# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # The original `Config` design model is unproudly borrowed from # the rough pypy's guys: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/config/ # the whole pypy projet is under MIT licence # ____________________________________________________________ import re from typing import Any, Optional, List, Dict from ..setting import undefined, Undefined, OptionBag from ..i18n import _ from .option import Option, Calculation from .stroption import StrOption from .domainnameoption import DomainnameOption from .portoption import PortOption class URLOption(StrOption): __slots__ = tuple() path_re = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9\-\._~:/\?#\[\]@!%\$&\'\(\)\*\+,;=]+$") _type = 'url' _display_name = _('URL') def __init__(self, name: str, doc: str, default: Any=undefined, default_multi: Any=None, multi: bool=False, validators: Optional[List[Calculation]]=None, properties: Optional[List[str]]=None, warnings_only: bool=False, extra: Optional[Dict]=None, allow_ip: bool=False, type: str='domainname', allow_without_dot=False, allow_range: bool=False, allow_zero: bool=False, allow_wellknown: bool=True, allow_registred: bool=True, allow_private: bool=False) -> None: extra = {'_domainname': DomainnameOption(name, doc, allow_ip=allow_ip, type=type, allow_without_dot=allow_without_dot), '_port': PortOption(name, doc, allow_range=allow_range, allow_zero=allow_zero, allow_wellknown=allow_wellknown, allow_registred=allow_registred, allow_private=allow_private)} super().__init__(name, doc, default=default, default_multi=default_multi, multi=multi, validators=validators, properties=properties, warnings_only=warnings_only, extra=extra) def _get_domain_port_files(self, value: str) -> (str, str): if value.startswith('http://'): type = 'http' value = value[7:] elif value.startswith('https://'): type = 'https' value = value[8:] else: raise ValueError(_('must start with http:// or ' 'https://')) # get domain/files splitted = value.split('/', 1) if len(splitted) == 1: domain = value files = None else: domain, files = splitted # if port in domain splitted = domain.split(':', 1) if len(splitted) == 1: domain = splitted[0] port = {'http': '80', 'https': '443'}[type] else: domain, port = splitted return domain, port, files def validate(self, value: str) -> None: super().validate(value) domain, port, files = self._get_domain_port_files(value) # validate port portoption = self.impl_get_extra('_port') portoption.validate(port) # validate domainname domainnameoption = self.impl_get_extra('_domainname') domainnameoption.validate(domain) # validate files if files is not None and files != '' and not self.path_re.search(files): raise ValueError(_('must ends with a valid resource name')) def second_level_validation(self, value, warnings_only): domain, port, files = self._get_domain_port_files(value) # validate port portoption = self.impl_get_extra('_port') portoption.second_level_validation(port, warnings_only) # validate domainname domainnameoption = self.impl_get_extra('_domainname') domainnameoption.second_level_validation(domain, warnings_only)