2013-09-27 09:52:18 +02:00

156 lines
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import autopath
import warnings
from py.test import raises
from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.option import StrOption, OptionDescription
from tiramisu.setting import groups
from tiramisu.error import ValueWarning
def return_true(value, param=None):
if value == 'val' and param in [None, 'yes']:
return True
def return_false(value, param=None):
if value == 'val' and param in [None, 'yes']:
raise ValueError('error')
def return_val(value, param=None):
return 'val'
def return_if_val(value):
if value != 'val':
raise ValueError('error')
def test_validator():
opt1 = StrOption('opt1', '', validator=return_true, default='val')
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('opt2', '', validator=return_false, default='val')")
opt2 = StrOption('opt2', '', validator=return_false)
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [opt1, opt2])
cfg = Config(root)
assert cfg.opt1 == 'val'
raises(ValueError, "cfg.opt2 = 'val'")
def test_validator_params():
opt1 = StrOption('opt1', '', validator=return_true, validator_params={'': ('yes',)}, default='val')
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('opt2', '', validator=return_false, validator_params={'': ('yes',)}, default='val')")
opt2 = StrOption('opt2', '', validator=return_false, validator_params={'': ('yes',)})
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [opt1, opt2])
cfg = Config(root)
assert cfg.opt1 == 'val'
raises(ValueError, "cfg.opt2 = 'val'")
def test_validator_params_key():
opt1 = StrOption('opt1', '', validator=return_true, validator_params={'param': ('yes',)}, default='val')
raises(TypeError, "StrOption('opt2', '', validator=return_true, validator_params={'param_unknown': ('yes',)}, default='val')")
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [opt1])
cfg = Config(root)
assert cfg.opt1 == 'val'
def test_validator_params_option():
opt0 = StrOption('opt0', '', default='val')
raises(ValueError, "opt1 = StrOption('opt1', '', validator=return_true, validator_params={'': ((opt0, False),)}, default='val')")
def test_validator_multi():
opt1 = StrOption('opt1', '', validator=return_if_val, multi=True)
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [opt1])
cfg = Config(root)
assert cfg.opt1 == []
assert cfg.opt1 == ['val']
raises(ValueError, "cfg.opt1.append('val1')")
raises(ValueError, "cfg.opt1 = ['val', 'val1']")
def test_validator_warning():
opt1 = StrOption('opt1', '', validator=return_true, default='val', warnings_only=True)
opt2 = StrOption('opt2', '', validator=return_false, warnings_only=True)
opt3 = StrOption('opt3', '', validator=return_if_val, multi=True, warnings_only=True)
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [opt1, opt2, opt3])
cfg = Config(root)
assert cfg.opt1 == 'val'
warnings.simplefilter("always", ValueWarning)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.opt1 = 'val'
assert w == []
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.opt2 = 'val'
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == opt2
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val for option opt2: error'
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
assert w == []
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == opt3
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val1 for option opt3: error'
raises(ValueError, "cfg.opt2 = 1")
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.opt2 = 'val'
assert len(w) == 2
assert w[0].message.opt == opt2
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val for option opt2: error'
assert w[1].message.opt == opt3
assert str(w[1].message) == 'invalid value val1 for option opt3: error'
def test_validator_warning_master_slave():
ip_admin_eth0 = StrOption('ip_admin_eth0', "ip reseau autorise", multi=True, validator=return_false, warnings_only=True)
netmask_admin_eth0 = StrOption('netmask_admin_eth0', "masque du sous-reseau", multi=True, validator=return_if_val, warnings_only=True)
interface1 = OptionDescription('ip_admin_eth0', '', [ip_admin_eth0, netmask_admin_eth0])
assert interface1.impl_get_group_type() == groups.master
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [interface1])
cfg = Config(root)
warnings.simplefilter("always", ValueWarning)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
assert w == []
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.ip_admin_eth0.netmask_admin_eth0 = ['val1']
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == netmask_admin_eth0
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val1 for option netmask_admin_eth0: error'
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0 = ['val']
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == ip_admin_eth0
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val for option ip_admin_eth0: error'
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0 = ['val', 'val1', 'val1']
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == ip_admin_eth0
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val for option ip_admin_eth0: error'
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0 = ['val1', 'val', 'val1']
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == ip_admin_eth0
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val for option ip_admin_eth0: error'
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
cfg.ip_admin_eth0.ip_admin_eth0 = ['val1', 'val1', 'val']
assert len(w) == 1
assert w[0].message.opt == ip_admin_eth0
assert str(w[0].message) == 'invalid value val for option ip_admin_eth0: error'