spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: keycloak: provider: keycloak # this must match the provider below client-id: komga client-secret: changeme client-name: keycloak scope: openid,email authorization-grant-type: authorization_code # the placeholders in {} will be replaced automatically, you don't need to change this line redirect-uri: "{baseUrl}/{action}/oauth2/code/{registrationId}" provider: keycloak: # this must match the provider above user-name-attribute: sub # either set the issuer-uri, in which case the app will lookup the configuration for you automatically issuer-uri: https://nine.local/auth/realms/nine # or set all of the following authorization-uri: https://nine.local/auth/realms/nine/protocol/openid-connect/auth token-uri: https://nine.local/auth/realms/nine/protocol/openid-connect/token jwk-set-uri: https://nine.local/auth/realms/nine/protocol/openid-connect/certs user-info-uri: https://nine.local/auth/realms/nine/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo ssl: enabled: false webclient: ssl: trust-all: true komga: oauth2-account-creation: true