import { getProp, parseSequence, getColor } from './util' import { polygon } from '@turf/helpers'; import proj4 from 'proj4'; export const LANDXML_PARCEL = 'parcel'; export function convertParcels(xmlObj, projection, opts) { const originalPoints = getProp(xmlObj, "LandXML", "CgPoints", 0, "CgPoint"); const originalParcels = getProp(xmlObj, "LandXML", "Parcels", 0, "Parcel"); const points = {} const polygons = [] // Parse out the points for ( let pt in originalPoints ) { const opt = originalPoints[pt] const name = opt.$.name.replace(/ /g,''); let coords = parseSequence(opt._).map(coord => parseFloat(coord)) coords = [coords[1], coords[0]] coords = proj4(projection, 'WGS84', coords) points[name] = coords } // Parse out the parcels for ( let pc in originalParcels) { var opc = originalParcels[pc] var geom = opc.CoordGeom if (geom !== undefined) { let coords = [] // Need to store the start to add at the end var endCoord = null var origCoords = opc.CoordGeom[0].Line for (let oc in origCoords) { // VERY important note. This code does NOT handle the other two types // of coordinate definitions, curves and irregular lines. TODO: fixme. var start = origCoords[oc].Start[0].$.pntRef // We don't use the end (it probably should be checked, because if the end isn't the start) var end = origCoords[oc].End[0].$.pntRef var startPoint = points[start] if (!startPoint) { // console.log('Failed to get start point', start, startPoint) } else { // Start creating the polygon coords.push(points[start]) if (!endCoord) { // Store the first coord, to put back on to close the polygon endCoord = points[start] } } } if (coords.length > 2) { coords.push(endCoord) coords = [coords] // name="101" class="Lot" state="proposed" parcelType="Single" var parameters = { name: opc.$.name, landxmlClass: opc.$.class, landxmlState: opc.$.state, landxmlParcelType: opc.$.parcelType, landxmlType: LANDXML_PARCEL, landxmlColor: getColor(`parcel-${name}`, opts.colorOpts), } polygons.push(polygon(coords, parameters)) } else { // console.log("Couldn't create a polygon because we found less than 2 coords") } } else { // console.log("No geometry") } } return polygons; }