.. default-role:: literal Glossary ========== .. glossary:: configuration Global configuration object, wich contains the whole configuration options *and* their descriptions (option types and group) .. glossary:: schema option description see `option.OptionDescription`, see `option#schema` The schema of a configuration : - the option types - how they are organised in groups or even subgroups, that's why we call them **groups** too. .. glossary:: configuration option An option object wich has a name and a value and can be accessed from the configuration object .. glossary:: default value Default value of a configuration option. The default value can be set at instanciation time, or even at any moment. Remember that if you reset the default value, the owner reset to `default` .. glossary:: acces rules Access rules are : `config.Config.read_write()` or `config.Config.read_only()`, see :doc:`status` .. glossary:: freeze A whole configuration can be frozen (used in read only access). See `status#frozenconfig` for details. A single option can be frozen too. .. glossary:: forced on freeze A single option is frozen and we want the option to return something else than his value, typically his default value, see `status#frozen` .. glossary:: value owner When an option is modified, including at the instanciation, we always know who has modified it. It's the owner of the option, see :doc:`status` for more details. .. glossary:: option with properties an option wich has property like 'hidden' or 'disabled' is an option wich has restricted acces rules .. glossary:: hidden option a hidden option has a different behaviour on regards to the access of the value in the configuration, see :doc:`status` for more details. .. glossary:: disabled option a disabled option has a different behaviour on regards to the access of the value in the configuration, see :doc:`status` for more details. .. glossary:: mandatory option A mandatory option is a configuration option wich value has to be set, that is the default value cannot be `None`, see `optionapi#optioninit` .. glossary:: consistency Preserve the consistency in a whole configuration is a tricky thing, tiramisu takes care of it for you, see :doc:`consistency` for details.