# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- "default plugin for setting: set it in a simple dictionary" # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ____________________________________________________________ try: from cPickle import loads, dumps except ImportError: from pickle import loads, dumps from ...log import log class Properties: __slots__ = ('_storage',) def __init__(self, storage): self._storage = storage # properties async def setproperties(self, connection, path, index, properties): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) await self.delproperties(connection, path, index) sql = "INSERT INTO property(path, idx, properties, session_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)" params = [path, index, dumps(properties), self._storage.database_id] await connection.execute(sql, *params) async def getproperties(self, connection, path, index, default_properties): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) sql = 'SELECT properties FROM property WHERE path = $1 AND session_id = $2 AND idx = $3' params = [path, self._storage.database_id, index] value = await connection.fetchval(sql, *params) if value is None: return set(default_properties) else: return set(loads(value)) async def delproperties(self, connection, path, index): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) sql = 'DELETE FROM property WHERE session_id = $1 AND path = $2 AND idx = $3' params = [self._storage.database_id, path, index] await connection.execute(sql, *params) async def exportation(self, connection): """return all modified settings in a dictionary example: {'path1': set(['prop1', 'prop2'])} """ ret = {} for path, idx, properties, _ in await connection.fetch("SELECT * FROM property " "WHERE session_id = $1", self._storage.database_id): idx = self._storage.load_index(idx) path = self._storage.load_path(path) ret.setdefault(path, {})[idx] = loads(properties) return ret async def importation(self, connection, properties): await connection.execute("DELETE FROM property WHERE session_id = $1", self._storage.database_id) for path, indexed_properties in properties.items(): path = self._storage.convert_path(path) for index, property_ in indexed_properties.items(): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) await connection.execute("INSERT INTO property(path, idx, properties, session_id) " "VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", path, index, dumps(property_), self._storage.database_id) def getconnection(self): return self._storage.getconnection() class Permissives: __slots__ = ('_storage',) def __init__(self, storage): self._storage = storage # permissive async def setpermissives(self, connection, path, index, permissive): # log.debug('setpermissive %s %s %s %s', path, index, permissive, id(self)) index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) await self.delpermissive(connection, path, index) await connection.execute("INSERT INTO permissive(path, idx, permissives, session_id) " "VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", path, index, dumps(permissive), self._storage.database_id) async def getpermissives(self, connection, path, index): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) sql = 'SELECT permissives FROM permissive WHERE session_id = $1 AND path = $2 AND idx = $3' params = [self._storage.database_id, path, index] permissives = await connection.fetchval(sql, *params) if permissives is None: return frozenset() else: return loads(permissives) # log.debug('getpermissive %s %s %s', path, ret, id(self)) async def delpermissive(self, connection, path, index): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) sql = 'DELETE FROM permissive WHERE session_id = $1 AND path = $2 AND idx = $3' params = [self._storage.database_id, path, index] await connection.execute(sql, *params) async def exportation(self, connection): """return all modified permissives in a dictionary example: {'path1': set(['perm1', 'perm2'])} """ ret = {} sql = "SELECT path, idx, permissives FROM permissive WHERE session_id = $1" for path, index, permissives in await connection.fetch(sql, self._storage.database_id): ret.setdefault(self._storage.load_path(path), {})[self._storage.load_index(index)] = loads(permissives) return ret async def importation(self, connection, permissives): await connection.execute("DELETE FROM permissive WHERE session_id = $1", self._storage.database_id) for path, indexed_permissives in permissives.items(): for index, permissive in indexed_permissives.items(): index = self._storage.convert_index(index) path = self._storage.convert_path(path) await connection.execute("INSERT INTO permissive(path, idx, permissives, session_id) " "VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", path, index, dumps(permissive), self._storage.database_id) def getconnection(self): return self._storage.getconnection()