from io import StringIO from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr from tiramisu_cmdline_parser import TiramisuCmdlineParser from tiramisu import IntOption, StrOption, BoolOption, ChoiceOption, \ SymLinkOption, OptionDescription, Config def get_config(): choiceoption = ChoiceOption('cmd', 'choice the sub argument', ('str', 'list', 'int', 'none'), properties=('mandatory', 'positional')) booloption = BoolOption('verbosity', 'increase output verbosity', default=False) short_booloption = SymLinkOption('v', booloption) str_ = StrOption('str', 'string option', properties=('mandatory',), requires=[{'option': choiceoption, 'expected': 'str', 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}]) list_ = StrOption('list', 'list string option', multi=True, properties=('mandatory',), requires=[{'option': choiceoption, 'expected': 'list', 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}]) int_ = IntOption('int', 'int option', properties=('mandatory',), requires=[{'option': choiceoption, 'expected': 'int', 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}]) config = Config(OptionDescription('root', 'root', [choiceoption, booloption, short_booloption, str_, list_, int_ ])) return config def test_readme_help(): output = """usage: [-h] [-v] {str,list,int,none} positional arguments: {str,list,int,none} choice the sub argument optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbosity increase output verbosity """ parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(get_config(), '') f = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): parser.print_help() assert f.getvalue() == output def test_readme_positional_mandatory(): output = """usage: [-h] [-v] {str,list,int,none} error: the following arguments are required: cmd """ parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(get_config(), '') f = StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): try: parser.parse_args([]) except SystemExit as err: assert str(err) == "2" else: raise Exception('must raises') assert f.getvalue() == output def test_readme_mandatory(): output = """usage: [-h] [-v] --str STR {str,list,int,none} error: the following arguments are required: --str """ parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(get_config(), '') f = StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): try: parser.parse_args(['str']) except SystemExit as err: assert str(err) == "2" else: raise Exception('must raises') assert f.getvalue() == output def test_readme_cross(): output = """usage: [-h] [-v] {str,list,int,none} error: unrecognized arguments: --int """ parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(get_config(), '') f = StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): try: parser.parse_args(['none', '--int']) except SystemExit as err: assert str(err) == "2" else: raise Exception('must raises') assert f.getvalue() == output def test_readme_int(): output = {'cmd': 'int', 'int': 3, 'verbosity': False, 'v': False} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['int', '--int', '3']) # assert config.value.dict() == output def test_readme_int_verbosity(): output = {'cmd': 'int', 'int': 3, 'verbosity': True, 'v': True} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['int', '--int', '3', '--verbosity']) assert config.value.dict() == output def test_readme_int_verbosity_short(): output = {'cmd': 'int', 'int': 3, 'verbosity': True, 'v': True} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['int', '--int', '3', '-v']) assert config.value.dict() == output def test_readme_str(): output = {'cmd': 'str', 'str': 'value', 'verbosity': False, 'v': False} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['str', '--str', 'value']) assert config.value.dict() == output def test_readme_str_int(): output = {'cmd': 'str', 'str': '3', 'verbosity': False, 'v': False} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['str', '--str', '3']) assert config.value.dict() == output def test_readme_list(): output = {'cmd': 'list', 'list': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'verbosity': False, 'v': False} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['list', '--list', 'a', 'b', 'c']) assert config.value.dict() == output def test_readme_list_uniq(): output = {'cmd': 'list', 'list': ['a'], 'verbosity': False, 'v': False} config = get_config() parser = TiramisuCmdlineParser(config, '') parser.parse_args(['list', '--list', 'a']) assert config.value.dict() == output