#from autopath import do_autopath #do_autopath() # from tiramisu import BoolOption, StrOption, SymLinkOption, OptionDescription, DynOptionDescription, \ Calculation, Params, ParamOption, ParamValue, calc_value, Config from pickle import dumps from py.test import raises import sys from tiramisu.storage import list_sessions def teardown_function(function): assert list_sessions() == [], 'session list is not empty when leaving "{}"'.format(function.__name__) def _get_slots(opt): slots = set() for subclass in opt.__class__.__mro__: if subclass is not object and '__slots__' in dir(subclass): slots.update(subclass.__slots__) return slots def _no_state(opt): for attr in _get_slots(opt): if 'state' in attr: try: getattr(opt, attr) except: pass else: raise Exception('opt should have already attribute {0}'.format(attr)) def _diff_opt(opt1, opt2): attr1 = set(_get_slots(opt1)) attr2 = set(_get_slots(opt2)) diff1 = attr1 - attr2 diff2 = attr2 - attr1 if diff1 != set(): raise Exception('more attribute in opt1 {0}'.format(list(diff1))) if diff2 != set(): raise Exception('more attribute in opt2 {0}'.format(list(diff2))) for attr in attr1: if attr in ['_cache_paths', '_cache_consistencies']: continue err1 = False err2 = False val1 = None val2 = None try: val1 = getattr(opt1, attr) msg1 = "exists" tval = val1 except: err1 = True msg1 = "not exists" try: val2 = getattr(opt2, attr) msg2 = "exists" tval = val2 except: err2 = True msg2 = "not exists" if not err1 == err2: raise ValueError("{0} {1} before but {2} after for {3}: {4}".format(attr, msg1, msg2, opt1.impl_getname(), tval)) if val1 is None: assert val1 == val2 elif attr == '_children': assert val1[0] == val2[0] for index, _opt in enumerate(val1[1]): assert _opt._name == val2[1][index]._name elif attr == '_requires': if val1 == val2 == []: pass else: for idx1, req1 in enumerate(val1): for idx2, req2 in enumerate(val1[idx1]): for idx3, req3 in enumerate(val1[idx1][idx2][0]): assert val1[idx1][idx2][0][idx3][0].impl_getname() == val2[idx1][idx2][0][idx3][0].impl_getname() assert val1[idx1][idx2][0][idx3][1] == val2[idx1][idx2][0][idx3][1] assert val1[idx1][idx2][1:] == val2[idx1][idx2][1:], '{} - {}\n{} - {}'.format(val1, val2, val1[0][0][1:], val2[0][0][1:]) elif attr == '_opt': assert val1._name == val2._name elif attr == '_consistencies': # dict is only a cache if isinstance(val1, list): for index, consistency in enumerate(val1): assert consistency[0] == val2[index][0] for idx, opt in enumerate(consistency[1]): assert opt._name == val2[index][1][idx]._name elif attr == '_val_call': for idx, v in enumerate(val1): if v is None: assert val2[idx] is None else: assert v[0] == val2[idx][0] if len(v) == 2: if v[1] is not None: for key, values in v[1].items(): for i, value in enumerate(values): if isinstance(value, tuple) and value[0] is not None: assert v[1][key][i][0].impl_getname() == val2[idx][1][key][i][0].impl_getname() assert v[1][key][i][1] == val2[idx][1][key][i][1] else: assert v[1][key][i] == val2[idx][1][key][i] else: assert v[1] == val2[idx][1] elif attr == '_leadership': assert val1._p_._sm_get_leader().impl_getname() == val2._p_._sm_get_leader().impl_getname() sval1 = [opt.impl_getname() for opt in val1._p_._sm_get_followers()] sval2 = [opt.impl_getname() for opt in val2._p_._sm_get_followers()] assert sval1 == sval2 elif attr == '_subdyn': try: assert val1.impl_getname() == val2.impl_getname() except AttributeError: assert val1 == val2 elif attr == '_dependencies': assert len(val1) == len(val2), "_dependencies has not same len: {} - {}".format(val1, val2) lst1 = [] lst2 = [] for idx, val in enumerate(val1): if isinstance(val, Leadership): lst1.append(val._p_.leader.impl_getname()) else: lst1.append(val.impl_getname()) for idx, val in enumerate(val2): if isinstance(val, Leadership): lst2.append(val._p_.leader.impl_getname()) else: lst2.append(val.impl_getname()) assert set(lst1) == set(lst2), '{} - {}'.format(lst1, lst2) elif attr == '_cache_force_store_values': for idx, tup in enumerate(val1): assert tup[0] == val2[idx][0] assert tup[1].impl_getname() == val2[idx][1].impl_getname() elif attr in ['_extra', '_information']: dico1 = {} dico2 = {} assert len(val1[0]) == len(val2[0]) assert set(val1[0]) == set(val2[0]) for idx, val in enumerate(val1[0]): idx2 = val1[0].index(val) assert val1[1][idx] == val1[1][idx2] else: #print(attr, val1, val2) assert val1 == val2, "error for {}".format(attr) def _diff_opts(opt1, opt2): _diff_opt(opt1, opt2) if isinstance(opt1, OptionDescription) or isinstance(opt1, DynOptionDescription): children1 = set([opt.impl_getname() for opt in opt1.impl_getchildren(dyn=False)]) children2 = set([opt.impl_getname() for opt in opt2.impl_getchildren(dyn=False)]) diff1 = children1 - children2 diff2 = children2 - children1 if diff1 != set(): raise Exception('more attribute in opt1 {0}'.format(list(diff1))) if diff2 != set(): raise Exception('more attribute in opt2 {0}'.format(list(diff2))) for child in children1: _diff_opts(opt1._getattr(child, dyn=False), opt2._getattr(child, dyn=False)) def _diff_conf(cfg1, cfg2): attr1 = set(_get_slots(cfg1)) attr2 = set(_get_slots(cfg2)) diff1 = attr1 - attr2 diff2 = attr2 - attr1 if diff1 != set(): raise Exception('more attribute in cfg1 {0}'.format(list(diff1))) if diff2 != set(): raise Exception('more attribute in cfg2 {0}'.format(list(diff2))) for attr in attr1: if attr in ('_impl_context', '__weakref__'): continue err1 = False err2 = False val1 = None val2 = None try: val1 = getattr(cfg1, attr) except: err1 = True try: val2 = getattr(cfg2, attr) except: err2 = True assert err1 == err2 if val1 is None: assert val1 == val2 elif attr == '_impl_values': assert cfg1.cfgimpl_get_values().get_modified_values() == cfg2.cfgimpl_get_values().get_modified_values() elif attr == '_impl_settings': assert cfg1.cfgimpl_get_settings().get_modified_properties() == cfg2.cfgimpl_get_settings().get_modified_properties() assert cfg1.cfgimpl_get_settings().get_modified_permissives() == cfg2.cfgimpl_get_settings().get_modified_permissives() elif attr == '_impl_descr': _diff_opt(cfg1.cfgimpl_get_description(), cfg2.cfgimpl_get_description()) elif attr == '_impl_children': for index, _opt in enumerate(val1): _diff_conf(_opt, val2[index]) elif attr == '_impl_name': #FIXME pass else: assert val1 == val2 def test_diff_opt(): b = BoolOption('b', '') disabled_property = Calculation(calc_value, Params(ParamValue('disabled'), kwargs={'condition': ParamOption(b), 'expected': ParamValue(True), 'reverse_condition': ParamValue(True)})) u = StrOption('u', '', properties=(disabled_property,)) s = SymLinkOption('s', u) o = OptionDescription('o', '', [b, u, s]) o1 = OptionDescription('o1', '', [o]) raises(NotImplementedError, "dumps(o1)") def test_diff_information_config(): b = BoolOption('b', '') b.impl_set_information('info', 'oh') b.impl_set_information('info1', 'oh') b.impl_set_information('info2', 'oh') o = OptionDescription('o', '', [b]) o1 = OptionDescription('o1', '', [o]) c = Config(o1)._config_bag.context raises(NotImplementedError, "dumps(c)") def test_only_optiondescription(): b = BoolOption('b', '') b raises(NotImplementedError, "a = dumps(b)")