Emmanuel Garette
for that, you have to set something like: a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b, warnings_only=True) warning product now adapted message
362 lines
10 KiB
362 lines
10 KiB
import autopath
from py.test import raises
from tiramisu.setting import owners, groups
from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.option import IPOption, NetworkOption, NetmaskOption, IntOption,\
BroadcastOption, SymLinkOption, OptionDescription
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError, ValueWarning
import warnings
def test_consistency():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
#consistency to itself
raises(ConfigError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', a)")
#consistency with string
raises(ConfigError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', 'a')")
def test_consistency_warnings_only():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b, warnings_only=True)
c = Config(od)
c.a = 1
warnings.simplefilter("always", ValueWarning)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
c.b = 1
assert w != []
def test_consistency_not_equal():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
c = Config(od)
assert c.a is None
assert c.b is None
c.a = 1
c.a = 1
raises(ValueError, "c.b = 1")
c.b = 2
def test_consistency_not_equal_many_opts():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
c = IntOption('c', '')
d = IntOption('d', '')
e = IntOption('e', '')
f = IntOption('f', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b, c, d, e, f])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b, c, d, e, f)
c = Config(od)
assert c.a is None
assert c.b is None
c.a = 1
c.a = 1
raises(ValueError, "c.b = 1")
c.b = 2
raises(ValueError, "c.f = 2")
raises(ValueError, "c.f = 1")
c.d = 3
raises(ValueError, "c.f = 3")
raises(ValueError, "c.a = 3")
raises(ValueError, "c.c = 3")
raises(ValueError, "c.e = 3")
def test_consistency_not_in_config():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [a])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [b])
od = OptionDescription('root', '', [od1])
raises(ConfigError, "Config(od)")
od = OptionDescription('root', '', [od1, od2])
#with subconfig
raises(ConfigError, "Config(od.od1)")
def test_consistency_afer_config():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [a])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [b])
od = OptionDescription('root', '', [od1, od2])
raises(AttributeError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)")
def test_consistency_not_equal_symlink():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
c = SymLinkOption('c', a)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b, c])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
c = Config(od)
assert set(od._cache_consistencies.keys()) == set([a, b])
def test_consistency_not_equal_multi():
a = IntOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = IntOption('b', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
c = Config(od)
assert c.a == []
assert c.b == []
c.a = [1]
c.a = [1]
raises(ValueError, "c.b = [1]")
c.b = [2]
def test_consistency_default():
a = IntOption('a', '', 1)
b = IntOption('b', '', 1)
raises(ValueError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)")
def test_consistency_default_multi():
a = IntOption('a', '', [2, 1], multi=True)
b = IntOption('b', '', [1, 1], multi=True)
c = IntOption('c', '', [1, 2], multi=True)
raises(ValueError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)")
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', c)
def test_consistency_default_diff():
a = IntOption('a', '', 3)
b = IntOption('b', '', 1)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
c = Config(od)
raises(ValueError, "c.a = 1")
c.a = 2
c.b = 3
assert c.getowner(a) is owners.user
raises(ValueError, "del(c.a)")
assert c.getowner(a) is owners.user
def test_consistency_ip_netmask():
a = IPOption('a', '')
b = NetmaskOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
b.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ''
c.b = ''
c.a = ''
c.b = ''
c.b = ''
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ''")
def test_consistency_network_netmask():
a = NetworkOption('a', '')
b = NetmaskOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
b.impl_add_consistency('network_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ''
c.b = ''
c.a = ''
c.b = ''
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ''")
def test_consistency_ip_in_network():
a = NetworkOption('a', '')
b = NetmaskOption('b', '')
c = IPOption('c', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b, c])
c.impl_add_consistency('in_network', a, b)
cfg = Config(od)
cfg.a = ''
cfg.b = ''
cfg.c = ''
raises(ValueError, "cfg.c = ''")
def test_consistency_ip_in_network_len_error():
a = NetworkOption('a', '')
b = NetmaskOption('b', '')
c = IPOption('c', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b, c])
c.impl_add_consistency('in_network', a)
cfg = Config(od)
raises(ConfigError, "cfg.a = ''")
def test_consistency_ip_netmask_network_error():
a = IPOption('a', '')
b = NetworkOption('b', '')
c = NetmaskOption('c', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b, c])
c.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a, b)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ''
c.b = ''
raises(ConfigError, "c.c = ''")
def test_consistency_ip_netmask_error_multi():
a = IPOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
raises(ConfigError, "b.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a)")
def test_consistency_ip_netmask_multi():
a = IPOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
b.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.b = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ['']")
def test_consistency_network_netmask_multi():
a = NetworkOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
b.impl_add_consistency('network_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ['']")
def test_consistency_ip_netmask_multi_master():
a = IPOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b])
b.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.b = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ['']")
c.a = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.b = ['']")
c.a = ['', '']
def test_consistency_network_netmask_multi_master():
a = NetworkOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b])
b.impl_add_consistency('network_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ['']")
def test_consistency_broadcast():
a = NetworkOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
c = BroadcastOption('c', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b, c])
b.impl_add_consistency('network_netmask', a)
c.impl_add_consistency('broadcast', a, b)
c = Config(od)
#first, test network_netmask
c.a = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.b = ['']")
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.c = ['']
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ['']")
c.a = ['', '']
c.b = ['', '']
c.c = ['', '']
raises(ValueError, "c.c[1] = ''")
c.c[1] = ''
def test_consistency_broadcast_error():
a = NetworkOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
c = BroadcastOption('c', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b, c])
b.impl_add_consistency('network_netmask', a)
c.impl_add_consistency('broadcast', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
raises(ConfigError, "c.c = ['']")
def test_consistency_broadcast_default():
a = NetworkOption('a', '', '')
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', '')
c = BroadcastOption('c', '', '')
d = BroadcastOption('d', '', '')
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b, c])
raises(ValueError, "c.impl_add_consistency('broadcast', a, b)")
od2 = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b, d])
d.impl_add_consistency('broadcast', a, b)
def test_consistency_not_all():
#_cache_consistencies is not None by not options has consistencies
a = NetworkOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
c = BroadcastOption('c', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b, c])
b.impl_add_consistency('network_netmask', a)
c = Config(od)
c.a = ['']
c.b = ['']
c.c = ['']
def test_consistency_permissive():
a = IntOption('a', '', 1)
b = IntOption('b', '', 2, properties=('hidden',))
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
c = Config(od)
c.a = 1