2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
import autopath
from py.test import raises
2013-06-11 15:10:38 +02:00
from tiramisu.setting import groups
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.option import ChoiceOption, BoolOption, IntOption, FloatOption, \
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
StrOption, OptionDescription, SymLinkOption
2013-09-16 20:51:13 +02:00
from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError, ConflictError, SlaveError, ConfigError
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
def return_val():
2013-06-11 15:10:38 +02:00
return 'val'
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
def return_concat(*args):
return '.'.join(list(args))
def return_list(value=None):
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
return ['val', 'val']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
def return_list2(*args):
return list(args)
def return_value(value=None):
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
return value
2013-09-23 22:40:10 +02:00
def return_value2(*args, **kwargs):
value = list(args)
return value
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
def make_description():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
intoption2 = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True)
wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False,
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires',
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption, intoption2])
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
wantref_option, stroption,
intoption, boolop])
return descr
def make_description_duplicates():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
## dummy 1
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True)
wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False,
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires',
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
# dummy2 (same path)
gcdummy2 = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy2', default=True)
# dummy3 (same name)
gcdummy3 = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy2', default=True)
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, gcdummy2, floatoption])
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
wantref_option, stroption,
intoption, boolop, gcdummy3])
return descr
def test_identical_paths():
"""If in the schema (the option description) there is something that
have the same name, an exection is raised
raises(ConflictError, "make_description_duplicates()")
def make_description2():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ['ref', 'framework'], 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
['std', 'thunk'], 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
# first multi
boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True)
wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False,
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
# second multi
wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires',
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption])
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
wantref_option, stroption,
intoption, boolop])
return descr
# FIXME: il faudra tester les validations sur les multis
#def test_multi_constraints():
# "a multi in a constraint has to have the same length"
# descr = make_description2()
# cfg = Config(descr)
# cfg.boolop = [True, True, False]
# cfg.wantframework = [False, False, True]
#def test_multi_raise():
# "a multi in a constraint has to have the same length"
# # FIXME fusionner les deux tests, MAIS PROBLEME :
# # il ne devrait pas etre necessaire de refaire une config
# # si la valeur est modifiee une deuxieme fois ->
# #raises(ConflictConfigError, "cfg.wantframework = [False, False, True]")
# # ExceptionFailure: 'DID NOT RAISE'
# descr = make_description2()
# cfg = Config(descr)
# cfg.boolop = [True]
# raises(ConflictConfigError, "cfg.wantframework = [False, False, True]")
# ____________________________________________________________
# adding dynamically new options description schema
#def test_newoption_add_in_descr():
# descr = make_description()
# newoption = BoolOption('newoption', 'dummy twoo', default=False)
# descr.add_child(newoption)
# config = Config(descr)
# assert config.newoption == False
#def test_newoption_add_in_subdescr():
# descr = make_description()
# newoption = BoolOption('newoption', 'dummy twoo', default=False)
# descr.gc.add_child(newoption)
# config = Config(descr)
# config.bool = False
# assert config.gc.newoption == False
#def test_newoption_add_in_config():
# descr = make_description()
# config = Config(descr)
# config.bool = False
# newoption = BoolOption('newoption', 'dummy twoo', default=False)
# descr.add_child(newoption)
# config.cfgimpl_update()
# assert config.newoption == False
# ____________________________________________________________
def make_description_requires():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc",
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': intoption, 'expected': 1, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption])
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
stroption, intoption])
return descr
def test_hidden_if_in():
descr = make_description_requires()
cfg = Config(descr)
setting = cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()
stroption = cfg.unwrap_from_path('str')
assert not 'hidden' in setting[stroption]
cfg.int = 1
raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.str")
raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.str="uvw"')
assert 'hidden' in setting[stroption]
def test_hidden_if_in_with_group():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption],
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': intoption, 'expected': 1, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption,
objspaceoption, stroption, intoption])
cfg = Config(descr)
setting = cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()
assert not 'hidden' in setting[stroption]
cfg.int = 1
raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.gc.name")
def test_disabled_with_group():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption],
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': intoption, 'expected': 1, 'action': 'disabled'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption,
objspaceoption, stroption, intoption])
cfg = Config(descr)
assert cfg.gc.name
cfg.int = 1
raises(PropertiesOptionError, "cfg.gc.name")
def make_description_callback():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy')
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True)
wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False,
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires',
2013-06-29 18:41:14 +02:00
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
2013-05-08 18:14:42 +02:00
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption])
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
wantref_option, stroption,
intoption, boolop])
return descr
def test_has_callback():
descr = make_description_callback()
# here the owner is 'default'
config = Config(descr)
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
config.bool = False
# because dummy has a callback
dummy = config.unwrap_from_path('gc.dummy')
raises(PropertiesOptionError, "config.gc.dummy = True")
def test_freeze_and_has_callback():
descr = make_description_callback()
config = Config(descr)
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
config.bool = False
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
dummy = config.unwrap_from_path('gc.dummy')
raises(PropertiesOptionError, "config.gc.dummy = True")
2013-06-11 15:10:38 +02:00
2013-06-11 15:36:08 +02:00
def test_callback():
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_val)
2013-06-11 15:36:08 +02:00
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
cfg.val1 = 'new-val'
assert cfg.val1 == 'new-val'
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
def test_callback_value():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val')
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)})
val4 = StrOption('val4', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False),)})
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ('yes',)})
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4, val5])
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
assert cfg.val2 == 'val'
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val4 == 'val'
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg.val1 = 'new-val'
assert cfg.val1 == 'new-val'
assert cfg.val2 == 'new-val'
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val4 == 'new-val'
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
assert cfg.val2 == 'val'
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val3 == 'yes'
assert cfg.val4 == 'val'
assert cfg.val5 == 'yes'
def test_callback_value_tuple():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val1')
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", 'val2')
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_concat, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val2, False))})
val4 = StrOption('val4', "", callback=return_concat, callback_params={'': ('yes', 'no')})
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_concat, callback_params={'value': ('yes', 'no')})")
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == 'val1'
assert cfg.val2 == 'val2'
assert cfg.val3 == 'val1.val2'
assert cfg.val4 == 'yes.no'
cfg.val1 = 'new-val'
assert cfg.val3 == 'new-val.val2'
assert cfg.val3 == 'val1.val2'
def test_callback_value_force_permissive():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val', properties=('disabled',))
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, True),)})
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val2")
assert cfg.val3 is None
def test_callback_symlink():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val')
val2 = SymLinkOption('val2', val1)
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)})
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
2013-11-23 23:34:17 +01:00
assert cfg.val2 == 'val'
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val3 == 'val'
cfg.val1 = 'new-val'
assert cfg.val1 == 'new-val'
assert cfg.val3 == 'new-val'
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
assert cfg.val3 == 'val'
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
def test_callback_list():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_list)
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(ValueError, "cfg.val1")
def test_callback_multi():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_val, multi=True)
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == ['val']
cfg.val1 = ['new-val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val1 == ['val']
def test_callback_multi_value():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", ['val'], multi=True)
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)})
val4 = StrOption('val4', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), 'yes')})
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4])
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val2 == ['val']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val4 == ['val', 'yes']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg.val1 = ['new-val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val']
assert cfg.val2 == ['new-val']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val4 == ['new-val', 'yes']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val2 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val4 == ['new-val', 'yes', 'new-val2', 'yes']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val2 == ['val']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val3 == ['yes']
assert cfg.val4 == ['val', 'yes']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
def test_callback_multi_list():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_list, multi=True)
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == ['val', 'val']
cfg.val1 = ['new-val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val1 == ['val', 'val']
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_val)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master_list():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_list)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val', None]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val1.pop(1)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None]
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave():
2013-06-11 15:10:38 +02:00
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True)
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_val)
2013-06-11 15:10:38 +02:00
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == []
assert cfg.val1.val2 == []
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val']
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val']
cfg.val1.val2 = ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_slave_list():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_list)
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val2 == []
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val', 'val']
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']
#wrong len
raises(SlaveError, 'cfg.val1.val2')
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_value():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True)
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)})
val4 = StrOption('val4', '', multi=True, default=['val10', 'val11'])
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val4, False),)})
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3, val5])
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val4])
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == []
assert cfg.val1.val2 == []
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == []
assert cfg.val1.val5 == []
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11', None]
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
cfg.val1.val2 = ['val2', 'val2']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
cfg.val1.val3 = ['val2', 'val2']
cfg.val1.val5 = ['val2', 'val2']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val3']
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', None]
cfg.val4 = ['val10', 'val11', 'val12']
#if value is already set, not updated !
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val12']
2013-06-12 10:22:50 +02:00
2013-06-26 16:26:42 +02:00
def test_callback_hidden():
opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '')
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)})
2013-06-26 16:26:42 +02:00
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1], properties=('hidden',))
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
2013-08-21 22:21:50 +02:00
2013-06-26 16:26:42 +02:00
raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od1.opt1')
2013-09-16 15:02:14 +02:00
2013-09-16 20:51:13 +02:00
def test_callback_two_disabled():
2013-09-16 15:02:14 +02:00
opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',))
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('disabled',))
2013-09-16 15:02:14 +02:00
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
2013-09-16 20:51:13 +02:00
raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od2.opt2')
def test_callback_calculating_disabled():
opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',))
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)})
2013-09-16 20:51:13 +02:00
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(ConfigError, 'cfg.od2.opt2')
def test_callback_calculating_mandatory():
opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',))
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('mandatory',))
2013-09-16 20:51:13 +02:00
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(ConfigError, 'cfg.od2.opt2')
2013-09-17 09:10:08 +02:00
def test_callback_two_disabled_multi():
opt1 = BoolOption('opt1', '', properties=('disabled',))
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
opt2 = BoolOption('opt2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}, properties=('disabled',), multi=True)
2013-09-17 09:10:08 +02:00
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [opt1])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [opt2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [od1, od2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(PropertiesOptionError, 'cfg.od2.opt2')
2013-09-19 21:38:46 +02:00
def test_callback_multi_list_params():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, default=['val1', 'val2'])
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_list, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
oval2 = OptionDescription('val2', '', [val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val', 'val', 'val']
def test_callback_multi_list_params_key():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, default=['val1', 'val2'])
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_list, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False),)})
oval2 = OptionDescription('val2', '', [val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val', 'val', 'val']
def test_callback_multi_multi():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, default=['val1', 'val2', 'val3'])
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, default=['val11', 'val12'])
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", default='val4')
val4 = StrOption('val4', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val2, False))})
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val3, False))})
val6 = StrOption('val6', "", multi=True, default=['val21', 'val22', 'val23'])
val7 = StrOption('val7', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val6, False))})
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val8', '', multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False), (val6, False))})")
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val4")
assert cfg.val5 == ['val1', 'val4', 'val2', 'val4', 'val3', 'val4']
assert cfg.val7 == ['val1', 'val21', 'val2', 'val22', 'val3', 'val23']
2013-09-23 22:40:10 +02:00
def test_multi_with_no_value():
#First option return [] (so without value)
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", ['val'], multi=True)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
val3 = StrOption('val3', '', multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),), 'value': ((val1, False),)})
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [val1, val2, val3])
c = Config(od)
raises(ConfigError, "c.val3")