from lxml import etree from os.path import isfile, join, isdir from pytest import fixture, mark from os import listdir, mkdir from json import dump, load, dumps, loads from tiramisu import Config from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError dico_dirs = 'tests/dictionaries' test_ok = set() for test in listdir(dico_dirs): if isdir(join(dico_dirs, test)): if isdir(join(dico_dirs, test, 'tiramisu')): test_ok.add(test) debug = False #debug = True excludes = set([]) #excludes = set(['01base_file_utfchar']) test_ok -= excludes #test_ok = ['10check_valid_ipnetmask'] test_ok = list(test_ok) test_ok.sort() @fixture(scope="module", params=test_ok) def test_dir(request): return request.param async def launch_flattener(test_dir): makedict_dir = join(test_dir, 'makedict') makedict_file = join(makedict_dir, 'base.json') makedict_before = join(makedict_dir, 'before.json') makedict_after = join(makedict_dir, 'after.json') modulepath = test_dir.replace('/', '.') + '.tiramisu.base' mod = __import__(modulepath) for token in modulepath.split(".")[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, token) config = await Config(mod.option_0) # change default rights ro_origin = await'read_only', 'append') ro_append = frozenset(ro_origin - {'force_store_value'}) rw_origin = await'read_write', 'append') rw_append = frozenset(rw_origin - {'force_store_value'}) await, 'read_only', 'append') await, 'read_write', 'append') await config.information.set('test_information', 'value') await await'mandatory') await config.information.set('info', 'value') config_dict = await config.value.dict(leader_to_list=True) if not isdir(makedict_dir): mkdir(makedict_dir) if not isfile(makedict_file) or debug: with open(makedict_file, 'w') as fh: dump(config_dict, fh, indent=4) fh.write('\n') if not isfile(makedict_file): raise Exception('dict is not empty') with open(makedict_file, 'r') as fh: assert load(fh) == loads(dumps(config_dict)) # await value_owner(makedict_before, config) # deploy ro = await'read_only', 'append') ro = frozenset(list(ro) + ['force_store_value']) await, 'read_only', 'append') rw = await'read_write', 'append') rw = frozenset(list(rw) + ['force_store_value']) await, 'read_write', 'append') await'force_store_value') # await value_owner(makedict_after, config) async def value_owner(makedict_value_owner, config): ret = {} for key in await config.option.list(recursive=True): path = await key.option.path() if await key.option.isfollower(): value = [] owner = [] for idx in range(0, await key.value.len()): try: option = config.option(path, idx) value.append(await option.value.get()) owner.append(await option.owner.get()) except PropertiesOptionError as err: value.append(str(err)) owner.append('error') else: value = await key.value.get() owner = await key.owner.get() ret[path] = {'owner': owner, 'value': value, } if not isfile(makedict_value_owner) or debug: with open(makedict_value_owner, 'w') as fh: dump(ret, fh, indent=4) fh.write('\n') with open(makedict_value_owner, 'r') as fh: assert load(fh) == loads(dumps(ret)) @mark.asyncio async def test_dictionary(test_dir): test_dir = join(dico_dirs, test_dir) await launch_flattener(test_dir)