
348 lines
15 KiB

# coding: utf-8
import pytest
from .autopath import do_autopath
from .config import config_type, get_config
from tiramisu import BoolOption, StrOption, SymLinkOption, \
OptionDescription, Leadership, Config, Calculation, calc_value, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError, ConfigError
from tiramisu.setting import groups, owners
from tiramisu.storage import list_sessions
from .config import event_loop
def return_value():
async def test_symlink_option(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() is False
await cfg.option("s1.b").value.set(True)
await cfg.option("s1.b").value.set(False)
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() is False
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() is False
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set(True)
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() is True
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() is True
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set(False)
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() is False
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() is False
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_assign_option(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
await cfg.option('c').value.set(True)
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_del_option(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
await cfg.option('c').value.reset()
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_addproperties():
boolopt = BoolOption('b', '', default=True, properties=('test',))
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription('opt', '', [boolopt, linkopt])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
await cfg.property.read_write()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
await cfg.option('c').property.add('new')
await cfg.option('c').property.reset()
except AssertionError:
raise Exception('must raise')
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_getpermissive():
boolopt = BoolOption('b', '', default=True, properties=('test',))
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription('opt', '', [boolopt, linkopt])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
await cfg.property.read_write()
await cfg.option('b').permissive.set(frozenset(['perm']))
await cfg.option('c').permissive.get() == frozenset(['perm'])
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_addpermissives():
boolopt = BoolOption('b', '', default=True, properties=('test',))
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription('opt', '', [boolopt, linkopt])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
await cfg.property.read_write()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
await cfg.option('c').permissive.set(frozenset(['new']))
await cfg.option('c').permissive.reset()
except AssertionError:
raise Exception('must raise')
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_getproperties():
boolopt = BoolOption('b', '', default=True, properties=('test',))
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription('opt', '', [boolopt, linkopt])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
await cfg.property.read_write()
assert boolopt.impl_getproperties() == linkopt.impl_getproperties() == {'test'}
assert boolopt.impl_has_callback() == linkopt.impl_has_callback() == False
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_getcallback():
boolopt = BoolOption('b', '', Calculation(return_value))
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription('opt', '', [boolopt, linkopt])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
await cfg.property.read_write()
#assert boolopt.impl_has_callback() == linkopt.impl_has_callback() == True
#assert boolopt.impl_get_callback() == linkopt.impl_get_callback() == (return_value, None)
assert boolopt.impl_has_callback() == linkopt.impl_has_callback() == False
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_requires(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption('b', '', default=True)
disabled_property = Calculation(calc_value,
kwargs={'condition': ParamOption(boolopt),
'expected': ParamValue(False)}))
stropt = StrOption('s', '', properties=(disabled_property,))
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", stropt)
descr = OptionDescription('opt', '', [boolopt, stropt, linkopt])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
await cfg.property.read_write()
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.option('b').value.get() is True
assert await cfg.option('s').value.get() is None
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() is None
await cfg.option('b').value.set(False)
props = []
await cfg.option('s').value.get()
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == {'disabled'}
props = []
await cfg.option('c').value.get()
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == {'disabled'}
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_multi(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=[False], multi=True)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() == [False]
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() == [False]
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set([True])
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() == [True]
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() == [True]
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set([False])
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() == [False]
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() == [False]
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set([False, True])
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').value.get() == [False, True]
assert await cfg.option('c').value.get() == [False, True]
assert boolopt.impl_is_multi() is True
assert linkopt.impl_is_multi() is True
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_assign(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
await cfg.option('c').value.set(True)
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_owner(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').owner.isdefault()
assert await cfg.option('c').owner.isdefault()
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set(True)
assert not await cfg.option('s1.b').owner.isdefault()
assert not await cfg.option('c').owner.isdefault()
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_get_information():
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
boolopt.impl_set_information('test', 'test')
assert boolopt.impl_get_information('test') == 'test'
assert linkopt.impl_get_information('test') == 'test'
boolopt.impl_set_information('test', 'test2')
assert boolopt.impl_get_information('test') == 'test2'
assert linkopt.impl_get_information('test') == 'test2'
async def test_symlink_leader():
a = StrOption('a', "", multi=True)
ip_admin_eth0 = SymLinkOption('ip_admin_eth0', a)
netmask_admin_eth0 = StrOption('netmask_admin_eth0', "", multi=True)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Leadership('ip_admin_eth0', '', [ip_admin_eth0, netmask_admin_eth0])
async def test_symlink_followers():
a = StrOption('a', "", multi=True)
ip_admin_eth0 = StrOption('ip_admin_eth0', "ip réseau autorisé", multi=True)
netmask_admin_eth0 = SymLinkOption('netmask_admin_eth0', a)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Leadership('ip_admin_eth0', '', [ip_admin_eth0, netmask_admin_eth0])
async def test_symlink_with_leader(config_type):
ip_admin_eth0 = StrOption('ip_admin_eth0', "ip réseau autorisé", multi=True)
netmask_admin_eth0 = StrOption('netmask_admin_eth0', "masque du sous-réseau", multi=True)
interface1 = Leadership('ip_admin_eth0', '', [ip_admin_eth0, netmask_admin_eth0])
leader = SymLinkOption('leader', ip_admin_eth0)
od = OptionDescription('root', '', [interface1, leader])
async with await Config(od) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0': [], 'ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0': [], 'leader': []}
await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0').value.set(['val1', 'val2'])
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0': ['val1', 'val2'], 'ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0': [None, None], 'leader': ['val1', 'val2']}
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_with_follower(config_type):
ip_admin_eth0 = StrOption('ip_admin_eth0', "ip réseau autorisé", multi=True)
netmask_admin_eth0 = StrOption('netmask_admin_eth0', "masque du sous-réseau", multi=True)
interface1 = Leadership('ip_admin_eth0', '', [ip_admin_eth0, netmask_admin_eth0])
follower = SymLinkOption('follower', netmask_admin_eth0)
od = OptionDescription('root', '', [interface1, follower])
async with await Config(od) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0': [], 'ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0': [], 'follower': []}
await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0').value.set(['val1', 'val2'])
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0': ['val1', 'val2'], 'ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0': [None, None], 'follower': [None, None]}
assert await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0', 0).value.get() == None
assert await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0', 1).value.get() == None
assert await cfg.option('follower', 0).value.get() == None
assert await cfg.option('follower', 1).value.get() == None
await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0', 1).value.set('val3')
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0': ['val1', 'val2'], 'ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0': [None, 'val3'], 'follower': [None, 'val3']}
assert await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0', 0).value.get() == None
assert await cfg.option('ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0', 1).value.get() == 'val3'
assert await cfg.option('follower', 0).value.get() == None
assert await cfg.option('follower', 1).value.get() == 'val3'
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_dependency():
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').option.has_dependency() is False
assert await cfg.option('c').option.has_dependency() is True
assert await cfg.option('s1.b').option.has_dependency(False) is True
assert await cfg.option('c').option.has_dependency(False) is False
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_makedict(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'c': False, 's1.b': False}
await cfg.option('s1.b').value.set(True)
assert await cfg.value.dict() == {'c': True, 's1.b': True}
assert not await list_sessions()
async def test_symlink_list(config_type):
boolopt = BoolOption("b", "", default=False)
linkopt = SymLinkOption("c", boolopt)
descr = OptionDescription("opt", "",
[linkopt, OptionDescription("s1", "", [boolopt])])
async with await Config(descr) as cfg:
cfg = await get_config(cfg, config_type)
list_opt = []
for opt in await cfg.option.list():
list_opt.append(await opt.option.path())
assert list_opt == ['c']
list_opt = []
for opt in await cfg.option.list(recursive=True):
list_opt.append(await opt.option.path())
assert list_opt == ['c', 's1.b']
assert not await list_sessions()