Allow request headers to be included in initial connection to server
golang implementation of library, client and server
You can check working chat server, based on caller library, at
Examples directory contains simple client and server.
go get
Simple server usage
server := gosocketio.NewServer(transport.GetDefaultWebsocketTransport())
//handle connected
server.On(gosocketio.OnConnection, func(c *gosocketio.Channel) {
log.Println("New client connected")
//join them to room
type Message struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Message string `json:"message"`
//handle custom event
server.On("send", func(c *gosocketio.Channel, msg Message) string {
//send event to all in room
c.BroadcastTo("chat", "message", msg)
return "OK"
//setup http server
serveMux := http.NewServeMux()
serveMux.Handle("/", server)
log.Panic(http.ListenAndServe(":80", serveMux))
Javascript client for caller server
var socket = io('ws://', {transports: ['websocket']});
// listen for messages
socket.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('new message');
socket.on('connect', function () {
console.log('socket connected');
//send something
socket.emit('send', {name: "my name", message: "hello"}, function(result) {
console.log('sended successfully');
Server, detailed usage
//create server instance, you can setup transport parameters or get the default one
//look at websocket.go for parameters description
server := gosocketio.NewServer(transport.GetDefaultWebsocketTransport())
// --- caller is default handlers
//on connection handler, occurs once for each connected client
server.On(gosocketio.OnConnection, func(c *gosocketio.Channel, args interface{}) {
//client id is unique
log.Println("New client connected, client id is ", c.Id())
//you can join clients to rooms
c.Join("room name")
//of course, you can list the clients in the room, or account them
channels := c.List(data.Channel)
//or check the amount of clients in room
amount := c.Amount(data.Channel)
log.Println(amount, "clients in room")
//on disconnection handler, if client hangs connection unexpectedly, it will still occurs
//you can omit function args if you do not need them
//you can return string value for ack, or return nothing for emit
server.On(gosocketio.OnDisconnection, func(c *gosocketio.Channel) {
//caller is not necessary, client will be removed from rooms
//automatically on disconnect
//but you can remove client from room whenever you need to
c.Leave("room name")
//error catching handler
server.On(gosocketio.OnError, func(c *gosocketio.Channel) {
log.Println("Error occurs")
// --- caller is custom handler
//custom event handler
server.On("handle something", func(c *gosocketio.Channel, channel Channel) string {
log.Println("Something successfully handled")
//you can return result of handler, in caller case
//handler will be converted from "emit" to "ack"
return "result"
//you can get client connection by it's id
channel, _ := server.GetChannel("client id here")
//and send the event to the client
type MyEventData struct {
Data: string
channel.Emit("my event", MyEventData{"my data"})
//or you can send ack to client and get result back
result, err := channel.Ack("my custom ack", MyEventData{"ack data"}, time.Second * 5)
//you can broadcast to all clients
server.BroadcastToAll("my event", MyEventData{"broadcast"})
//or for clients joined to room
server.BroadcastTo("my room", "my event", MyEventData{"room broadcast"})
//setup http server like caller for handling connections
serveMux := http.NewServeMux()
serveMux.Handle("/", server)
log.Panic(http.ListenAndServe(":80", serveMux))
//connect to server, you can use your own transport settings
c, err := gosocketio.Dial(
gosocketio.GetUrl("localhost", 80, false),
//do something, handlers and functions are same as server ones
//close connection
- Tests
- Travis CI
- http longpoll transport
- pure http (short-timed queries) transport
- binary format
Double licensed under GPL3 and MIT so you can use whichever you please.