package openwrt
import (
// DhcpClient represents a dhcp client ... :)
type DhcpClient struct {
exec Executor
iface string
// DhcpResult contains sorted result form AskFroIP
type DhcpResult struct {
CmdRes *CommandResult
IP string
Netmask string
// NewDhcpClient return an UCI instance to interact with UCI
func NewDhcpClient(netIface string) *DhcpClient {
exec := &localExecutor{}
iface := netIface
return &DhcpClient{exec, iface}
// NewDhcpClientWithExecutor return an UCI instance to interact with UCI
func NewDhcpClientWithExecutor(netIface string, exe Executor) *DhcpClient {
exec := exe
//func NewDhcpClient(netIface string, exe Executor) *DhcpClient {
// var exec Executor
// if exe == nil {
// exec = &localExecutor{}
// } else {
// exec = exe
// }
// iface := netIface
// return &DhcpClient{exec, iface}
func parseDhcpClientOut(out *CommandResult) *DhcpResult {
if out.ReturnCode != 0 {
return &DhcpResult{
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(out.Stdout))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^udhcpc: ifconfig`)
if re.MatchString(line) {
spl := strings.Split(line, " ")
ip := spl[3]
mask := spl[5]
return nil
// AskForIP runs a dhclient ip request with udhcpc
func (dc *DhcpClient) AskForIP() *DhcpResult {
out := dc.exec.Run("udhcpc", "-i", dc.iface)
return parseDhcpClientOut(out)