#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from os.path import basename from creole.loader import creole_loader from creole.client import CreoleClient from creole.template import CreoleGet, IsDefined, CreoleTemplateEngine, CreoleMaster from creole import eosfunc from tiramisu.option import * from tiramisu import Config from tiramisu.error import ConfigError, PropertiesOptionError, \ RequirementError, ValueWarning from Cheetah import Parser, Compiler from Cheetah.Template import Template from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound from pyeole.ansiprint import print_red from creole.eosfunc import valid_regexp from Cheetah.Unspecified import Unspecified import warnings DEBUG = False #DEBUG = True client = CreoleClient() compilerSettings = {'directiveStartToken' : u'%', 'cheetahVarStartToken' : u'%%', 'EOLSlurpToken' : u'%', 'PSPStartToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'PSPEndToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'commentStartToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'commentEndToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'multiLineCommentStartToken' : u'µ' * 10, 'multiLineCommentEndToken' : u'µ' * 10} #======================= CHEETAH ======================= # This class is used to retrieve all template vars #true_HighLevelParser = Parser._HighLevelParser global cl_chunks, cl_vars cl_chunks = set() cl_vars = set() class cl_Parser(Parser.Parser): def getCheetahVarNameChunks(self, *args, **kwargs): global cl_chunks chunks = super(cl_Parser, self).getCheetahVarNameChunks(*args, **kwargs) for chunk in chunks: #if false, it's internal variable if chunk[1]: name = chunk[0] #remove master if master/slave and add force adding master if '.' in name: cl_chunks.add(name.split('.')[-1]) cl_chunks.add(name.split('.')[0]) else: cl_chunks.add(name) return chunks def getCheetahVar(self, *args, **kwargs): global cl_vars var = super(cl_Parser, self).getCheetahVar(*args, **kwargs) if not var.startswith(u'VFFSL('): cl_vars.add(var) return var def getVars(): global cl_chunks, cl_vars #retrieve all calculated vars ret = list(cl_chunks - cl_vars) cl_chunks = set() cl_vars = set() return ret class CompilerGetVars(Compiler.ModuleCompiler): parserClass = cl_Parser true_compile = Template.compile @classmethod def cl_compile(kls, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['compilerClass'] = CompilerGetVars kwargs['useCache'] = False return true_compile(*args, **kwargs) Template.compile = cl_compile def CompilerGetVar(varName, default=Unspecified): #remplace Cheetah's getVar function #this function permite to known variable if getVar is used if varName.startswith('%%'): raise Exception('varname should not start with %% {0}'.format(varName)) global extra_vars, config config.read_only() try: option = config.creole.find_first(byname=varName) path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(option) value = getattr(config, path) except (AttributeError, ConfigError): try: option = config.creole.find_first(byname=varName, check_properties=False) path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(option) #populate_mandatory(config, option, path, raise_propertyerror=True) config.read_write() populate_mandatories() config.read_only() value = getattr(config, path) except (AttributeError, RequirementError), err: config.read_only() #support default value if default != Unspecified: return default else: raise AttributeError('option:', varName, ':', err) except PropertiesOptionError as err: if default != Unspecified: return default else: raise err except Exception as err: config.read_only() raise err except Exception as err: config.read_only() raise err lpath = '.'.join(path.split('.')[2:]) dico = {lpath: value} engine = CreoleTemplateEngine(force_values=dico) name = path.split('.')[-1] extra_vars[option] = name if "." in lpath: spath = lpath.split('.') if spath[0] == spath[1]: ret = engine.creole_variables_dict[name] else: ret = engine.creole_variables_dict[spath[0]].slave[spath[1]] else: ret = engine.creole_variables_dict[name] return ret def CompilerGetattr(creolemaster, name, default=None): if not isinstance(creolemaster, CreoleMaster): raise Exception('creolemaster must be CreoleMaster, not {0}'.format(type(creolemaster))) if name not in creolemaster.slave: #FIXME assume name is slave? value = CompilerGetVar(name, default) if creolemaster._index is not None: value = value[creolemaster._index] creolemaster.add_slave(name, value) return getattr(creolemaster, name, default) #======================= EOSFUNC ======================= eos = {} for func in dir(eosfunc): if not func.startswith('_'): eos[func] = getattr(eosfunc, func) #======================= CONFIG ======================= def populate_mandatory(config, option, path, raise_propertyerror=False): def _build_network(path): for num in range(0, 4): if path.startswith('creole.interface_{0}'.format(num)): return num #si il y a un test de consistence de type _cons_in_network (l'IP doit être dans un network défini) #on utilise le réseau de ce network #10714 if getattr(option, '_consistencies', None) is not None: for const in option._consistencies: if const[0] == '_cons_in_network': try: opt = const[1][1] path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(opt) val = config.getattr(path, force_permissive=True) if isinstance(val, list): val = val[0] return val.split('.')[2] except IndexError: pass return 5 def _build_ip(path): if path.endswith('_fichier_link'): return 3 elif path.endswith('_proxy_link'): return 2 else: #ne pas retourner la même valeur si elle est censé être différente if getattr(option, '_consistencies', None) is not None: for const in option._consistencies: if const[0] == '_cons_not_equal': return 4 return 1 if option.impl_getname().startswith('nom_carte_eth'): value = unicode(option.impl_getname()) elif isinstance(option, UnicodeOption): value = u'value' elif isinstance(option, IPOption): value = u'192.168.{0}.{1}'.format(_build_network(path), _build_ip(path)) elif isinstance(option, NetworkOption): value = u'192.168.{0}.0'.format(_build_network(path)) elif isinstance(option, NetmaskOption): value = u'' elif isinstance(option, BroadcastOption): value = u'192.168.{0}.255'.format(_build_network(path)) elif isinstance(option, EmailOption): value = u'foo@bar.com' elif isinstance(option, URLOption): value = u'http://foo.com/bar' elif isinstance(option, DomainnameOption): allow_without_dot = option._get_extra('_allow_without_dot') o_type = option._get_extra('_dom_type') if option._name == 'smb_workgroup': value = u'othervalue' elif o_type in ['netbios', 'hostname']: value = u'value' else: value = u'value.lan' elif isinstance(option, FilenameOption): value = u'/tmp/foo' elif isinstance(option, ChoiceOption): #FIXME devrait le faire tout seul non ? value = option.impl_get_values(config)[0] elif isinstance(option, IntOption): value = 1 elif isinstance(option, PortOption): value = 80 elif isinstance(option, DomainnameOption): value = 'foo.com' elif isinstance(option, UsernameOption): value = 'toto' elif isinstance(option, PasswordOption): value = 'P@ssWord' else: raise Exception('the Tiramisu type {0} is not supported by CreoleLint (variable : {1})'.format(type(option), path)) validator = option.impl_get_validator() if validator is not None and validator[0] == valid_regexp: regexp = validator[1][''][0] # génération d'une "value" valide # en cas de valid_regexp sans valeur par défaut if regexp == u'^[A-Z][0-9]$': value = u'A1' elif option._name == 'additional_repository_source': # variable avec expression (très) spécifique #20291 value = u"deb http://test dist" elif not regexp.startswith(u'^[a-z0-9]') and regexp.startswith('^'): value = regexp[1:] if option.impl_is_multi(): if option.impl_is_master_slaves('slave'): #slave should have same length as master masterpath = '.'.join(path.split('.')[:-1]+[path.split('.')[-2]]) try: len_master = len(getattr(config, masterpath)) val = [] for i in range(0, len_master): val.append(value) value = val except: value = [value] else: value = [value] try: config.setattr(path, value, force_permissive=True) except ValueError, err: msg = str('error for {0} type {1}: {2}'.format(path, type(option), err)) raise Exception(msg) except PropertiesOptionError, err: if 'frozen' not in err.proptype: if raise_propertyerror: raise err msg = str('error for {0} type {1}: {2}'.format(path, type(option), err)) raise Exception(msg) class Reload(Exception): pass class Check_Template: def __init__(self, template_name): self.all_requires = {} self.current_opt = {} self.od_list = {} global extra_vars #reinit extra_vars extra_vars = {} self.old_dico = [] self.current_var = [] self.ori_options = [] self.file_path = None self.template_name = template_name self.current_container = client.get_container_infos('mail') self.tmpl = None self.is_tmpl = False self.filename_ok = False def populate_requires(self, option, path, force=False): def _parse_requires(_option): o_requires = _option.impl_getrequires() if o_requires is not None: for requires in o_requires: for require in requires: opt_ = require[0] path_ = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(opt_) self.populate_requires(opt_, path_, force=True) if not force and not path.startswith('creole.'): return if option in self.current_opt: return o_requires = option.impl_getrequires() if o_requires is not None: for requires in o_requires: for require in requires: if require[0].impl_is_master_slaves('slave'): path_ = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(require[0]) s_path = path_.split('.') master_path = 'creole.' + s_path[1] + '.' + s_path[2] + '.' + s_path[2] try: opt_master = config.unwrap_from_path(master_path) config.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('everything_frozen') populate_mandatory(config, opt_master, master_path) except: pass self.all_requires.setdefault(option, []).append(require[0]) if isinstance(option, OptionDescription): self.od_list[path] = option if force and not option._name in self.current_var: self.current_var.append(option._name) if option._name in self.current_var or not path.startswith('creole.'): if not isinstance(option, OptionDescription): if path.startswith('creole.'): self.current_opt[option] = '.'.join(path.split('.')[1:]) else: self.current_opt[option] = None _parse_requires(option) #requires could be in parent's too opath = '' for parent in path.split('.')[:-1]: opath += parent if opath in self.od_list: desc = self.od_list[opath] self.current_opt[desc] = None _parse_requires(desc) opath += '.' try: if option._callback is not None: for params in option._callback[1].values(): for param in params: if isinstance(param, tuple): opt = param[0] path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(opt) self.populate_requires(opt, path, force=True) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass def read_write(self): config.read_write() config.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('disabled') config.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('hidden') config.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('frozen') def change_value(self, path, value, multi, parse_message, option): self.read_write() config.cfgimpl_get_settings()[option].remove('force_default_on_freeze') if multi: if option.impl_is_master_slaves('slave'): s_path = path.split('.') master_path = s_path[0] + '.' + s_path[1] + '.' + s_path[2] + '.' + s_path[2] master_option = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path(master_path) if getattr(config, master_path) == []: populate_mandatory(config, master_option, master_path) value = [value] if parse_message: print parse_message, value setattr(config, path, value) config.read_only() def template(self): self.last_notfound = [] def get_value(opt_, path_): try: return getattr(config.creole, path_) except PropertiesOptionError, err: if err.proptype == ['mandatory']: self.read_write() config.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('mandatory') s_path = path_.split('.') #set value to master if len(s_path) == 3 and s_path[1] != s_path[2]: master_path = 'creole.' + s_path[0] + '.' + s_path[1] + '.' + s_path[1] opt_master = config.unwrap_from_path(master_path) populate_mandatory(config, opt_master, master_path) populate_mandatory(config, opt_, 'creole.' + path_) config.read_only() config.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('mandatory') try: ret = getattr(config.creole, path_) config.cfgimpl_get_settings().append('mandatory') return ret except PropertiesOptionError: pass raise NotFound('no value') except ConfigError: self.read_write() populate_mandatory(config, opt_, 'creole.' + path_) config.read_only() try: return getattr(config.creole, path_) except ConfigError, err: raise err except PropertiesOptionError, err: raise NotFound('no value') try: is_gen_file = getattr(config, self.file_path) except PropertiesOptionError, err: is_gen_file = False if not is_gen_file: return try: config.read_write() populate_mandatories() config.read_only() dico = {} for opt_, path_ in self.current_opt.items(): #path_ is None if it's an OptionDescription if path_ is None: continue try: dico[path_] = get_value(opt_, path_) except NotFound: pass #FIXME revoir le strip_full_path ndico = {} for path_, value in dico.items(): sdico = path_.split('.') if len(sdico) == 2: ndico[sdico[1]] = value elif len(sdico) == 3: if sdico[1] == sdico[2]: ndico[sdico[1]] = value else: ndico['.'.join(sdico[1:])] = value else: raise Exception('chemin de longueur inconnu {}'.format(path_)) engine = CreoleTemplateEngine(force_values=ndico) dico = engine.creole_variables_dict self.read_write() except ConfigError, err: msg = 'erreur de templating', err raise ValueError(msg) diff = True for old in self.old_dico: if dico.keys() == old.keys(): for key in old.keys(): if old[key] != dico[key]: diff = False break if not diff: break if not diff: return try: self.old_dico.append(dico) searchlist = [dico, eos, {'is_defined' : IsDefined(dico), 'creole_client' : CreoleClient(), 'current_container': CreoleGet(self.current_container), }] rtmpl = self.tmpl(searchList=searchlist) rtmpl.getVar = CompilerGetVar rtmpl.getattr = CompilerGetattr rtmpl = str(rtmpl) #print rtmpl self.is_tmpl = True except NotFound, err: lst = getVars() if lst == []: raise Exception("Il manque une option", err, 'avec le dictionnaire', dico) for ls in lst: try: CompilerGetVar(ls) except AttributeError: self.last_notfound.append(ls) raise Reload('') except Exception, err: raise Exception("Il y a une erreur", err, 'avec le dictionnaire', dico) def check_reload_with_extra(self): #if extra_vars has value, check if not already in current_opt global extra_vars if extra_vars != {}: oret = set(extra_vars.keys()) opt_requires = oret & set(self.all_requires.keys()) for opt_ in opt_requires: oret.update(self.all_requires[opt_]) dont_exists = set(oret) - set(self.current_opt.keys()) ret = [] for opt_ in dont_exists: try: ret.append(extra_vars[opt_]) except KeyError: ret.append(opt_._name) extra_vars = {} if ret == []: return None return ret def test_all_values_for(self, options, cpt): option = options[0] parse_message = None if DEBUG: parse_message = '*' * cpt + '>' + option._name if not isinstance(option, ChoiceOption): msg = str('pas simple la... ' + option._name) raise NotImplementedError(msg) multi = option.impl_is_multi() path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(option) for value in option.impl_get_values(config): self.change_value(path, value, multi, parse_message, option) if options[1:] != []: #if already value to test, restart test_all_values_for ret = self.test_all_values_for(options[1:], cpt + 1) if ret != None: return ret else: need_reload = False try: self.template() except Reload: need_reload = True ret = self.check_reload_with_extra() if need_reload and ret is None: notfound = [] paths = config.cfgimpl_get_description()._cache_paths[1] for ls in self.last_notfound: #if variable is locale (means template) variable, not config's one for path in paths: if path.endswith('.' + ls): notfound.append(ls) break if notfound != []: raise Exception('variable not found after reload {0}'.format(notfound)) if ret is not None: return ret def open_file(self, force_var): # Open template and compile it # retrieve template vars (add force_var if needed) filecontent = open(self.template_name).read() #try to convert content in unicode self.tmpl = Template.compile(filecontent, compilerSettings=compilerSettings) # , #compilerClass=CompilerGetVars) self.current_var = getVars() if force_var: self.current_var.extend(force_var) def populate_file(self, path, option): if path.startswith('containers.files.file'): if path.endswith('.source') and option.impl_getdefault().endswith('/{0}'.format(self.template_name.split('/')[-1])): self.filename_ok = True if self.filename_ok and path.endswith('.activate'): self.file_path = path self.filename_ok = False self.populate_requires(option, path, force=True) def test_all_values(self): try: options = list(set(self.all_requires.keys())&set(self.current_opt.keys())) need_tmpl = False if options != []: requires_options = set() for opt in options: for op in self.all_requires[opt]: if 'frozen' not in config.cfgimpl_get_settings()[op]: requires_options.add(op) if requires_options == set([]): need_tmpl = True else: self.ori_options = requires_options ret = self.test_all_values_for(list(requires_options), 0) if ret is not None: if DEBUG: print "reload with", ret self.check_template(ret, already_load=True) else: need_tmpl = True if need_tmpl is True: try: self.template() except: self.test_all_values() except Exception, err: if DEBUG: import traceback traceback.print_exc() msg = self.template_name, ':', err raise Exception(msg) def check_template(self, force_var=None, already_load=False): #remove all modification (value, properties, ...) open_error = None try: self.open_file(force_var) except Exception, err: open_error = "problème à l'ouverture du fichier {}".format(self.template_name) config.read_only() for index, option in enumerate(config.cfgimpl_get_description()._cache_paths[0]): path = config.cfgimpl_get_description()._cache_paths[1][index] self.populate_file(path, option) self.populate_requires(option, path) if self.file_path is None: if open_error is not None: print "le fichier {0} non présent dans un dictionnaire a un problème : {1}".format(basename(self.template_name), open_error) else: print " \\-- fichier non présent dans un dictionnaire {0}".format(self.template_name) return if open_error is not None: raise Exception(open_error) if not already_load: print " \\--", self.template_name self.test_all_values() if not self.is_tmpl: print "pas de templating !" def populate_mandatories(): for path in config.cfgimpl_get_values().mandatory_warnings(config): if path.startswith('creole.'): option = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path(path) try: populate_mandatory(config, option, path) except PropertiesOptionError: pass def parse_templates(templates_name): global config, cl_chunks, cl_vars, extra_vars config = creole_loader(load_values=False, load_extra=True) config.read_write() populate_mandatories() cfg = config for template_name in templates_name: cl_chunks = set() cl_vars = set() extra_vars = {} config = cfg.duplicate() config.read_write() populate_mandatories() ctmpl = Check_Template(template_name) try: ctmpl.check_template() except Exception, err: if DEBUG: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print_red(str(err)) sys.exit(1)