"""creole loader flattened XML specific """ from os.path import join, isfile, isdir from os import listdir #from ast import literal_eval from lxml.etree import parse, DTD from tiramisu.option import (UnicodeOption, OptionDescription, PortOption, IntOption, ChoiceOption, BoolOption, SymLinkOption, IPOption, NetworkOption, NetmaskOption, DomainnameOption, BroadcastOption, URLOption, EmailOption, FilenameOption, UsernameOption, DateOption, PasswordOption, BoolOption, MACOption, Leadership) from tiramisu import Config, MetaConfig, MixConfig from tiramisu.setting import groups from tiramisu.error import ConfigError from tiramisu.setting import owners from tiramisu import Params, ParamOption, ParamValue, ParamContext, Calculation, calc_value from .config import dtdfilename from .i18n import _ #For compatibility from .xmlreflector import HIGH_COMPATIBILITY #from . import eosfunc from .objspace import CreoleObjSpace import imp class CreoleLoaderError(Exception): pass def convert_tiramisu_value(value, obj): """ convertit les variables dans le bon type si nécessaire """ if value is None: return value def _convert_boolean(value): if isinstance(value, bool): return value prop = {'True': True, 'False': False, 'None': None} if value not in prop: raise Exception('unknown value {} while trying to cast {} to boolean'.format(value, obj)) return prop[value] func = {IntOption: int, UnicodeOption: str, PortOption: str, DomainnameOption: str, EmailOption: str, URLOption: str, IPOption: str, NetmaskOption: str, NetworkOption: str, BroadcastOption: str, FilenameOption: str, BoolOption: _convert_boolean}.get(obj, None) if func is None: return value if isinstance(value, list): return [func(val) for val in value] else: return func(value) CONVERT_OPTION = {'number': dict(opttype=IntOption), 'choice': dict(opttype=ChoiceOption), 'string': dict(opttype=UnicodeOption), 'password': dict(opttype=PasswordOption), 'mail': dict(opttype=EmailOption), 'boolean': dict(opttype=BoolOption), 'symlink': dict(opttype=SymLinkOption), 'filename': dict(opttype=FilenameOption), 'date': dict(opttype=DateOption), 'unix_user': dict(opttype=UsernameOption), 'ip': dict(opttype=IPOption, initkwargs={'allow_reserved': True}), 'local_ip': dict(opttype=IPOption, initkwargs={'private_only': True, 'warnings_only': True}), 'netmask': dict(opttype=NetmaskOption), 'network': dict(opttype=NetworkOption), 'broadcast': dict(opttype=BroadcastOption), 'netbios': dict(opttype=DomainnameOption, initkwargs={'type': 'netbios', 'warnings_only': True}), 'domain': dict(opttype=DomainnameOption, initkwargs={'type': 'domainname', 'allow_ip': True, 'allow_without_dot': True}), 'domain_strict': dict(opttype=DomainnameOption, initkwargs={'type': 'domainname', 'allow_ip': False}), 'hostname': dict(opttype=DomainnameOption, initkwargs={'type': 'hostname', 'allow_ip': True}), 'hostname_strict': dict(opttype=DomainnameOption, initkwargs={'type': 'hostname', 'allow_ip': False}), 'web_address': dict(opttype=URLOption, initkwargs={'allow_ip': True, 'allow_without_dot': True}), 'port': dict(opttype=PortOption, initkwargs={'allow_private': True}), 'mac': dict(opttype=MACOption) # FIXME YO } # FIXME help REMOVED_ATTRIB = ['path', 'type'] class Elt(object): def __init__(self, attrib): self.attrib = attrib class PopulateTiramisuObjects(object): def __init__(self): self.storage = ElementStorage() self.booleans = [] self.force_store_values = set() self.separators = {} self.groups = {} def parse_dtd(self, dtdfilename): """Loads the Creole DTD :raises IOError: if the DTD is not found :param dtdfilename: the full filename of the Creole DTD """ if not isfile(dtdfilename): raise IOError(_("no such DTD file: {}").format(dtdfilename)) with open(dtdfilename, 'r') as dtdfd: dtd = DTD(dtdfd) for elt in dtd.iterelements(): if elt.name == 'variable': for attr in elt.iterattributes(): if set(attr.itervalues()) == set(['True', 'False']): self.booleans.append(attr.name) def make_tiramisu_objects(self, xmlroot, creolefunc_file, load_extra=True): elt = Elt({'name': 'baseoption'}) family = Family(elt, self.booleans, self.storage) self.storage.add('.', family) self.eosfunc = imp.load_source('eosfunc', creolefunc_file) elts = {} for elt in xmlroot: elts.setdefault(elt.tag, []).append(elt) list_elts = list(elts.keys()) if 'family' in list_elts: list_elts.remove('family') list_elts.insert(0, 'family') for elt in list_elts: xmlelts_ = elts[elt] if elt == 'family': xmlelts = [] actions = None # `creole` family has to be loaded before any other family # because `extra` family could use `creole` variables. # `actions` family has to be loaded at the very end # because it may use `creole` or `extra` variables for xml in xmlelts_: if not load_extra and xml.attrib['name'] not in ['creole', 'containers']: continue if xml.attrib['name'] == 'creole': xmlelts.insert(0, xml) elif xml.attrib['name'] == 'actions': actions = xml else: xmlelts.append(xml) if actions is not None: xmlelts.append(actions) else: xmlelts = xmlelts_ for xmlelt in xmlelts: if xmlelt.tag == 'family': self._iter_family(xmlelt, family) elif xmlelt.tag == 'constraints': self._iter_constraints(xmlelt, load_extra) else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown tag {}').format(xmlelt.tag)) def _populate_variable(self, elt, subpath, is_follower, is_leader): variable = Variable(elt, self.booleans, self.storage, is_follower, is_leader, self.eosfunc) path = self._build_path(subpath, elt) properties = variable.attrib.get('properties', []) if 'force_store_value' in properties or "auto_freeze" in properties: self.force_store_values.add(path) self.storage.add(path, variable) return variable def _populate_family(self, elt, subpath): if subpath is None: force_icon = False else: force_icon = not subpath.startswith('containers') and not subpath.startswith('actions') family = Family(elt, self.booleans, self.storage, force_icon) path = self._build_path(subpath, elt) self.storage.add(path, family) return family def _build_path(self, subpath, elt): if subpath is None: subpath = elt.attrib['name'] else: subpath += '.' + elt.attrib['name'] return subpath def _iter_constraints(self, xmlelt, load_extra): for elt in xmlelt: if elt.tag == 'fill': self._parse_fill(elt, load_extra) elif elt.tag == 'check': self._parse_check(elt, load_extra) else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown constraint {}').format(elt.tag)) def _check_extra(self, variable, load_extra): if load_extra: return True return variable.startswith('creole.') or variable.startswith('containers.') def _parse_fill(self, elt, load_extra): if not self._check_extra(elt.attrib['target'], load_extra): return callback = getattr(self.eosfunc, elt.attrib['name']) callback_params = {} for param in elt: name = param.attrib.get('name', '') if param.attrib['type'] == 'string': value = str(param.text) elif param.attrib['type'] == 'eole': hidden = param.attrib['hidden'] if hidden == 'True': hidden = False elif hidden == 'False': hidden = True else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown hidden boolean {}').format(hidden)) if not self._check_extra(param.text, load_extra): return value = [self.storage.get(param.text), hidden] elif param.attrib['type'] == 'number': value = int(param.text) elif param.attrib['type'] == 'context': value = (None,) else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown param type {} in fill to {}').format(param.attrib['type'], elt.attrib['target'])) callback_params.setdefault(name, []).append(value) if callback_params == {}: callback_params = None self.storage.add_callback(elt.attrib['target'], callback, callback_params) def _parse_check(self, elt, load_extra): if not self._check_extra(elt.attrib['target'], load_extra): return all_param_eole = True for param in elt: if param.attrib.get('type') != 'eole': all_param_eole = False break if elt.attrib['name'] == 'valid_enum': # only for valid_enum with checkval to True if len(elt) != 1: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_enum cannot have more than one param for {}').format(elt.attrib['target'])) if elt[0].attrib['type'] == 'eole': proposed = elt[0].text type_ = 'eole' else: #proposed_value = literal_eval(elt[0].text) proposed_value = eval(elt[0].text) proposed = tuple(proposed_value) type_ = 'string' self.storage.add_information(elt.attrib['target'], 'proposed_value', {'value': proposed, 'type': type_}) validator = getattr(self.eosfunc, elt.attrib['name']) elif elt.attrib['name'] == 'valid_differ' and all_param_eole: if (HIGH_COMPATIBILITY and len(elt) not in [0, 1]) or (not HIGH_COMPATIBILITY and len(elt) != 1): raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_differ length should be 1')) if HIGH_COMPATIBILITY and len(elt) == 1: if not self._check_extra(elt[0].text, load_extra): return variables = [self.storage.get(elt[0].text)] else: variables = [] self.storage.add_consistency(elt.attrib['target'], 'not_equal', variables, elt.attrib['warnings_only'], elt.attrib['transitive']) elif elt.attrib['name'] == 'valid_networknetmask': if len(elt) != 1: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_networknetmask length should be 1')) if not all_param_eole: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_networknetmask must have only eole variable')) variables = [self.storage.get(elt[0].text)] self.storage.add_consistency(elt.attrib['target'], 'network_netmask', variables, elt.attrib['warnings_only'], elt.attrib['transitive']) elif elt.attrib['name'] == 'valid_ipnetmask': if len(elt) != 1: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_ipnetmask length should be 1')) if not all_param_eole: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_ipnetmask must have only eole variable')) if not self._check_extra(elt[0].text, load_extra): return variables = [self.storage.get(elt[0].text)] self.storage.add_consistency(elt.attrib['target'], 'ip_netmask', variables, elt.attrib['warnings_only'], elt.attrib['transitive']) elif elt.attrib['name'] == 'valid_broadcast': if len(elt) != 2: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_broadcast length should be 2')) if not all_param_eole: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_broadcast must have only eole variable')) if not self._check_extra(elt[0].text, load_extra): return variables = [self.storage.get(elt[0].text)] if not self._check_extra(elt[1].text, load_extra): return variables.append(self.storage.get(elt[1].text)) self.storage.add_consistency(elt.attrib['target'], 'broadcast', variables, elt.attrib['warnings_only'], elt.attrib['transitive']) elif elt.attrib['name'] == 'valid_in_network': if len(elt) != 2: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_in_network length should be 2')) if not all_param_eole: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('valid_in_network must have only eole variable')) if not self._check_extra(elt[0].text, load_extra): return variables = [self.storage.get(elt[0].text)] if not self._check_extra(elt[1].text, load_extra): return variables.append(self.storage.get(elt[1].text)) self.storage.add_consistency(elt.attrib['target'], 'in_network', variables, elt.attrib['warnings_only'], elt.attrib['transitive']) else: validator = getattr(self.eosfunc, elt.attrib['name']) validator_params = {} for param in elt: text = param.text if param.attrib['type'] == 'eole': hidden = param.attrib.get('hidden', 'True') if hidden == 'True': hidden = False elif hidden == 'False': hidden = True else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown hidden boolean {}').format(hidden)) if not self._check_extra(text, load_extra): return text = [self.storage.get(text), hidden] validator_params.setdefault(param.attrib.get('name', ''), []).append(text) self.storage.add_validator(elt.attrib['target'], validator, validator_params) def _iter_leader(self, leader, subpath): subpath = self._build_path(subpath, leader) family = Family(leader, self.booleans, self.storage) family.set_leader() self.storage.add(subpath, family) leader_name = None for var in leader: if var.tag == 'property': self._parse_properties(family, var) elif var.tag == 'variable': if leader_name is None: leader_name = var.attrib['name'] self.groups[leader_name] = [] else: self.groups[leader_name].append(var.attrib['name']) self._iter_family(var, family, subpath=subpath) else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown tag {}').format(var.tag)) return family def _iter_family(self, child, family, subpath=None): if child.tag not in ['family', 'variable', 'separators', 'leader', 'property']: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown tag {}').format(child.tag)) if child.tag == 'family': old_family = family family = self._populate_family(child, subpath) if old_family is not None: old_family.add(family) if len(child) != 0: subpath = self._build_path(subpath, child) for c in child: self._iter_family(c, family, subpath=subpath) if child.tag == 'leader': leader = self._iter_leader(child, subpath) family.add(leader) elif child.tag == 'separators': self._parse_separators(child) elif child.tag == 'variable': if family is None: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('variable without family')) is_follower = False is_leader = False if family.is_leader: if child.attrib['name'] != family.attrib['name']: is_follower = True else: is_leader = True variable = self._populate_variable(child, subpath, is_follower, is_leader) family.add(variable) elif child.tag == 'property': self._parse_properties(family, child) def _parse_properties(self, family, child): if child.get('type') == 'calculation': kwargs = {'condition': child.attrib['source'], 'expected': ParamValue(child.attrib.get('expected'))} if child.attrib['inverse'] == 'True': kwargs['reverse_condition'] = ParamValue(True) family.attrib['properties'].append((ParamValue(child.text), kwargs)) else: family.attrib['properties'].append(child.text) def _parse_separators(self, separators): for separator in separators: elt = self.storage.get(separator.attrib['name']) never_hidden = separator.attrib.get('never_hidden') if never_hidden == 'True': never_hidden = True else: never_hidden = None info = (separator.text, never_hidden) self.separators[separator.attrib['name']] = info elt.add_information('separator', info) def build(self, persistent=False, session_id=None, meta_config=False): if meta_config: optiondescription = self.storage.paths['.'].get() config = MetaConfig([], optiondescription=optiondescription, persistent=persistent, session_id=session_id) mixconfig = MixConfig(children=[], optiondescription=optiondescription, persistent=persistent, session_id='m_' + session_id) config.config.add(mixconfig) else: config = Config(self.storage.paths['.'].get(), persistent=persistent, session_id=session_id) config.information.set('force_store_vars', self.force_store_values) config.information.set('force_store_values', list(self.force_store_values)) # XXX really usefull? ro_append = frozenset(config.property.getdefault('read_only', 'append') - {'force_store_value'}) rw_append = frozenset(config.property.getdefault('read_write', 'append') - {'force_store_value'}) config.property.setdefault(ro_append, 'read_only', 'append') config.property.setdefault(rw_append, 'read_write', 'append') config.property.read_only() config.permissive.add('basic') config.permissive.add('normal') config.permissive.add('expert') return config class ElementStorage: def __init__(self): self.paths = {} def add(self, path, elt): if path in self.paths: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('path already loaded {}').format(path)) self.paths[path] = elt def add_callback(self, path, callback, callback_params): elt = self.get(path) elt.add_callback(callback, callback_params) def add_information(self, path, name, information): elt = self.get(path) elt.add_information(name, information) def add_validator(self, path, validator, validator_params): elt = self.get(path) elt.add_validator(validator, validator_params) def add_consistency(self, path, consistence, variables, warnings_only, transitive): elt = self.get(path) elt.add_consistency(consistence, variables, warnings_only, transitive) def add_requires(self, path, requires): elt = self.get(path) elt.add_requires(requires) def get(self, path): if path not in self.paths: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('there is no element for path {}').format(path)) return self.paths[path] class Common: def build_properties(self): for index, prop in enumerate(self.attrib['properties']): if isinstance(prop, tuple): action, kwargs = prop kwargs['condition'] = ParamOption(self.storage.get(kwargs['condition']).get(), todict=True) prop = Calculation(calc_value, Params(action, kwargs=kwargs)) self.attrib['properties'][index] = prop if self.attrib['properties']: self.attrib['properties'] = tuple(self.attrib['properties']) else: del self.attrib['properties'] class Variable(Common): def __init__(self, elt, booleans, storage, is_follower, is_leader, eosfunc): self.option = None self.informations = {} self.attrib = {} self.callbacks = [] self.requires = [] self.validator = None self.consistencies = [] self.attrib['properties'] = [] self.eosfunc = eosfunc self.storage = storage for key, value in elt.attrib.items(): if key in REMOVED_ATTRIB: continue #if key != 'name': # value = unicode(value) if key in booleans: if value == 'True': value = True elif value == 'False': value = False else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown value {} for {}').format(value, key)) if key == 'help': self.add_information(key, value) else: self.attrib[key] = value convert_option = CONVERT_OPTION[elt.attrib['type']] self.object_type = convert_option['opttype'] if elt.attrib['type'] == 'choice': if self.attrib.get('choice'): self.attrib['values'] = getattr(self.eosfunc, self.attrib.get('choice')) else: self.attrib['values'] = [] for child in elt: if child.tag == 'choice': value = child.text if 'type' in child.attrib and child.attrib['type'] == 'number': value = int(value) if value is None: value = u'' self.attrib['values'].append(value) self.attrib['values'] = tuple(self.attrib['values']) for child in elt: if child.tag == 'property': if child.get('type') == 'calculation': kwargs = {'condition': child.attrib['source'], 'expected': ParamValue(child.attrib.get('expected'))} if child.attrib['inverse'] == 'True': kwargs['reverse_condition'] = ParamValue(True) self.attrib['properties'].append((ParamValue(child.text), kwargs)) else: self.attrib['properties'].append(child.text) elif child.tag == 'value': if "type" in child.attrib: type_ = CONVERT_OPTION[child.attrib['type']]['opttype'] else: type_ = self.object_type if self.attrib['multi'] and not is_follower: if 'default' not in self.attrib: self.attrib['default'] = [] value = convert_tiramisu_value(child.text, type_) self.attrib['default'].append(value) if 'default_multi' not in self.attrib and not is_leader: self.attrib['default_multi'] = value else: if 'default' in self.attrib: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('default value already set for {}' '').format(self.attrib['path'])) value = convert_tiramisu_value(child.text, type_) if value is None: # and (elt.attrib['type'] != 'choice' or value not in self.attrib['values']): value = u'' if is_follower: self.attrib['default_multi'] = value else: self.attrib['default'] = value if 'initkwargs' in convert_option: self.attrib.update(convert_option['initkwargs']) if elt.attrib['type'] == 'symlink': del self.attrib['properties'] del self.attrib['multi'] self.attrib['opt'] = storage.get(self.attrib['opt']) def add_information(self, key, value): if key in self.informations: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('key already exists in information {}').format(key)) self.informations[key] = value def add_callback(self, callback, callback_params): self.callbacks.append((callback, callback_params)) def add_requires(self, requires): self.requires.extend(requires) def add_validator(self, validator, validator_params): self.validator = (validator, validator_params) def add_consistency(self, consistence, variables, warnings_only, transitive): self.consistencies.append((consistence, variables, warnings_only, transitive)) def build_params(self, params): if params != None: new_params = Params() for key, values in params.items(): new_values = [] for value in values: if isinstance(value, list): # retrieve object value = ParamOption(value[0].get(), value[1]) elif value == (None,): value = ParamContext() else: value = ParamValue(value) if key == '': args = list(new_params.args) args.append(value) new_params.args = tuple(args) else: new_params.kwargs[key] = value return new_params return params def get(self): if self.option is None: if self.object_type is SymLinkOption: self.attrib['opt'] = self.attrib['opt'].get() else: self.build_properties() #for callback, callback_params in self.callbacks: # self.attrib['callback'] = callback # self.attrib['callback_params'] = self.build_params(callback_params) #for require in self.requires: # if isinstance(require['option'], Variable): # require['option'] = require['option'].get() #if self.requires != []: # self.attrib['requires'] = self.requires #if self.validator: # self.attrib['validator'] = self.validator[0] # self.attrib['validator_params'] = self.build_params(self.validator[1]) try: option = self.object_type(**self.attrib) except Exception as err: import traceback traceback.print_exc() name = self.attrib['name'] raise CreoleLoaderError(_('cannot create option {}: {}').format(name, err)) for key, value in self.informations.items(): option.impl_set_information(key, value) #for consistency in self.consistencies: # options = [] # for variable in consistency[1]: # options.append(variable.get()) # try: # kwargs = {} # if consistency[2] == 'True': # kwargs['warnings_only'] = True # if consistency[3] == 'False': # kwargs['transitive'] = False # option.impl_add_consistency(consistency[0], *options, **kwargs) # except ConfigError as err: # name = self.attrib['name'] # raise CreoleLoaderError(_('cannot load consistency for {}: {}').format(name, err)) self.option = option return self.option class Family(Common): def __init__(self, elt, booleans, storage, force_icon=False): self.requires = [] self.option = None self.attrib = {} self.is_leader = False if force_icon: self.informations = {'icon': None} else: self.informations = {} self.children = [] self.storage = storage self.attrib['properties'] = [] for key, value in elt.attrib.items(): if key in REMOVED_ATTRIB: continue if key in booleans: if value == 'True': value = True elif value == 'False': value = False else: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('unknown value {} for {}').format(value, key)) if key == 'icon': self.add_information('icon', value) continue elif key == 'hidden': if value: self.attrib['properties'].append(key) elif key == 'mode': self.attrib['properties'].append(value) elif key == 'help': self.add_information(key, value) else: self.attrib[key] = value if 'doc' not in self.attrib: self.attrib['doc'] = u'' def add(self, child): self.children.append(child) def add_information(self, key, value): if key in self.informations and not (key == 'icon' and self.informations[key] is None): raise CreoleLoaderError(_('key already exists in information {}').format(key)) self.informations[key] = value def set_leader(self): self.is_leader = True def add_requires(self, requires): self.requires.extend(requires) def get(self): if self.option is None: self.attrib['children'] = [] for child in self.children: self.attrib['children'].append(child.get()) for require in self.requires: if isinstance(require['option'], Variable): require['option'] = require['option'].get() if self.requires != []: self.attrib['requires'] = self.requires self.build_properties() try: if not self.is_leader: option = OptionDescription(**self.attrib) else: option = Leadership(**self.attrib) #option = OptionDescription(**self.attrib) except Exception as err: raise CreoleLoaderError(_('cannot create optiondescription {}: {}').format(self.attrib['name'], err)) for key, value in self.informations.items(): option.impl_set_information(key, value) self.option = option #if self.is_leader: # self.option.impl_set_group_type(groups.leader) return self.option