"""Legacy Creole engine Created by: EOLE (http://eole.orion.education.fr) Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Forked by: Cadoles (http://www.cadoles.com) Copyright (C) 2021 distribued with GPL-2 or later license This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ from typing import Dict, Any from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound from .creole import CheetahTemplate as oriCheetahTemplate from ...i18n import _ from ...utils import normalize_family from ...error import TemplateError @classmethod def cl_compile(kls, *args, **kwargs): """Rewrite compile methode to force some settings """ kwargs['compilerSettings'] = {'directiveStartToken' : u'%', 'cheetahVarStartToken' : u'%%', 'EOLSlurpToken' : u'%', 'PSPStartToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'PSPEndToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'commentStartToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'commentEndToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'multiLineCommentStartToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'multiLineCommentEndToken' : u'µ' * 10} return kls.old_compile(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=E1101 class IsDefined: """ filtre permettant de ne pas lever d'exception au cas où la variable Creole n'est pas définie """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, varname): if '.' in varname: splitted_var = varname.split('.') if len(splitted_var) != 2: msg = u"Group variables must be of type master.slave" raise KeyError(msg) master, slave = splitted_var if master in self.context: return slave in self.context[master].slave.keys() return False else: return varname in self.context class CreoleClient(): def get(self, path): path = path.replace('/', '.') if path.startswith('.'): path = path[1:] if '.' not in path: return self.context[path] else: root, path = path.split('.', 1) obj = self.context[root] for var in path.split('.'): obj = getattr(obj, var) return obj def is_empty(data): if str(data) in ['', '""', "''", "[]", "['']", '[""]', "None"]: return True return False class CheetahTemplate(oriCheetahTemplate): def __init__(self, filename: str, source: str, context, eosfunc: Dict, extra_context: Dict, ): creole_client = CreoleClient() creole_client.context=context extra_context['is_defined'] = IsDefined(context) extra_context['creole_client'] = creole_client extra_context['is_empty'] = is_empty extra_context['_creole_filename'] = extra_context['rougail_filename'] super().__init__(filename, source, context, eosfunc, extra_context) # Sync to creole.py def process(filename: str, source: str, true_destfilename: str, destfilename: str, destdir: str, variable: Any, index: int, rougail_variables_dict: Dict, eosfunc: Dict, ): """Process a cheetah template """ # full path of the destination file ori_compile = oriCheetahTemplate.compile oriCheetahTemplate.compile = cl_compile try: extra_context = {'normalize_family': normalize_family, 'rougail_filename': true_destfilename, 'rougail_destination_dir': destdir, } if variable is not None: extra_context['rougail_variable'] = variable if index is not None: extra_context['rougail_index'] = index cheetah_template = CheetahTemplate(filename, source, rougail_variables_dict, eosfunc, extra_context, ) data = str(cheetah_template) except NotFound as err: # pragma: no cover varname = err.args[0][13:-1] if filename: msg = f"Error: unknown variable used in template {filename} to {destfilename}: {varname}" else: msg = f"Error: unknown variable used in file {destfilename}: {varname}" oriCheetahTemplate.compile = ori_compile raise TemplateError(_(msg)) from err except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover if filename: msg = _(f"Error while instantiating template {filename} to {destfilename}: {err}") else: msg = _(f"Error while instantiating filename {destfilename}: {err}") oriCheetahTemplate.compile = ori_compile raise TemplateError(msg) from err with open(destfilename, 'w') as file_h: file_h.write(data) oriCheetahTemplate.compile = ori_compile