2024-09-17 14:02:17 +02:00

493 lines
22 KiB

{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
{% block localstyle %}
#main {
padding: 0px;
{% if app.session.get("appthumbfilter")=="1" %}
.cssfilter {
filter: grayscale({{app.session.get("appthumbfiltergrayscale")}}%) opacity({{app.session.get("appthumbfilteropacity")}}%) sepia({{app.session.get("appthumbfiltersepia")}}%);
transition: -webkit-filter 0.1s;
.cssfilter:hover {
filter: unset;
-webkit-filter: unset;
-moz-filter: unset;
-o-filter: unset;
-ms-filter: unset;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-filter 0.1s;
transition: -webkit-filter 0.1s;
{% endif %}
{% for category in categorys|sort((a, b) => a.order <=> b.order) %}
{% if category.usecategoryconfig and category.appthumbfilter %}
.cssfilter-{{}} {
filter: grayscale({{category.appthumbfiltergrayscale}}%) opacity({{category.appthumbfilteropacity}}%) sepia({{category.appthumbfiltersepia}}%);
transition: -webkit-filter 0.1s;
.cssfilter-{{}}:hover {
filter: unset;
-webkit-filter: unset;
-moz-filter: unset;
-o-filter: unset;
-ms-filter: unset;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-filter 0.1s;
transition: -webkit-filter 0.1s;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<!-- FOLIOMENU -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!-->
<div class="foliomenu">
<a href="#top"><img src="/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/logo/{{ app.session.get("logodark") }}" class="logo"></a>
{% for category in categorys|sort((a, b) => a.order <=> b.order) %}
{% if not category.illustrations is empty %}
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-fw"></i> <a href="#{{ }}">{{}}</a>&nbsp;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not webzines is empty %}
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-fw"></i> <a href="#webzine">Webzines</a>&nbsp;
{% endif %}
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-fw"></i> <a href="#link">Liens</a>&nbsp;
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-fw"></i> <a href="#contact">Contact</a>&nbsp;
<div class="float-right">
{% if app.user %}
<a href="{{path("app_user_profil")}}">
<img src="{{app.user.avatar|urlavatar}}" class="avatar">
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
<a href={{ path("app_illustration") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Configuration">
<i class="fa fa-cog fa-fw"></i>
<a href="/arnocompta" class="btn btn-link" title="Compta">
<i class="fas fa-euro-sign fa-fw"></i>
<a href={{ path("app_illustration_submit") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Créer une Illustration">
<i class="fa fa-paint-brush fa-fw"></i>
{% endif %}
<a href={{ path("app_logout") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Déconnexion">
<i class="fa fa-sign-out-alt fa-fw"></i>
{% else %}
<a href={{ path("app_login") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Connexion">
<i class="fa fa-sign-in-alt fa-fw"></i>
{% endif %}
<div class="foliotop">
<a href="#top"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a>
<!-- HEROHEADER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!-->
<div id="top" class="heroheader" displaynone>
{%if not app.session.get("hero01") is empty %}
<div class="cssfilter" style="background-image:url(/{{appAlias}}/uploads/hero/{{app.session.get("hero01")}})"></div>
{%if not app.session.get("hero02") is empty %}
<div class="cssfilter"style="background-image:url(/{{appAlias}}/uploads/hero/{{app.session.get("hero02")}})"></div>
{%if not app.session.get("hero03") is empty %}
<div class="cssfilter"style="background-image:url(/{{appAlias}}/uploads/hero/{{app.session.get("hero03")}})"></div>
{%if not app.session.get("hero04") is empty %}
<div class="cssfilter"style="background-image:url(/{{appAlias}}/uploads/hero/{{app.session.get("hero04")}})"></div>
{%if not app.session.get("hero05") is empty %}
<div class="cssfilter"style="background-image:url(/{{appAlias}}/uploads/hero/{{app.session.get("hero05")}})"></div>
<div class="herofloatmenu" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 10px;">
{% if app.user %}
<a href="{{path("app_user_profil")}}">
<img src="{{app.user.avatar|urlavatar}}" class="avatar">
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
<a href={{ path("app_illustration") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Configuration">
<i class="fa fa-cog fa-fw"></i>
<a href="/arnocompta" class="btn btn-link" title="Compta">
<i class="fas fa-euro-sign fa-fw"></i>
<a href={{ path("app_illustration_submit") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Créer une Illustration">
<i class="fa fa-paint-brush fa-fw"></i>
{% endif %}
<a href={{ path("app_logout") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Déconnexion">
<i class="fa fa-sign-out-alt fa-fw"></i>
{% else %}
<a href={{ path("app_login") }} class="btn btn-link" title="Connexion">
<i class="fa fa-sign-in-alt fa-fw"></i>
{% endif %}
<div class="herobox"></div>
<div class="herotitle">
<h1>{{ app.session.get("appname") }}</h1>
<div class="heromenu" >
{% if not app.session.get("appsubname") is empty %}
<i style="font-size:80%;">{{ app.session.get("appsubname") }}</i><br>
{% endif %}
<div class="linkmenu" style="clear:both">
{% if app.session.get('email') is not empty %}
<a href="mailto:{{ app.session.get('email') }}" target="_blank" title="Email"><i class="fas fa-envelope fa-2x"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('facebook') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ app.session.get('facebook') }}" target="_blank" title="Facebook"><i class="fab fa-facebook fa-2x"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('instagram') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ app.session.get('instagram') }}" target="_blank" title="Instagram"><i class="fab fa-instagram fa-2x"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('twitter') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ app.session.get('twitter') }}" target="_blank" title="Twitter"><i class="fab fa-twitter fa-2x"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('google') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ app.session.get('google') }}" target="_blank" title="Google"><i class="fab fa-google-plus fa-2x"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('youtube') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ app.session.get('youtube') }}" target="_blank" title="Youtube"><i class="fab fa-youtube fa-2x"></i></a>
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ path("app_feed") }}" target="_blank" title="RSS"><i class="fa fa-rss-square fa-2x"></i></a>
<div class="catmenu">
{% for category in categorys|sort((a, b) => a.order <=> b.order) %}
{% if not category.illustrations is empty %}
<a href="#{{ }}"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right fa-fw facatmenu"></i> {{}}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not webzines is empty %}
<a href="#webzine"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right fa-fw facatmenu"></i> Webzines</a><br>
{% endif %}
<a href="#link"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right fa-fw facatmenu"></i> Liens</a><br>
<a href="#contact"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right fa-fw facatmenu"></i> Contact</a><br>
<div class="herologo">
<img src="/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/logo/{{ app.session.get('logodark') }}">
<!-- GRID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!-->
{% set style="margin:30px" %}
{% if app.session.get("appmaxthumbwidth")!="0" %}
{% set style="max-width:"~app.session.get("appmaxthumbwidth")~"px; margin:30px auto;" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid" style="{{ style }}">
<div class="grid-sizer"></div>
<div class="gutter-sizer"></div>
{% for category in categorys|sort((a, b) => a.order <=> b.order) %}
{% if not category.illustrations is empty %}
<div id="{{ }}" class="grid-item grid-item-full"><h1 class="mt-5">{{ }}</h1></div>
{% for illustration in category.illustrations %}
{% set appthumbwidth=app.session.get("appthumbwidth") %}
{% set appthumbheight=app.session.get("appthumbheight") %}
{% if category.usecategoryconfig %}
{% set appthumbwidth=category.appthumbwidth %}
{% set appthumbheight=category.appthumbheight %}
{% endif %}
{% if appthumbwidth==0 %}
{% set class="" %}
{% if loop.index < 40 %}
{% if loop.index == 1 %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-4" %}
{% elseif loop.index is divisible by(28) %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-4" %}
{% elseif loop.index is divisible by(7) %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-2" %}
{% elseif loop.index is divisible by(46) %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-4" %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif loop.index > 48 %}
{% if loop.index == 49 %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-4" %}
{% elseif (loop.index-49) is divisible by(28) %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-4" %}
{% elseif (loop.index-49) is divisible by(7) %}
{% set class="grid-item-size-2" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif appthumbwidth==1 %} {% set class="" %}
{% elseif appthumbwidth==2 %} {% set class="grid-item-size-2" %}
{% endif %}
{%if appthumbheight==0 %}
{% set class=class~" grid-item-size-square" %}
{% elseif appthumbheight==1 %}
{% set class=class~" grid-item-size-proportion" %}
{% else %}
{% set class=class~" grid-item-size-page" %}
{% endif %}
{% set source="thumb_"~illustration.illustration %}
{% if appthumbheight!=0 %}
{% set source="thumbori_"~illustration.illustration %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ path("app_illustration_view",{"idcat","id"}) }}">
<div id="illustration{{}}" class="grid-item grid-item-size {{class}} cssfilter cssfilter-{{}} no-cache-bg" data-width="{{illustration.width}}" data-background-image="/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/illustration/{{source}}" data-height="{{illustration.height}}" style="height:auto;background-position: center ; background-size: cover; background-image: url(/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/illustration/{{source}}");">
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- WEBZINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!-->
{% if not webzines is empty %}
<div id="webzine" class="grid-item grid-item-full"><h1 class="mt-5">Webzines</h1></div>
{% endif %}
{% set setname="" %}
{% for webzine in webzines %}
{% if not webzine.webzinepages is empty %}
{% if setname!=webzine.set %}
{% if not webzine.set is empty %}
<div id="webzine" class="grid-item grid-item-full"><h2 class="mt-3 pl-3">{{webzine.set}}</h2></div>
{% endif %}
{% set setname=webzine.set %}
{% endif %}
{% set page=webzine.webzinepages[0] %}
{% set source="thumbori_"~page.illustration %}
{% set class=" grid-item-size-2 grid-item-size-page" %}
<a href="{{ path("app_webzine_view",{"idcat","id"}) }}">
<div id="webzine{{}}" class="grid-item grid-item-size {{class}} cssfilter no-cache-bg" data-width="{{page.width}}" data-background-image="/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/webzine/{{source}}" data-height="{{page.height}}" style="height:auto;background-position: center ; background-size: cover; background-image: url(/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/webzine/{{source}}");">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- LINK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!-->
<div id="link" class="grid-item grid-item-full"><h1 class="mt-5">Liens</h1></div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item-size grid-item-size-3 grid-item-size-square cssfilter" style="height:200px;background-position: center; background-size: cover; background-image: url(/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/image/{{ app.session.get("imglink")}});">
<div class="grid-item grid-item-size grid-item-size-6 grid-item-size-noresize linkurl" style="padding:0px 15px;">
{% for link in links|sort((a, b) => a.order <=> b.order) %}
<a href="{{link.url}}" target="_blank">{{ }}</a>
{% endfor %}
<!-- CONTACT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!-->
<div id="contact" class="grid-item grid-item-full"><h1 class="mt-5">Contact</h1></div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item-size grid-item-size-3 grid-item-size-square cssfilter" style="height:200px;background-position: center; background-size: cover; background-image: url(/{{ appAlias }}/uploads/image/{{ app.session.get("imgcontact")}});">
<div class="grid-item grid-item-size grid-item-size-6 grid-item-size-noresize" style="padding:0px 15px;">
<h3>{{ app.session.get("appname")}}</h3>
{% if not app.session.get("appsubname") is empty %}
{{ app.session.get("appsubname")}}<br>
{% if not app.session.get("appdescription") is empty %}
<small><br>{{ app.session.get("appdescription")|raw}}</small><br>
{% if app.session.get('email') is not empty %}
<i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Email = <a href="mailto:{{ app.session.get('email') }}" target="_blank" title="Email">{{ app.session.get('email') }}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('facebook') is not empty %}
<i class="fab fa-facebook"></i> Facebook = <a href="{{ app.session.get('facebook') }}" target="_blank" title="Facebook">{{ app.session.get('facebook') }}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('instagram') is not empty %}
<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i> Instagram = <a href="{{ app.session.get('instagram') }}" target="_blank" title="Instagram">{{ app.session.get('instagram') }}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('twitter') is not empty %}
<i class="fab fa-twitter"></i> Twitter = <a href="{{ app.session.get('twitter') }}" target="_blank" title="Twitter">{{ app.session.get('twitter') }}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('google') is not empty %}
<i class="fab fa-google-plus"></i> Google = <a href="{{ app.session.get('google') }}" target="_blank" title="Google">{{ app.session.get('google') }}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if app.session.get('youtube') is not empty %}
<i class="fab fa-youtube"></i> Youtube = <a href="{{ app.session.get('youtube') }}" target="_blank" title="Youtube">{{ app.session.get('youtube') }}</a><br>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
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function getNoCacheBgElements() {
return document.querySelectorAll('.no-cache-bg');
function loadBgImageForElement(element) {['background-image'] =
'url('+ element.attributes['data-background-image'].value + '?' + (new Date()).getTime() +')';
function loadBgImages() {
var i = 0, elements = getNoCacheBgElements();
i < elements.length;
loadBgImageForElement(elements[i]), i++
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