% for comment in issue.comments %}
le {{comment.created_at|date("d/m/Y H:i")}}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
Modifier dans Gitea
{% if issue.closed_at %} Clos le {{issue.closed_at|date("d/m/Y H:i")}} {% else %} {{issue.statuslife}} {% endif %}
{% if issue.milestone %} {{ issue.milestone.title|raw }} {% else %} Backlog {% endif %}
{% if issue.sprint %}
{{ issue.sprint }}
{% endif %} {% if issue.refs %}
{% for histo in issue.refs %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if issue.labels %}
{% for label in issue.labels %} {{label.name}} {% endfor %} {% for histo in issue.labelhistos %}
{{histo.user.login}} le {{histo.created_at|date("d/m/Y H:i")}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if issue.timelines %}
{% for timeline in issue.timelines %} {% if timeline.type!="label" and timeline.type!="comment" and timeline.type!="project" and timeline.type!="added_deadline" and timeline.type!="modified_deadline"%}
  • {{timeline.user.login}} le {{timeline.created_at|date("d/m/Y H:i")}}
    {% if timeline.type == "change_title" %}
    Modification titre de {{timeline.old_title}} à {{timeline.new_title}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "milestone" %} {% if timeline.milestone %}
    Affectation au Jalon {{timeline.milestone.title}}
    {% else %}
    Suppression du Jalon
    {% endif %} {% elseif timeline.type == "comment_ref" or timeline.type == "pull_ref" or timeline.type == "issue_ref" %}
    Référencé le ticket #{{timeline.ref_issue.number}} - {{timeline.ref_issue.title}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "add_dependency" %}
    Ajouté dépendance au ticket #{{timeline.dependent_issue.number}} - {{timeline.dependent_issue.title}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "remove_dependency" %}
    Supprimé dépendance au ticket #{{timeline.dependent_issue.number}} - {{timeline.dependent_issue.title}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "pull_push" %}
    Ajout révision
    {% elseif timeline.type == "assignees" %}
    Affecté intervenant {{timeline.assignee.login}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "commit_ref" %}
    Référencé depuis commit #{{timeline.body|replace({'href="/':'target="_blank" href="'~giteaUrl~'/'})|raw}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "merge_pull" %}
    Révision fusionnée
    {% elseif timeline.type == "delete_branch" %}
    Suppression branche {{timeline.old_ref|raw}}
    {% elseif timeline.type == "close" %}
    Clos Fermeture du ticket
    {% elseif timeline.type == "review" %}
    Revue acceptée
    {% elseif timeline.type == "review_request" %}
    Demande de révision
    {% elseif timeline.type == "reopen" %}
    Réouverture du ticket
    {% else %} {{ dump(timeline) }} {%endif%} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  • {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}