package openwrt import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "testing" ) // Test GestWifiCells method with 3 Cells func TestGetWifiCells(t *testing.T) { cellList, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/wifi_cells_output_3.txt") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } exec := createMockExecutor(string(cellList), "", 0) wifi := NewWifiWithExecutor(exec, "wlan1") _ = wifi.GetWifiCells() if len(wifi.Cells) != 3 { fmt.Printf("Size of wifi.Cells is %d and not 3 !!!\n", len(wifi.Cells)) t.Error("Cell list is empty ... This can not append !! Fix your code Dummy !") } if g, e := wifi.Cells[0].Ssid, "PyxisWifi"; g != e { t.Errorf("The first Cell have a bad SSID !\n %s is expected and we have %s", e, g) } if g, e := wifi.Cells[0].MacAdress, "68:A3:78:6E:D9:24"; g != e { t.Errorf("The first Cell have a bad MAC !\n %s is expected and we have %s", e, g) } if g, e := wifi.Cells[0].Encryption, "none"; g != e { t.Errorf("The first Cell have a bad Encryption!\n %s is expected and we have %s", e, g) } if g, e := wifi.Cells[1].Encryption, "psk"; g != e { t.Errorf("The second Cell have a bad Encryption!\n %s is expected and we have %s", e, g) } if g, e := wifi.Cells[2].MacAdress, "0C:F4:D5:16:AA:18"; g != e { t.Errorf("The last Cell have a bad MAC !\n %s is expected and we have %s", e, g) } } // Test GestWifiCells method with empty list func TestGetWifiCellsEmpty(t *testing.T) { exec := createMockExecutor("", "", 0) wifi := NewWifiWithExecutor(exec, "wlan1") _ = wifi.GetWifiCells() if len(wifi.Cells) != 0 { fmt.Printf("Size of wifi.Cells is %d and not 0 !!!\n", len(wifi.Cells)) t.Error("Cell list is empty ... This can not append !! Fix your code Dummy !") } } // Test GestWifiCells method with 3 Cells func TestGetWifiCellsLarge(t *testing.T) { cellList, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/wifi_cells_output_large.txt") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } exec := createMockExecutor(string(cellList), "", 0) wifi := NewWifiWithExecutor(exec, "wlan1") _ = wifi.GetWifiCells() if len(wifi.Cells) != 49 { fmt.Printf("Size of wifi.Cells is %d and not 49 !!!\n", len(wifi.Cells)) t.Error("Cell list is empty ... This can not append !! Fix your code Dummy !") } }