
392 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Any, List, Optional
from operator import add, mul, sub, truediv
from .i18n import _
from .setting import undefined
from .error import display_list
def tiramisu_copy(val): # pragma: no cover
return val
class CalcValue:
def __call__(self,
*args: List[Any],
multi: bool=False,
default: Any=undefined,
condition: Any=undefined,
no_condition_is_invalid: Any=False,
expected: Any=undefined,
condition_operator: str='AND',
inverse_condition: bool=False,
allow_none: bool=False,
remove_duplicate_value: bool=False,
join: Optional[str]=None,
min_args_len: Optional[int]=None,
operator: Optional[str]=None,
index: Optional[int]=None,
**kwargs) -> Any:
"""calculate value
:param args: list of value
:param multi: value returns must be a list of value
:param default: default value if condition is not matched or if args is empty
if there is more than one default value, set default_0, default_1, ...
:param condition: test if condition is equal to expected value
if there is more than one condition, set condition_0, condition_1, ...
:param expected: value expected for all conditions
if expected value is different between condition, set expected_0, expected_1, ...
:param no_condition_is_invalid: if no condition and not condition_0, condition_1, ... (for
example if option is disabled) consider that condition not matching
:param condition_operator: OR or AND operator for condition
:param allow_none: if False, do not return list in None is present in list
:param remove_duplicate_value: if True, remote duplicated value
:param join: join all args with specified characters
:param min_args_len: if number of arguments is smaller than this value, return default value
:param operator: 'add', 'mul', 'div' or 'sub' all args (args must be integer value)
:param index: index for follower
* you want to copy value from an option to an other option:
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', '', 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', '', callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params(ParamOption(val1)))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val1'}
* you want to copy values from two options in one multi option
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', "", 'val2')
>>> val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params((ParamOption(val1), ParamOption(val2)), multi=ParamValue(True)))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2, val3])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val2', 'val3': ['val1', 'val2']}
* you want to copy a value from an option if it not disabled, otherwise set 'default_value'
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', '', 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', '', callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params(ParamOption(val1, True), default=ParamValue('default_value')))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.property.read_write()
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val1'}
>>> cfg.option('val1').property.add('disabled')
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val2': 'default_value'}
* you want to copy value from an option if an other is True, otherwise set 'default_value'
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, BoolOption, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> boolean = BoolOption('boolean', '', True)
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', '', 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', '', callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params(ParamOption(val1, True),
... default=ParamValue('default_value'),
... condition=ParamOption(boolean),
... expected=ParamValue(True)))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [boolean, val1, val2])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.property.read_write()
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'boolean': True, 'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val1'}
>>> cfg.option('boolean').value.set(False)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'boolean': False, 'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'default_value'}
* you want to copy option even if None is present
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', "")
>>> val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params((ParamOption(val1), ParamOption(val2)), multi=ParamValue(True), allow_none=ParamValue(True)))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2, val3])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': None, 'val3': ['val1', None]}
* you want uniq value
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', "", 'val1')
>>> val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params((ParamOption(val1), ParamOption(val2)), multi=ParamValue(True), remove_duplicate_value=ParamValue(True)))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2, val3])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val1', 'val3': ['val1']}
* you want to join two values with '.'
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', "", 'val2')
>>> val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params((ParamOption(val1), ParamOption(val2)), join=ParamValue('.')))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2, val3])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val2', 'val3': 'val1.val2'}
* you want join three values, only if almost three values are set
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, StrOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1')
>>> val2 = StrOption('val2', "", 'val2')
>>> val3 = StrOption('val3', "", 'val3')
>>> val4 = StrOption('val4', "", callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params((ParamOption(val1), ParamOption(val2), ParamOption(val3, True)), join=ParamValue('.'), min_args_len=ParamValue(3)))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.property.read_write()
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val2', 'val3': 'val3', 'val4': 'val1.val2.val3'}
>>> cfg.option('val3').property.add('disabled')
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 'val1', 'val2': 'val2', 'val4': ''}
* you want to add all values
>>> from tiramisu import calc_value, IntOption, OptionDescription, Config, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue
>>> val1 = IntOption('val1', "", 1)
>>> val2 = IntOption('val2', "", 2)
>>> val3 = IntOption('val3', "", callback=calc_value, callback_params=Params((ParamOption(val1), ParamOption(val2)), operator=ParamValue('add')))
>>> od = OptionDescription('root', '', [val1, val2, val3])
>>> cfg = Config(od)
>>> cfg.value.dict()
{'val1': 1, 'val2': 2, 'val3': 3}
self.args = args
self.condition = condition
self.expected = expected
self.condition_operator = condition_operator
self.inverse_condition = inverse_condition
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.no_condition_is_invalid = no_condition_is_invalid
value = self.get_value(default,
if not multi:
if join is not None:
value = join.join(value)
elif value and operator:
new_value = value[0]
op = {'mul': mul,
'add': add,
'div': truediv,
'sub': sub}[operator]
for val in value[1:]:
new_value = op(new_value, val)
value = new_value
elif value == []:
value = None
value = value[0]
if isinstance(value, list) and index is not None:
if len(value) > index:
value = value[index]
value = None
elif None in value and not allow_none:
value = []
elif remove_duplicate_value:
new_value = []
for val in value:
if val not in new_value:
value = new_value
return value
def value_from_kwargs(self,
value: Any,
pattern: str,
to_dict: bool=False,
empty_test=undefined) -> Any:
# if value attribute exist return it's value
# otherwise pattern_0, pattern_1, ...
# otherwise undefined
if value is not empty_test:
if to_dict == 'all':
returns = {None: value}
returns = value
kwargs_matches = {}
len_pattern = len(pattern)
for key in self.kwargs.keys():
if key.startswith(pattern):
index = int(key[len_pattern:])
pattern_value = self.kwargs[key]
if isinstance(pattern_value, dict):
pattern_value = pattern_value['value']
kwargs_matches[index] = pattern_value
if not kwargs_matches:
returns = undefined
keys = sorted(kwargs_matches)
if to_dict:
returns = {}
returns = []
for key in keys:
if to_dict:
returns[key] = kwargs_matches[key]
return returns
def is_condition_matches(self,
calculated_conditions = self.value_from_kwargs(condition_value,
if calculated_conditions is undefined:
is_matches = not self.no_condition_is_invalid
is_matches = None
calculated_expected = self.value_from_kwargs(self.expected,
calculated_inverse = self.value_from_kwargs(self.inverse_condition,
for idx, calculated_condition in calculated_conditions.items():
if isinstance(calculated_expected, dict):
if idx is not None:
current_matches = calculated_condition == calculated_expected[idx]
current_matches = calculated_condition in calculated_expected.values()
current_matches = calculated_condition == calculated_expected
if isinstance(calculated_inverse, dict) and idx in calculated_inverse:
inverse_condition = calculated_inverse[idx]
inverse_condition = False
if is_matches is None:
is_matches = current_matches
if self.condition_operator == 'AND':
is_matches = is_matches and current_matches
if inverse_condition:
is_matches = not is_matches
if not is_matches:
elif self.condition_operator == 'OR':
is_matches = is_matches or current_matches
if inverse_condition:
is_matches = not is_matches
if is_matches:
raise ValueError(_('unexpected {} condition_operator in calc_value').format(self.condition_operator))
is_matches = is_matches and not self.inverse_condition \
or not is_matches and self.inverse_condition
return is_matches
def get_value(self,
if isinstance(self.condition, dict):
if 'value' in self.condition:
condition_value = self.condition['value']
condition_value = undefined
condition_value = self.condition
condition_matches = self.is_condition_matches(condition_value)
if not condition_matches:
# force to default
value = []
value = self.get_args()
if min_args_len and not len(value) >= min_args_len:
value = []
if value == []:
# default value
new_default = self.value_from_kwargs(default,
if new_default is not undefined:
if not isinstance(new_default, list):
value = [new_default]
value = new_default
return value
def get_args(self):
return list(self.args)
class CalcValuePropertyHelp(CalcValue):
def get_name(self):
return self.condition['name']
def get_indexed_name(self, index):
return self.kwargs.get(f'condition_{index}')['name']
def has_condition_kwargs(self):
for condition in self.kwargs:
if condition.startswith('condition_'):
return True
return False
def build_arg(self, name, value):
#if isinstance(option, tuple):
# if not inverse:
# msg = _('the calculated value is {0}').format(display_value)
# else:
# msg = _('the calculated value is not {0}').format(display_value)
if not self.inverse_condition:
msg = _('the value of "{0}" is {1}').format(name, value)
msg = _('the value of "{0}" is not {1}').format(name, value)
return msg
def get_args(self):
args = super().get_args()
if args:
if len(self.args) != 1:
raise ValueError(_('only one property is allowed for a calculation'))
action = args[0]
calculated_expected = self.value_from_kwargs(self.expected,
if self.condition is not undefined:
if 'propertyerror' in self.condition:
msg = self.condition['propertyerror']
name = self.get_name()
if isinstance(calculated_expected, dict):
calc_values = calculated_expected.values()
calc_values = [calculated_expected]
display_value = display_list([str(val) for val in calc_values],
msg = self.build_arg(name, display_value)
elif self.has_condition_kwargs():
msgs = []
for key, value in calculated_expected.items():
name = self.get_indexed_name(key)
msgs.append(self.build_arg(name, f'"{value}"'))
msg = display_list(msgs, self.condition_operator.lower())
return [f'"{action}"']
return [f'"{action}" ({msg})']
## calc_properties.setdefault(action, []).append(msg)
calc_value = CalcValue()
calc_value.__name__ = 'calc_value'
calc_value_property_help = CalcValuePropertyHelp()
calc_value_property_help.__name__ = 'calc_value_property_help'