2012-09-12 10:38:41 +02:00

259 lines
11 KiB

##just a proof of concept with a lot of options and option groups
#import autopath
#from tiramisu.config import *
#from tiramisu.option import *
#all_modules = ['amon', 'sphynx', 'zephir']
#example__optiondescription = OptionDescription("objspace", "Object Space Options", [
# ChoiceOption("name", "Object Space name",
# ["std", "flow", "thunk", "dump", "taint"],
# "std"),
# OptionDescription("opcodes", "opcodes to enable in the interpreter", [
# BoolOption("CALL_LIKELY_BUILTIN", "emit a special bytecode for likely calls to builtin functions",
# default=False,
# requires=[("translation.stackless", False)]),
# BoolOption("CALL_METHOD", "emit a special bytecode for expr.name()",
# default=False),
# ]),
# BoolOption("nofaking", "disallow faking in the object space",
# default=False,
# requires=[
# ("objspace.usemodules.posix", True),
# ("objspace.usemodules.time", True),
# ("objspace.usemodules.errno", True)],
# ),
# OptionDescription("usemodules", "Which Modules should be used", [
# BoolOption(modname, "use module %s" % (modname, ),
# default=True,
# requires= [('amon', False)],
# )
# for modname in all_modules]),
# BoolOption("allworkingmodules", "use as many working modules as possible",
# default=True,
# ),
# BoolOption("translationmodules",
# "use only those modules that are needed to run translate.py on pypy",
# default=False,
# ),
# BoolOption("geninterp", "specify whether geninterp should be used",
# default=True),
# BoolOption("logbytecodes",
# "keep track of bytecode usage",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("usepycfiles", "Write and read pyc files when importing",
# default=True),
# BoolOption("lonepycfiles", "Import pyc files with no matching py file",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.usepycfiles", True)]),
# StrOption("soabi",
# "Tag to differentiate extension modules built for different Python interpreters",
# default=None),
# BoolOption("honor__builtins__",
# "Honor the __builtins__ key of a module dictionary",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("disable_call_speedhacks",
# "make sure that all calls go through space.call_args",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("timing",
# "timing of various parts of the interpreter (simple profiling)",
# default=False),
# OptionDescription("std", "Standard Object Space Options", [
# BoolOption("withtproxy", "support transparent proxies",
# default=True),
# BoolOption("withsmallint", "use tagged integers",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.std.withprebuiltint", False),
# ("translation.taggedpointers", True)]),
# BoolOption("withprebuiltint", "prebuild commonly used int objects",
# default=False),
# IntOption("prebuiltintfrom", "lowest integer which is prebuilt",
# default=-5),
# IntOption("prebuiltintto", "highest integer which is prebuilt",
# default=100),
# BoolOption("withstrjoin", "use strings optimized for addition",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("withstrslice", "use strings optimized for slicing",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("withstrbuf", "use strings optimized for addition (ver 2)",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("withprebuiltchar",
# "use prebuilt single-character string objects",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("sharesmallstr",
# "always reuse the prebuilt string objects "
# "(the empty string and potentially single-char strings)",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("withrope", "use ropes as the string implementation",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.std.withstrslice", False),
# ("objspace.std.withstrjoin", False),
# ("objspace.std.withstrbuf", False)],
# ),
# BoolOption("withropeunicode", "use ropes for the unicode implementation",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.std.withrope", True)]),
# BoolOption("withcelldict",
# "use dictionaries that are optimized for being used as module dicts",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.opcodes.CALL_LIKELY_BUILTIN", False),
# ("objspace.honor__builtins__", False)]),
# BoolOption("withdictmeasurement",
# "create huge files with masses of information "
# "about dictionaries",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("withmapdict",
# "make instances really small but slow without the JIT",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.std.getattributeshortcut", True),
# ("objspace.std.withtypeversion", True),
# ]),
# BoolOption("withrangelist",
# "enable special range list implementation that does not "
# "actually create the full list until the resulting "
# "list is mutated",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("withtypeversion",
# "version type objects when changing them",
# default=False,
# # weakrefs needed, because of get_subclasses()
# requires=[("translation.rweakref", True)]),
# BoolOption("withmethodcache",
# "try to cache method lookups",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.std.withtypeversion", True),
# ("translation.rweakref", True)]),
# BoolOption("withmethodcachecounter",
# "try to cache methods and provide a counter in __pypy__. "
# "for testing purposes only.",
# default=False,
# requires=[("objspace.std.withmethodcache", True)]),
# IntOption("methodcachesizeexp",
# " 2 ** methodcachesizeexp is the size of the of the method cache ",
# default=11),
# BoolOption("optimized_int_add",
# "special case the addition of two integers in BINARY_ADD",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("optimized_comparison_op",
# "special case the comparison of integers",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("optimized_list_getitem",
# "special case the 'list[integer]' expressions",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("builtinshortcut",
# "a shortcut for operations between built-in types",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("getattributeshortcut",
# "track types that override __getattribute__",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("newshortcut",
# "cache and shortcut calling __new__ from builtin types",
# default=False),
# BoolOption("logspaceoptypes",
# "a instrumentation option: before exit, print the types seen by "
# "certain simpler bytecodes",
# default=False),
# ChoiceOption("multimethods", "the multimethod implementation to use",
# ["doubledispatch", "mrd"],
# default="mrd"),
# BoolOption("immutable_builtintypes",
# "Forbid the changing of builtin types", default=True),
# ]),
## ____________________________________________________________
#def get_combined_translation_config(other_optdescr=None,
# existing_config=None,
# overrides=None,
# translating=False):
# if overrides is None:
# overrides = {}
# d = BoolOption("translating",
# "indicates whether we are translating currently",
# default=False)
# if other_optdescr is None:
# children = []
# newname = ""
# else:
# children = [other_optdescr]
# newname = other_optdescr._name
# descr = OptionDescription("eole", "all options", children)
# config = Config(descr, **overrides)
# if translating:
# config.translating = True
# if existing_config is not None:
# for child in existing_config._cfgimpl_descr._children:
# if child._name == newname:
# continue
# value = getattr(existing_config, child._name)
# config._cfgimpl_values[child._name] = value
# return config
#def get_example_config(overrides=None, translating=False):
# return get_combined_translation_config(
# example__optiondescription, overrides=overrides,
# translating=translating)
## ____________________________________________________________
#def test_example_option():
# config = get_example_config()
# result = ['objspace.name', 'objspace.opcodes.CALL_LIKELY_BUILTIN',
# 'objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD', 'objspace.nofaking',
# 'objspace.usemodules.amon', 'objspace.usemodules.sphynx',
# 'objspace.usemodules.zephir', 'objspace.allworkingmodules',
# 'objspace.translationmodules', 'objspace.geninterp',
# 'objspace.logbytecodes', 'objspace.usepycfiles', 'objspace.lonepycfiles',
# 'objspace.soabi', 'objspace.honor__builtins__',
# 'objspace.disable_call_speedhacks', 'objspace.timing',
# 'objspace.std.withtproxy', 'objspace.std.withsmallint',
# 'objspace.std.withprebuiltint', 'objspace.std.prebuiltintfrom',
# 'objspace.std.prebuiltintto', 'objspace.std.withstrjoin',
# 'objspace.std.withstrslice', 'objspace.std.withstrbuf',
# 'objspace.std.withprebuiltchar', 'objspace.std.sharesmallstr',
# 'objspace.std.withrope', 'objspace.std.withropeunicode',
# 'objspace.std.withcelldict', 'objspace.std.withdictmeasurement',
# 'objspace.std.withmapdict', 'objspace.std.withrangelist',
# 'objspace.std.withtypeversion', 'objspace.std.withmethodcache',
# 'objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter', 'objspace.std.methodcachesizeexp',
# 'objspace.std.optimized_int_add', 'objspace.std.optimized_comparison_op',
# 'objspace.std.optimized_list_getitem', 'objspace.std.builtinshortcut',
# 'objspace.std.getattributeshortcut', 'objspace.std.newshortcut',
# 'objspace.std.logspaceoptypes', 'objspace.std.multimethods',
# 'objspace.std.immutable_builtintypes']
# assert config.getpaths(allpaths=True) == result