LINT_ARGS ?= ./... DEPLOY_HOST ?= export GO111MODULE := on build: bin/server bin/server: CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -mod=vendor -v -o ./bin/server ./cmd/server cmd/server/static/dist: cd cmd/server && npm install cd cmd/server && npm run build watch: modd test: tidy GO111MODULE=off go clean -testcache go test -mod=vendor -v ./... lint: @GO111MODULE=off golangci-lint run --tests=false --skip-dirs 'example' -e '.*/pkg/mod' -e ".*/go/src" --enable-all --disable lll $(LINT_ARGS) tidy: go mod tidy vendor: tidy go mod vendor deps: # Install modd GO111MODULE=off go get -u # Install golangci-lint GO111MODULE=off go get -u release: cmd/server/static/dist rm -rf release NODE_ENV=production ./script/release clean: rm -rf ./bin go clean -i -x -r -modcache deploy: release rsync -avzz --delete release/server-linux-arm/. root@$(DEPLOY_HOST):/opt/orion/ scp misc/openwrt/orion.init root@$(DEPLOY_HOST):/etc/init.d/orion ssh root@$(DEPLOY_HOST) chmod +x /etc/init.d/orion ssh root@$(DEPLOY_HOST) /etc/init.d/orion restart doc: @echo "Open your browser to http://localhost:6060/pkg/ to see the documentation" @godoc -http=:6060 .PHONY: test clean generate vendor deps lint watch tidy doc bin/server cmd/server/static/dist release