# tiramisu-cmdline-parser Python3 parser for command-line options and arguments using Tiramisu engine. # example Let us start with a simple example ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 from tiramisu_cmdline_parser import TiramisuCmdlineParser from tiramisu import IntOption, StrOption, BoolOption, ChoiceOption, \ SymLinkOption, OptionDescription, Config # build a Config with: # * a choice for select a sub argument (str, list, int) choiceoption = ChoiceOption('cmd', 'choice the sub argument', ('str', 'list', 'int'), properties=('mandatory',)) # 'positional')) # * a boolean to pass script in verbosity mode with argument -v --verbosity booloption = BoolOption('verbosity', 'increase output verbosity', default=False) short_booloption = SymLinkOption('v', booloption) # * a string option if cmd is 'str' str_ = StrOption('str', 'string option', properties=('mandatory',), requires=[{'option': choiceoption, 'expected': 'str', 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}]) # * a list of strings option if cmd is 'list' list_ = StrOption('list', 'list string option', multi=True, properties=('mandatory',), requires=[{'option': choiceoption, 'expected': 'list', 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}]) # * an integer option if cmd is 'int' int_ = IntOption('int', 'int option', properties=('mandatory',), requires=[{'option': choiceoption, 'expected': 'int', 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}]) # Now build Config config = Config(OptionDescription('root', 'root', [choiceoption, booloption, short_booloption, str_, list_, int_ ])) # initialise the parser parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config) # parse arguments of current script parser.parse_args() # now, print the result print('result:') config.property.read_only() for key, value in config.value.dict().items(): print('- {} ({}): {}'.format(key, config.option(key).option.doc(), value)) ``` Let's print help: ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py str -h usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] --str STR --list LIST [LIST ...] --int INT {str,list,int} positional arguments: {str,list,int} choice the sub argument optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbosity increase output verbosity --str STR string option --list LIST [LIST ...] list string option --int INT int option ``` The positional argument 'cmd' is mandatory: ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] --str STR --list LIST [LIST ...] --int INT {str,list,int} prog.py: error: the following arguments are required: cmd ``` If 'cmd' is 'str', --str become mandatory: ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py str usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] --str STR --list LIST [LIST ...] --int INT {str,list,int} prog.py: error: the following arguments are required: --str ``` If 'cmd' is 'str', cannot set --int argument: ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py str --int 3 usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] --str STR --list LIST [LIST ...] --int INT {str,list,int} prog.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --int ``` With all mandatories arguments: ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py str --str value result: - cmd (choice the sub argument): str - verbosity (increase output verbosity): False - v (increase output verbosity): False - str (string option): value ``` ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py int --int 3 result: - cmd (choice the sub argument): int - verbosity (increase output verbosity): False - v (increase output verbosity): False - int (int option): 3 ``` ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py list --list a b c result: - cmd (choice the sub argument): list - verbosity (increase output verbosity): False - v (increase output verbosity): False - list (list string option): ['a', 'b', 'c'] ``` Add --verbosity argument: ```bash [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py list --list a b c -v result: - cmd (choice the sub argument): list - verbosity (increase output verbosity): True - v (increase output verbosity): True - list (list string option): ['a', 'b', 'c'] [gnunux@localhost tiramisu-parser]$ python3 prog.py list --list a b c --verbosity result: - cmd (choice the sub argument): list - verbosity (increase output verbosity): True - v (increase output verbosity): True - list (list string option): ['a', 'b', 'c'] ```