import autopath from py.test import raises from tiramisu.config import Config from tiramisu.setting import groups, owners from tiramisu.option import ChoiceOption, BoolOption, IntOption, FloatOption, \ StrOption, OptionDescription, SymLinkOption from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError, ConflictError, SlaveError, ConfigError def return_val(): return 'val' def return_concat(*args): return '.'.join(list(args)) def return_list(value=None): return ['val', 'val'] def return_list2(*args): l = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, list): l.extend(arg) else: l.append(arg) return l def return_value(value=None): return value def return_value2(*args, **kwargs): value = list(args) value.extend(kwargs.values()) return value def return_calc(i, j, k): return i + j + k def is_config(config, **kwargs): if isinstance(config, Config): return 'yes' else: return 'no' def make_description(): gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref') gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False) objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space', ('std', 'thunk'), 'std') booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True) intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) intoption2 = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3) stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc") boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True) wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False, requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},)) wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires', default=False, requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},)) gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption, intoption2]) descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption, wantref_option, stroption, wantframework_option, intoption, boolop]) return descr def make_description_duplicates(): gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref') ## dummy 1 gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False) objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space', ('std', 'thunk'), 'std') booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True) intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3) stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc") boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True) wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False, requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},)) wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires', default=False, requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},)) # dummy2 (same path) gcdummy2 = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy2', default=True) # dummy3 (same name) gcdummy3 = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy2', default=True) gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, gcdummy2, floatoption]) descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption, wantref_option, stroption, wantframework_option, intoption, boolop, gcdummy3]) return descr def test_identical_paths(): """If in the schema (the option description) there is something that have the same name, an exection is raised """ raises(ConflictError, "make_description_duplicates()") def make_description_requires(): gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref') gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False) floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3) objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space', ('std', 'thunk'), 'std') booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True) intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc", requires=({'option': intoption, 'expected': 1, 'action': 'hidden'},)) gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption]) descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption, stroption, intoption]) return descr def test_hidden_if_in(): descr = make_description_requires() cfg = Config(descr) setting = cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings() cfg.read_write() stroption = cfg.unwrap_from_path('str') assert not 'hidden' in setting[stroption] = 1 raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.str") raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.str="uvw"') assert 'hidden' in setting[stroption] def test_hidden_if_in_with_group(): gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref') gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False) floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3) objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space', ('std', 'thunk'), 'std') booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True) intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc") gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption], requires=({'option': intoption, 'expected': 1, 'action': 'hidden'},)) descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption, stroption, intoption]) cfg = Config(descr) setting = cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings() cfg.read_write() assert not 'hidden' in setting[stroption] = 1 raises(PropertiesOptionError, "") def test_disabled_with_group(): gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref') gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False) floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3) objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space', ('std', 'thunk'), 'std') booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True) intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc") gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption], requires=({'option': intoption, 'expected': 1, 'action': 'disabled'},)) descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption, stroption, intoption]) cfg = Config(descr) cfg.read_write() assert = 1 raises(PropertiesOptionError, "") #____________________________________________________________ def make_description_callback(): gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref') gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy') objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space', ('std', 'thunk'), 'std') booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True) intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0) floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3) stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc") boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True) wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False, requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},)) wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires', default=False, requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},)) gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption]) descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption, wantref_option, stroption, wantframework_option, intoption, boolop]) return descr def test_has_callback(): descr = make_description_callback() # here the owner is 'default' config = Config(descr) setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings() config.read_write() config.bool = False # because dummy has a callback dummy = config.unwrap_from_path('gc.dummy') setting.append('freeze') setting[dummy].append('frozen') raises(PropertiesOptionError, "config.gc.dummy = True") def test_freeze_and_has_callback(): descr = make_description_callback() config = Config(descr) setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings() config.read_write() config.bool = False setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings() setting.append('freeze') dummy = config.unwrap_from_path('gc.dummy') setting[dummy].append('frozen') raises(PropertiesOptionError, "config.gc.dummy = True") def test_callback(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_val) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == 'val' cfg.val1 = 'new-val' assert cfg.val1 == 'new-val' del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val1 == 'val' def test_callback_params_without_callback(): raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val2', '', callback_params={'': ('yes',)})") def test_callback_invalid(): raises(ValueError, 'val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback="string")') raises(ValueError, 'val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback=return_val, callback_params="string")') val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val') raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': 'string'})") raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': (('string', False),)})") raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ((val1, 'string'),)})") raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False, 'unknown'),)})") raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ((val1,),)})") def test_callback_with_context(): val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback=is_config, callback_params={'': ((None,),), 'value': ('string',)}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) assert cfg.val1 == 'yes' def test_callback_with_context_named(): val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback=is_config, callback_params={'config': ((None,),)}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) assert cfg.val1 == 'yes' def test_callback_with_error(): val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback=is_config, callback_params={'': ('string',), 'value': ('string',)}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) assert cfg.val1 == 'no' def test_callback_value(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val') val2 = StrOption('val2', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)}) val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)}) val4 = StrOption('val4', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False),)}) val5 = StrOption('val5', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ('yes',)}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4, val5]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == 'val' assert cfg.val2 == 'val' assert cfg.val4 == 'val' cfg.val1 = 'new-val' assert cfg.val1 == 'new-val' assert cfg.val2 == 'new-val' assert cfg.val4 == 'new-val' del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val1 == 'val' assert cfg.val2 == 'val' assert cfg.val3 == 'yes' assert cfg.val4 == 'val' assert cfg.val5 == 'yes' def test_callback_value_tuple(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1') val2 = StrOption('val2', "", 'val2') val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_concat, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val2, False))}) val4 = StrOption('val4', "", callback=return_concat, callback_params={'': ('yes', 'no')}) raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_concat, callback_params={'value': ('yes', 'no')})") maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == 'val1' assert cfg.val2 == 'val2' assert cfg.val3 == 'val1.val2' assert cfg.val4 == '' cfg.val1 = 'new-val' assert cfg.val3 == 'new-val.val2' del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val3 == 'val1.val2' def test_callback_value_force_permissive(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val', properties=('disabled',)) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)}) val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, True),)}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_only() raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val2") assert cfg.val3 is None def test_callback_symlink(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val') val2 = SymLinkOption('val2', val1) val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == 'val' assert cfg.val2 == 'val' assert cfg.val3 == 'val' cfg.val1 = 'new-val' assert cfg.val1 == 'new-val' assert cfg.val3 == 'new-val' del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val1 == 'val' assert cfg.val3 == 'val' def test_callback_list(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_list) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() raises(ValueError, "cfg.val1") def test_callback_multi(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_val, multi=True) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == ['val'] cfg.val1 = ['new-val'] assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val'] cfg.val1.append('new-val2') assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2'] del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val1 == ['val'] def test_callback_multi_value(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", ['val'], multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)}) val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)}) val4 = StrOption('val4', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), 'yes')}) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == ['val'] assert cfg.val2 == ['val'] assert cfg.val4 == ['val', 'yes'] cfg.val1 = ['new-val'] assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val'] assert cfg.val2 == ['new-val'] assert cfg.val4 == ['new-val', 'yes'] cfg.val1.append('new-val2') assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2'] assert cfg.val2 == ['new-val', 'new-val2'] assert cfg.val4 == ['new-val', 'new-val2', 'yes'] del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val1 == ['val'] assert cfg.val2 == ['val'] assert cfg.val3 == ['yes'] assert cfg.val4 == ['val', 'yes'] cfg.val2.append('new') assert cfg.val1 == ['val'] assert cfg.val2 == ['val', 'new'] def test_callback_multi_list(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_list, multi=True) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == ['val', 'val'] cfg.val1 = ['new-val'] assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val'] cfg.val1.append('new-val2') assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2'] del(cfg.val1) assert cfg.val1 == ['val', 'val'] def test_callback_multi_list_extend(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': (['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5'])}, multi=True) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1 == ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] def test_callback_multi_callback(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_val) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val'] cfg.val1.val1.append() assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_val) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val'] cfg.val1.val1.append() assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master2(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, default_multi='val2') val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)}) val4 = StrOption('val4', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val3, False),)}) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() cfg.val1.val1.append('val') assert cfg.val1.val4 == ['val2'] assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master_list(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_list) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None] cfg.val1.val1.append() assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val', None] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None, None] del(cfg.val1.val1) assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None] assert cfg.val1.val1.pop(1) assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_val) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == [] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [] # cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val'] # cfg.val1.val1.append('val2') assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val'] # cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val', 'val'] # cfg.val1.val1.pop(2) assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val'] # cfg.val1.val2 = ['val2', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2'] # cfg.val1.val1.append('val3') assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_val) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave_cal(): val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True) val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val3, False),)}) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_val) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val3]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val3 == [] assert cfg.val1.val1 == [] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [] cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1'] cfg.val3 = ['val1'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val'] del(cfg.val1.val1) cfg.val1.val2 = ['val'] cfg.val3 = ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2'] cfg.val1.val2 = ['val1', 'val2'] cfg.val3.pop(1) # cannot remove slave's value because master is calculated # so raise raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val1") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val2") cfg.val3 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave_cal2(): val3 = StrOption('val3', "", ['val', 'val'], multi=True) val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val3, False),)}) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", ['val2', 'val2'], multi=True) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val3]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val3 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2'] cfg.val3.pop(1) # cannot remove slave's value because master is calculated # so raise raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val1") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val2") cfg.val3 = ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val3 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2'] raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val1 = ['val']") assert cfg.val3 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master_disabled(): #properties must be transitive val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, properties=('disabled',)) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.val1.val1") raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.val1.val1.append('yes')") raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.val1.val2") def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master_callback_disabled(): val0 = StrOption('val0', "", multi=True, properties=('disabled',)) val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val0, False),)}) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val0]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val1.val1") raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val1.val2") cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('disabled') cfg.val1.val1 = [] cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().append('disabled') assert cfg.val1.val1 == [] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave_disabled(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, properties=('disabled',)) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == [] raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.val1.val2") cfg.val1.val1.append('yes') assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['yes'] cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('disabled') assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None] cfg.val1.val2 = ['no'] cfg.val1.val1.append('yes2') cfg.val1.val1.append('yes3') cfg.val1.val2[2] = 'no1' assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['no', None, 'no1'] cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().append('disabled') cfg.val1.val1.pop(0) assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['yes2', 'yes3'] cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('disabled') assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, 'no1'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave_callback_disabled(): val0 = StrOption('val0', "", multi=True, properties=('disabled',)) val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val0, False),)}) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val0]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == [] raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val1.val2") cfg.val1.val1.append('yes') assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['yes'] cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('disabled') assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None] cfg.val1.val2 = ['no'] cfg.val1.val1.append('yes1') cfg.val1.val2[1] = 'no1' cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().append('disabled') cfg.val1.val1.pop(0) assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['yes1'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['no1'] def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave_list(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_list) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() #len is equal to 2 for slave and 0 for master raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val2") cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val'] #wrong len raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']") def test_callback_master_and_slaves_value(): val4 = StrOption('val4', '', multi=True, default=['val10', 'val11']) val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)}) val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)}) val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val4, False),)}) val6 = StrOption('val6', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val5, False),)}) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3, val5, val6]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val4]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() cfg.val4 == ['val10', 'val11'] raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val1") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val2") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val3") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val5") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val6") # #default calculation has greater length raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']") # cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes'] assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11'] assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10', 'val11'] # cfg.val1.val1.append('val3') assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes', 'yes'] assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11', None] assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10', 'val11', None] # cfg.val1.val1.pop(2) assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes'] assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11'] assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10', 'val11'] # cfg.val1.val2 = ['val2', 'val2'] cfg.val1.val3 = ['val2', 'val2'] cfg.val1.val5 = ['val2', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2'] assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val2', 'val2'] # cfg.val1.val1.append('val3') assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2', 'yes'] assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', None] assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val2', 'val2', None] cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('cache') cfg.val4 = ['val10', 'val11', 'val12'] #if value is already set, not updated ! cfg.val1.val1.pop(2) cfg.val1.val1.append('val3') cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'] assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val12'] assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val12'] def test_callback_master(): val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value) val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)}) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) raises(ValueError, "interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master)") def test_callback_master_and_other_master_slave(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True) val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True) val4 = StrOption('val4', '', multi=True, default=['val10', 'val11']) val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)}) val6 = StrOption('val6', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)}) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) interface2 = OptionDescription('val4', '', [val4, val5, val6]) interface2.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, interface2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11'] assert cfg.val4.val5 == [None, None] assert cfg.val4.val6 == [None, None] cfg.val1.val1 = ['yes'] assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11'] assert cfg.val4.val5 == ['yes', None] assert cfg.val4.val6 == [None, None] cfg.val1.val2 = ['no'] assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11'] assert cfg.val4.val5 == ['yes', None] assert cfg.val4.val6 == ['no', None] cfg.val1.val1 = ['yes', 'yes', 'yes'] cfg.val1.val2 = ['no', 'no', 'no'] raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val4.val4") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val4.val5") raises(SlaveError, "cfg.val4.val6") cfg.val4.getattr('val4', validate=False).append('val12') assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11', 'val12'] assert cfg.val4.val5 == ['yes', 'yes', 'yes'] assert cfg.val4.val6 == ['no', 'no', 'no'] #FIXME: slave est un symlink def test_callback_different_type(): val = IntOption('val', "", default=2) val_ = IntOption('val_', "", default=3) val1 = IntOption('val1', "", multi=True) val2 = IntOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_calc, callback_params={'': ((val, False), (val1, False)), 'k': ((val_, False),)}) interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2]) interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val, val_]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val1.val1 == [] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [] cfg.val1.val1 = [1] assert cfg.val1.val1 == [1] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [6] cfg.val1.val1 = [1, 3] assert cfg.val1.val1 == [1, 3] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [6, 8] cfg.val1.val1 = [1, 3, 5] assert cfg.val1.val1 == [1, 3, 5] assert cfg.val1.val2 == [6, 8, 10] def test_callback_hidden(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '') opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1], properties=('hidden',)) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().setpermissive(('hidden',)) cfg.read_write() raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od1.opt1') cfg.od2.opt2 def test_callback_two_disabled(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',)) opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('disabled',)) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1]) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od2.opt2') def test_callback_two_disabled2(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('hidden',)) opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('hidden',)) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1]) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings().setpermissive(('hidden',)) raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od2.opt2') assert cfg.getowner(opt2, force_permissive=True) == owners.default def test_callback_calculating_disabled(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',)) opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1]) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() raises(ConfigError, 'cfg.od2.opt2') def test_callback_calculating_mandatory(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',)) opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('mandatory',)) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1]) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_only() raises(ConfigError, 'cfg.od2.opt2') def test_callback_calculating_mandatory_multi(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', multi=True, properties=('disabled',)) opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('mandatory',)) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1]) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_only() raises(ConfigError, 'cfg.od2.opt2') def test_callback_two_disabled_multi(): opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',)) opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('disabled',), multi=True) od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1]) od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od2.opt2') def test_callback_multi_list_params(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, default=['val1', 'val2']) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_list, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)}) oval2 = OptionDescription('val2', '', [val2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val'] def test_callback_multi_list_params_key(): val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, default=['val1', 'val2']) val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_list, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False),)}) oval2 = OptionDescription('val2', '', [val2]) maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2]) cfg = Config(maconfig) cfg.read_write() assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val']