566 lines
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566 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"option types and option description for the configuration management"
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# The original `Config` design model is unproudly borrowed from
# the rough pypy's guys: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/config/
# the whole pypy projet is under MIT licence
# ____________________________________________________________
import re
from types import FunctionType
from tiramisu.basetype import BaseType
from tiramisu.error import (ConfigError, ConflictConfigError, NotFoundError,
RequiresError, RequirementRecursionError, MandatoryError,
from tiramisu.autolib import carry_out_calculation
from tiramisu.setting import groups, owners
requires_actions = [('hide', 'show'), ('enable', 'disable'),
('freeze', 'unfreeze')]
available_actions = []
reverse_actions = {}
for act1, act2 in requires_actions:
available_actions.extend([act1, act2])
reverse_actions[act1] = act2
reverse_actions[act2] = act1
# ____________________________________________________________
name_regexp = re.compile(r'^\d+')
def valid_name(name):
name = str(name)
raise ValueError("not a valid string name")
if re.match(name_regexp, name) is None:
return True
return False
class Option(BaseType):
Abstract base class for configuration option's.
Reminder: an Option object is **not** a container for the value
#freeze means: cannot modify the value of an Option once set
_frozen = False
#if an Option has been frozen, shall return the default value
_force_default_on_freeze = False
def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, mandatory=False, multi=False, callback=None,
callback_params=None, validator=None, validator_args={}):
:param name: the option's name
:param doc: the option's description
:param default: specifies the default value of the option,
for a multi : ['bla', 'bla', 'bla']
:param default_multi: 'bla' (used in case of a reset to default only at
a given index)
:param requires: is a list of names of options located anywhere
in the configuration.
:param multi: if true, the option's value is a list
:param callback: the name of a function. If set, the function's output
is responsible of the option's value
:param callback_params: the callback's parameter
:param validator: the name of a function wich stands for a custom
validation of the value
:param validator_args: the validator's parameters
if not valid_name(name):
raise NameError("invalid name: {0} for option".format(name))
self._name = name
self.doc = doc
self._requires = requires
self._mandatory = mandatory
self.multi = multi
self._validator = None
self._validator_args = None
if validator is not None:
if type(validator) != FunctionType:
raise TypeError("validator must be a function")
self._validator = validator
if validator_args is not None:
self._validator_args = validator_args
if not self.multi and default_multi is not None:
raise ConfigError("a default_multi is set whereas multi is False"
" in option: {0}".format(name))
if default_multi is not None and not self._validate(default_multi):
raise ConfigError("invalid default_multi value {0} "
"for option {1}".format(str(default_multi), name))
self.default_multi = default_multi
#if self.multi and default_multi is None:
# _cfgimpl_warnings[name] = DefaultMultiWarning
if callback is not None and (default is not None or default_multi is not None):
raise ConfigError("defaut values not allowed if option: {0} "
"is calculated".format(name))
self.callback = callback
if self.callback is None and callback_params is not None:
raise ConfigError("params defined for a callback function but"
" no callback defined yet for option {0}".format(name))
self.callback_params = callback_params
if self.multi == True:
if default == None:
default = []
if not isinstance(default, list):
raise ConfigError("invalid default value {0} "
"for option {1} : not list type".format(str(default), name))
if not self.validate(default, False):
raise ConfigError("invalid default value {0} "
"for option {1}".format(str(default), name))
if default != None and not self.validate(default, False):
raise ConfigError("invalid default value {0} "
"for option {1}".format(str(default), name))
self.default = default
self.properties = [] # 'hidden', 'disabled'...
def validate(self, value, validate=True):
:param value: the option's value
:param validate: if true enables ``self._validator`` validation
# generic calculation
if self.multi == False:
# None allows the reset of the value
if value != None:
# customizing the validator
if validate and self._validator is not None and \
not self._validator(value, **self._validator_args):
return False
return self._validate(value)
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise ConfigError("invalid value {0} "
"for option {1} which must be a list".format(value,
for val in value:
# None allows the reset of the value
if val != None:
# customizing the validator
if validate and self._validator is not None and \
not self._validator(val, **self._validator_args):
return False
if not self._validate(val):
return False
return True
def getdefault(self, default_multi=False):
"accessing the default value"
if default_multi == False or not self.is_multi():
return self.default
return self.getdefault_multi()
def getdefault_multi(self):
"accessing the default value for a multi"
return self.default_multi
def is_empty_by_default(self):
"no default value has been set yet"
if ((not self.is_multi() and self.default == None) or
(self.is_multi() and (self.default == [] or None in self.default))):
return True
return False
def force_default(self):
"if an Option has been frozen, shall return the default value"
self._force_default_on_freeze = True
def hascallback_and_isfrozen():
return self._frozen and self.has_callback()
def is_forced_on_freeze(self):
"if an Option has been frozen, shall return the default value"
return self._frozen and self._force_default_on_freeze
def getdoc(self):
"accesses the Option's doc"
return self.doc
def getcallback(self):
"a callback is only a link, the name of an external hook"
return self.callback
def has_callback(self):
"to know if a callback has been defined or not"
if self.callback == None:
return False
return True
def getcallback_value(self, config):
return carry_out_calculation(self._name,
option=self, config=config)
def getcallback_params(self):
"if a callback has been defined, returns his arity"
return self.callback_params
def setowner(self, config, owner):
:param config: *must* be only the **parent** config
(not the toplevel config)
:param owner: is a **real** owner, that is an object
that lives in setting.owners
name = self._name
if not isinstance(owner, owners.Owner):
raise ConfigError("invalid type owner for option: {0}".format(
config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_values.owners[self] = owner
def getowner(self, config):
"config *must* be only the **parent** config (not the toplevel config)"
return config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_values.getowner(self)
def get_previous_value(self, config):
return config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_values.get_previous_value(self)
def reset(self, config):
"""resets the default value and owner
def is_default_owner(self, config):
:param config: *must* be only the **parent** config
(not the toplevel config)
:return: boolean
return self.getowner(config) == owners.default
def setoption(self, config, value):
"""changes the option's value with the value_owner's who
:param config: the parent config is necessary here to store the value
name = self._name
rootconfig = config._cfgimpl_get_toplevel()
if not self.validate(value,
raise ConfigError('invalid value %s for option %s' % (value, name))
if self.is_mandatory():
# value shall not be '' for a mandatory option
# so '' is considered as being None
if not self.is_multi() and value == '':
value = None
# if self.is_multi() and '' in value:
# value = Multi([{'': None}.get(i, i) for i in value],
# config._cfgimpl_context, self)
if config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_settings.is_mandatory() \
and ((self.is_multi() and value == []) or \
(not self.is_multi() and value is None)):
raise MandatoryError('cannot change the value to %s for '
'option %s' % (value, name))
if self not in config._cfgimpl_descr._children:
raise AttributeError('unknown option %s' % (name))
if config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_settings.is_frozen_for_everything():
raise TypeError("cannot set a value to the option {} if the whole "
"config has been frozen".format(name))
if config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_settings.is_frozen() \
and self.is_frozen():
raise TypeError('cannot change the value to %s for '
'option %s this option is frozen' % (str(value), name))
apply_requires(self, config)
config._cfgimpl_context._cfgimpl_values[self] = value
def getkey(self, value):
return value
# ____________________________________________________________
"freeze utility"
def freeze(self):
self._frozen = True
return True
def unfreeze(self):
self._frozen = False
def is_frozen(self):
return self._frozen
# ____________________________________________________________
def is_multi(self):
return self.multi
def is_mandatory(self):
return self._mandatory
class ChoiceOption(Option):
opt_type = 'string'
def __init__(self, name, doc, values, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, mandatory=False, multi=False, callback=None,
callback_params=None, open_values=False, validator=None,
self.values = values
if open_values not in [True, False]:
raise ConfigError('Open_values must be a boolean for '
self.open_values = open_values
super(ChoiceOption, self).__init__(name, doc, default=default,
default_multi=default_multi, callback=callback,
callback_params=callback_params, requires=requires,
multi=multi, mandatory=mandatory, validator=validator,
def _validate(self, value):
if not self.open_values:
return value is None or value in self.values
return True
class BoolOption(Option):
opt_type = 'bool'
def _validate(self, value):
return isinstance(value, bool)
class IntOption(Option):
opt_type = 'int'
def _validate(self, value):
return isinstance(value, int)
class FloatOption(Option):
opt_type = 'float'
def _validate(self, value):
return isinstance(value, float)
class StrOption(Option):
opt_type = 'string'
def _validate(self, value):
return isinstance(value, str)
class SymLinkOption(object):
opt_type = 'symlink'
def __init__(self, name, path, opt):
self._name = name
self.path = path
self.opt = opt
def setoption(self, config, value):
setattr(config._cfgimpl_get_toplevel(), self.path, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in ('_name', 'path', 'opt', 'setoption'):
return self.__dict__[name]
return getattr(self.opt, name)
class IPOption(Option):
opt_type = 'ip'
def _validate(self, value):
# by now the validation is nothing but a string, use IPy instead
return isinstance(value, str)
class NetmaskOption(Option):
opt_type = 'netmask'
def _validate(self, value):
# by now the validation is nothing but a string, use IPy instead
return isinstance(value, str)
class OptionDescription(BaseType):
"""Config's schema (organisation, group) and container of Options"""
# the group_type is useful for filtering OptionDescriptions in a config
group_type = groups.default
def __init__(self, name, doc, children, requires=None):
:param children: is a list of option descriptions (including
``OptionDescription`` instances for nested namespaces).
if not valid_name(name):
raise NameError("invalid name: {0} for option descr".format(name))
self._name = name
self.doc = doc
self._children = children
self._requires = requires
self.properties = [] # 'hidden', 'disabled'...
def getdoc(self):
return self.doc
def _build(self):
for child in self._children:
setattr(self, child._name, child)
def add_child(self, child):
"dynamically adds a configuration option"
#Nothing is static. Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.
for ch in self._children:
if isinstance(ch, Option):
if child._name == ch._name:
raise ConflictConfigError("existing option : {0}".format(
setattr(self, child._name, child)
def update_child(self, child):
"modification of an existing option"
# XXX : corresponds to the `redefine`, is it usefull
def getkey(self, config):
return tuple([child.getkey(getattr(config, child._name))
for child in self._children])
def getpaths(self, include_groups=False, currpath=None):
"""returns a list of all paths in self, recursively
currpath should not be provided (helps with recursion)
if currpath is None:
currpath = []
paths = []
for option in self._children:
attr = option._name
if attr.startswith('_cfgimpl'):
if isinstance(option, OptionDescription):
if include_groups:
paths.append('.'.join(currpath + [attr]))
paths += option.getpaths(include_groups=include_groups,
paths.append('.'.join(currpath + [attr]))
return paths
# ____________________________________________________________
def set_group_type(self, group_type):
"""sets a given group object to an OptionDescription
:param group_type: an instance of `GroupType` or `MasterGroupType`
that lives in `setting.groups`
if isinstance(group_type, groups.GroupType):
self.group_type = group_type
if isinstance(group_type, groups.MasterGroupType):
identical_master_child_name = False
for child in self._children:
if isinstance(child, OptionDescription):
raise ConfigError("master group {} shall not have "
"a subgroup".format(self._name))
if not child.multi:
raise ConfigError("not allowed option {0} in group {1}"
": this option is not a multi".format(child._name,
if child._name == self._name:
identical_master_child_name = True
if not identical_master_child_name:
raise ConfigError("the master group: {} has not any "
"master child".format(self._name))
raise ConfigError('not allowed group_type : {0}'.format(group_type))
def get_group_type(self):
return self.group_type
# ____________________________________________________________
"actions API"
def hide(self):
super(OptionDescription, self).hide()
for child in self._children:
if isinstance(child, OptionDescription):
def show(self):
super(OptionDescription, self).show()
for child in self._children:
if isinstance(child, OptionDescription):
def disable(self):
super(OptionDescription, self).disable()
for child in self._children:
if isinstance(child, OptionDescription):
def enable(self):
super(OptionDescription, self).enable()
for child in self._children:
if isinstance(child, OptionDescription):
# ____________________________________________________________
def validate_requires_arg(requires, name):
"malformed requirements"
config_action = []
for req in requires:
if not type(req) == tuple and len(req) != 3:
raise RequiresError("malformed requirements for option:"
" {0}".format(name))
action = req[2]
if action not in available_actions:
raise RequiresError("malformed requirements for option: {0}"
" unknown action: {1}".format(name, action))
if reverse_actions[action] in config_action:
raise RequiresError("inconsistency in action types for option: {0}"
" action: {1} in contradiction with {2}\n"
" ({3})".format(name, action,
reverse_actions[action], requires))
def build_actions(requires):
"action are hide, show, enable, disable..."
trigger_actions = {}
for require in requires:
action = require[2]
trigger_actions.setdefault(action, []).append(require)
return trigger_actions
def apply_requires(opt, config, permissive=False):
"carries out the jit (just in time requirements between options"
if hasattr(opt, '_requires') and opt._requires is not None:
rootconfig = config._cfgimpl_get_toplevel()
validate_requires_arg(opt._requires, opt._name)
# filters the callbacks
trigger_actions = build_actions(opt._requires)
for requires in trigger_actions.values():
matches = False
for require in requires:
name, expected, action = require
path = config._cfgimpl_get_path() + '.' + opt._name
if name.startswith(path):
raise RequirementRecursionError("malformed requirements "
"imbrication detected for option: '{0}' "
"with requirement on: '{1}'".format(path, name))
homeconfig, shortname = rootconfig._cfgimpl_get_home_by_path(name)
value = homeconfig._getattr(shortname, permissive=True)
except PropertiesOptionError, err:
properties = err.proptype
if permissive:
for perm in \
if perm in properties:
if properties != []:
raise NotFoundError("option '{0}' has requirement's property error: "
"{1} {2}".format(opt._name, name, properties))
except Exception, err:
raise NotFoundError("required option not found: "
if value == expected:
getattr(opt, action)() #.hide() or show() or...
# FIXME generic programming opt.property_launch(action, False)
matches = True
# no callback has been triggered, then just reverse the action
if not matches:
getattr(opt, reverse_actions[action])()