2019-04-08 08:41:33 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from json import loads, dumps, dump
from os import listdir
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join, normpath, splitext, isfile
import sys
import warnings
from tiramisu import OptionDescription, Config
from tiramisu.error import ValueWarning
from tests.dict.data.unicode1_leadership_value import get_description as get_description_unicode1_leadership_value, \
get_values as get_values_unicode1_leadership_value
warnings.simplefilter("always", ValueWarning)
def datapath():
path_ = join(normpath(dirname(abspath(__file__))), 'data')
if path_ not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(1, path_)
return path_
def list_data(ext='.py'):
# return ['unicode1_leader_hidden_followers.py']
datadir = datapath()
filenames = listdir(datadir)
ret = []
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(ext) and not filename.startswith('__'):
return ret
def load_config(filename,
modulepath = splitext(filename)[0]
mod = __import__(modulepath)
descr = mod.get_description()
if add_extra_od:
descr = OptionDescription('root', '', [descr])
config = Config(descr)
if 'get_values' in dir(mod):
mod.get_values(config, add_extra_od)
form = [{'title': 'Configurer',
'type': 'submit'}]
if 'get_form' in dir(mod):
if root is None:
values = loads(dumps(config.option.dict(remotable=remote, clearable=clearable, form=form)))
values = loads(dumps(config.option(root).dict(remotable=remote, clearable=clearable, form=form)))
return values
def parse_expected(schema, all_options):
for key, value in schema['properties'].items():
if 'properties' in value:
parse_expected(value, all_options)
2019-04-17 19:13:17 +02:00
elif value.get('type') != 'symlink':
2019-04-08 08:41:33 +02:00
def del_property(expected, prop):
new_form = {}
for key, form in expected['form'].items():
if prop in form:
del form[prop]
if form:
new_form[key] = form
return new_form
def add_property(expected, prop, prop_value):
all_options = []
all_descroptions = []
for key, root in expected['schema'].items():
if 'properties' in root:
parse_expected(root, all_options)
ordered_options = all_options.copy()
new_form = {}
buttons = []
for key, form in expected['form'].items():
if key == 'null':
# for button
buttons = form
if 'collapse' not in form.keys():
form[prop] = prop_value
new_form[key] = form
for option in all_options:
if option not in all_descroptions:
new_form[option] = {prop: prop_value}
ordered_form = {}
for key in ordered_options:
if key in new_form:
ordered_form[key] = new_form[key]
ordered_form['null'] = buttons
return ordered_form
def test_jsons():
debug = False
# debug = True
datadir = datapath()
if debug:
# for clearable in ['minimum']:
for clearable in ['minimum', 'none', 'all']:
if debug:
print('==> clearable', clearable)
# for remote in ['all']:
for remote in ['minimum', 'none', 'all']:
if debug:
print(' ==> remotable', remote)
filenames = list_data()
for filename in filenames:
modulepath = splitext(filename)[0]
if debug:
print(" {} (remote: {}, clearable: {})".format(filename, remote, clearable))
values = load_config(filename,
if not isfile(join(datadir, modulepath + '.json')) and \
clearable == 'minimum' and \
remote == 'minimum':
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.json'), 'w') as fh:
dump(values, fh, indent=2)
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.json'), 'r') as fh:
expected = loads(fh.read())
if clearable == 'none':
expected['form'] = del_property(expected, 'clearable')
if remote == 'none' and 'tiramisu' in expected:
del expected['tiramisu']
if clearable == 'all':
expected['form'] = add_property(expected, 'clearable', True)
if remote == 'all':
expected['form'] = add_property(expected, 'remote', True)
new_expected = {}
for key, form in expected['form'].items():
if key != 'null' and form.get('remote', False):
if 'dependencies' in form:
del form['dependencies']
if 'copy' in form:
del form['copy']
if 'not_equal' in form:
del form['not_equal']
new_expected[key] = form
expected['form'] = new_expected
# properties are unordered
for model in expected['model']:
if 'properties' in model:
model['properties'] = set(model['properties'])
for model in values['model']:
if 'properties' in model:
model['properties'] = set(model['properties'])
if debug:
from pprint import pprint
assert values == expected, "error in file {}".format(filename)
def test_jsons_subconfig():
debug = False
# debug = True
datadir = datapath()
if debug:
filenames = list_data()
for filename in filenames:
modulepath = splitext(filename)[0]
if debug:
print(" ", filename)
values = load_config(filename, add_extra_od=True, root=modulepath)
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.json'), 'r') as fh:
expected = loads(fh.read())
# properties are unordered
for model in expected['model'].values():
if 'properties' in model:
model['properties'] = set(model['properties'])
for model in values['model'].values():
if 'properties' in model:
model['properties'] = set(model['properties'])
# add root
def change_key(schema):
new_schema = {}
for key_schema, val_schema in schema.items():
key = modulepath + '.' + key_schema
val_schema['name'] = key
2019-04-17 19:13:17 +02:00
if 'opt_path' in val_schema:
val_schema['opt_path'] = modulepath + '.' + val_schema['opt_path']
2019-04-08 08:41:33 +02:00
if 'properties' in val_schema:
val_schema['properties'] = change_key(val_schema['properties'])
new_schema[key] = val_schema
return new_schema
expected['schema'] = change_key(expected['schema'])
new_form_all = {}
for key, form in expected['form'].items():
if key != 'null':
key = modulepath + '.' + key
new_form_all[key] = form
if 'copy' in form:
for idx, noteq in enumerate(form['copy']):
form['copy'][idx] = modulepath + '.' + noteq
if 'not_equal' in form:
new_form = []
for noteq in form['not_equal']['options']:
new_form.append(modulepath + '.' + noteq)
form['not_equal']['options'] = new_form
if 'dependencies' in form:
for dependency in form['dependencies'].values():
for val1 in dependency.values():
if isinstance(val1, list):
for idx, lst in enumerate(val1):
val1[idx] = modulepath + '.' + lst
for val2 in val1.values():
if isinstance(val2, list):
for idx, lst in enumerate(val2):
val2[idx] = modulepath + '.' + lst
expected['form'] = new_form_all
new_model = {}
for key, model in expected['model'].items():
new_model[modulepath + '.' + key] = model
expected['model'] = new_model
if debug:
from pprint import pprint
assert values == expected, "error in file {}".format(filename)
def test_updates():
debug = False
# debug = True
datadir = datapath()
idx = 0
while True:
idx += 1
list_files = list_data('.mod{}'.format(idx))
if not list_files:
for filename in list_files:
if debug:
print("test/data/" + filename)
for issub in [False, True]:
modulepath = splitext(filename)[0]
mod = __import__(modulepath)
descr = mod.get_description()
if issub:
descr = OptionDescription('root', '', [descr])
root = modulepath
root = None
# dict before modification
2019-04-17 19:13:17 +02:00
if not isfile(join(datadir, modulepath + '.dict')):
dico_ori = None
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.dict'), 'r') as fh:
dico_ori = loads(fh.read())
if issub:
new_dico_ori = {}
for key, value in dico_ori.items():
key = modulepath + '.' + key
new_dico_ori[key] = value
dico_ori = new_dico_ori
2019-04-08 08:41:33 +02:00
# modify config
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.mod{}'.format(idx)), 'r') as fh:
body = loads(fh.read())['body']
if issub:
for value in body['updates']:
value['name'] = modulepath + '.' + value['name']
# returns of set_updates
2019-04-17 19:13:17 +02:00
if not isfile(join(datadir, modulepath + '.updates{}'.format(idx))):
values = None
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.updates{}'.format(idx)), 'r') as fh:
values = loads(fh.read())
if issub:
for lidx, key in enumerate(values['updates']):
values['updates'][lidx] = modulepath + '.' + key
if 'model' in values:
new_model = {}
for key, value in values['model'].items():
new_model[modulepath + '.' + key] = value
values['model'] = new_model
2019-04-08 08:41:33 +02:00
# dict after modification
2019-04-17 19:13:17 +02:00
if not isfile(join(datadir, modulepath + '.dict{}'.format(idx))):
dico_mod = None
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.dict{}'.format(idx)), 'r') as fh:
dico_mod = loads(fh.read())
if issub:
new_dico = {}
for key, value in dico_mod.items():
key = modulepath + '.' + key
new_dico[key] = value
dico_mod = new_dico
2019-04-08 08:41:33 +02:00
if root is None:
root_path = ''
root_path = '{}.'.format(root)
for clearable in ['none', 'minimum', 'all']:
for remote in ['none', 'minimum', 'all']:
if debug:
print(" (remote: {}, clearable: {}, issub {}, root {}, root_path {})".format(remote, clearable, issub, root, root_path))
for with_model in [False, True]:
config = Config(descr)
if 'get_values' in dir(mod):
mod.get_values(config, issub)
if isfile(join(datadir, modulepath + '.mod')):
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.mod'), 'r') as fh:
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if dico_ori is None:
if clearable == 'minimum' and remote == 'minimum':
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.dict'), 'w') as fh:
dump(config.value.dict(), fh, indent=2)
assert config.value.dict() == dico_ori, "clearable {}, remote: {}, filename: {}".format(clearable, remote, filename)
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if root is None:
suboption = config.option
suboption = config.option(root)
if with_model:
bodym = body.copy()
bodym['model'] = loads(dumps(suboption.dict(remotable=remote, clearable=clearable)))['model']
suboption.dict(remotable=remote, clearable=clearable)
bodym = body
if with_model:
cal_values = suboption.updates(bodym)
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if values is None:
if clearable == 'minimum' and remote == 'minimum':
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.updates{}'.format(idx)), 'w') as fh:
dump(cal_values, fh, indent=2)
if debug:
from pprint import pprint
assert cal_values == values
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assert suboption.updates(bodym) is None
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if dico_mod is None:
if clearable == 'minimum' and remote == 'minimum':
with open(join(datadir, modulepath + '.dict{}'.format(idx)), 'w') as fh:
dump(config.value.dict(), fh, indent=2)
assert config.value.dict() == dico_mod