.. default-role:: literal Local statuses and global setting ===================================== Available configuration statuses ---------------------------------- The configuration's status lives in an `setting.Setting` object. This configuration status corresponds to specific attributes or bunch of attributes that can be accessed together with some `setting.Setting` method: **read write status** The configuration can be accessed by `__get__` and `__set__` properties, except for the `hidden` configuration options but, yes, it is possible to modify a disabled option. To enable read-write status, call `congi.Config.read_write()` **read only status** The whole configuration is `frozen`, that is modifiying a value is forbidden. We can access to a configuration option only with the `__getattr__` property. The configuration has not an access to the hidden options but can read the disabled options. To enable read only status, call `config.Config.read_only()` .. csv-table:: **Configuration's statuses summary** :header: " ", "Hidden", "Disabled", "Mandatory" "read only status", `False`, `True`, `True` "read-write status", `True`, `False`, `False` .. _`frozenconfig`: Freezing a configuration --------------------------- At the configuration level, `setting.Setting.freeze` freezes the whole configuration options. - `test_option_type.test_frozen_value()` - `test_option_type.test_freeze()` .. _`frozen`: It is possible to *freeze* a single `Option` object with `option.Option.freeze()`. If you try to modify a frozen option, it raises a `TypeError: trying to change a frozen option object`. - `test_option_type.test_freeze_one_option()` Moreover, frozen option can return his default value if `option.Option.force_default()` has been called on this option, see `test_option_default.test_force_default_on_freeze()` Restricted access to an `Option()` ----------------------------------- .. currentmodule:: tiramisu.setting .. autoclass:: Property The `properties` attribute is in charge of the access rules' option's value. Configuration options access statuses are defined at configuration level that corresponds to the `option.Option()`'s `properties` attribute, for example: hidden, disabled. Use the pythonic way to know if a property is there:: 'hidden' in c.cfgimpl_get_settings() 'frozen' in c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[opt] To access to the global settings:: cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings() cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()[option1] to add, or suppress a global property:: cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()[option1].append('hidden') cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()[option1].remove('hidden') to activate, deactivate properties:: cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().append('hidden') cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('hidden') Value owners ------------- .. method:: tiramisu.config.Config.getowner() This method can retrieve an Option's owner. Every configuration option has a **owner**. When the option is instanciated, the owner is `default` because a default value has been set (including `None`, take a look at the tests). - At the instance of the `Config` object, the value owner is `owners.default` because the default values are set at the instance of the configuration option object, - at the modification of an option, the owner is `owners.default`, (which is `user`) Special behaviors for an option --------------------------------- **mandatory** A mandatory option shall return a value. If a value, or a default value has not been set, a error is raised. **has a callback** This means that it is a calculated value and therefore automatically protected it cannot be modified by attribute access. **force_store_value** if the configuration option has a default value, the default is returned, otherwise the value is calculated. Its inner state is represented by `option.Option.force_default()` Configuration options have default values that are stored in the `Option()` object itself. Default values, the `default`, can be set in various ways. If a default value is modified by overriding it, not only the value of the option resets to the default that is proposed, but the owner is modified too, it is reseted to `owners.default`.