"""loader flattened XML specific """ from os.path import isfile from lxml.etree import DTD from .config import dtdfilename, variable_namespace from .i18n import _ from .error import LoaderError from .annotator import ERASED_ATTRIBUTES FUNC_TO_DICT = ['valid_not_equal'] FORCE_INFORMATIONS = ['help', 'test', 'separator'] ATTRIBUTES_ORDER = ('name', 'doc', 'default', 'multi') CONVERT_OPTION = {'number': dict(opttype="IntOption", func=int), 'choice': dict(opttype="ChoiceOption"), 'string': dict(opttype="StrOption"), 'password': dict(opttype="PasswordOption"), 'mail': dict(opttype="EmailOption"), 'boolean': dict(opttype="BoolOption"), 'symlink': dict(opttype="SymLinkOption"), 'filename': dict(opttype="FilenameOption"), 'date': dict(opttype="DateOption"), 'unix_user': dict(opttype="UsernameOption"), 'ip': dict(opttype="IPOption", initkwargs={'allow_reserved': True}), 'local_ip': dict(opttype="IPOption", initkwargs={'private_only': True, 'warnings_only': True}), 'netmask': dict(opttype="NetmaskOption"), 'network': dict(opttype="NetworkOption"), 'broadcast': dict(opttype="BroadcastOption"), 'netbios': dict(opttype="DomainnameOption", initkwargs={'type': 'netbios', 'warnings_only': True}), 'domain': dict(opttype="DomainnameOption", initkwargs={'type': 'domainname', 'allow_ip': False}), 'hostname': dict(opttype="DomainnameOption", initkwargs={'type': 'hostname', 'allow_ip': False}), 'web_address': dict(opttype="URLOption", initkwargs={'allow_ip': True, 'allow_without_dot': True}), 'port': dict(opttype="PortOption", initkwargs={'allow_private': True}), 'mac': dict(opttype="MACOption"), 'cidr': dict(opttype="IPOption", initkwargs={'cidr': True}), 'network_cidr': dict(opttype="NetworkOption", initkwargs={'cidr': True}), } class TiramisuReflector: def __init__(self, xmlroot, funcs_path, ): self.storage = ElementStorage() self.storage.text = ["from tiramisu import *", "from rougail.tiramisu import ConvertDynOptionDescription", "import imp", f"func = imp.load_source('func', '{funcs_path}')", ] self.make_tiramisu_objects(xmlroot) # parse object self.storage.get('.').get() def make_tiramisu_objects(self, xmlroot, ): family = self.get_root_family() for xmlelt in self.reorder_family(xmlroot): self.iter_family(xmlelt, family, None, ) def get_root_family(self): family = Family(BaseElt('baseoption', 'baseoption', ), self.storage, False, '.', ) return family def reorder_family(self, xmlroot): # variable_namespace family has to be loaded before any other family # because `extra` family could use `variable_namespace` variables. if hasattr(xmlroot, 'variables'): if variable_namespace in xmlroot.variables: yield xmlroot.variables[variable_namespace] for xmlelt, value in xmlroot.variables.items(): if xmlelt != variable_namespace: yield value if hasattr(xmlroot, 'services'): yield xmlroot.services def get_attributes(self, space): # pylint: disable=R0201 for attr in dir(space): if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in ERASED_ATTRIBUTES: yield attr def get_children(self, space, ): for tag in self.get_attributes(space): children = getattr(space, tag) if children.__class__.__name__ == 'Family': children = [children] if isinstance(children, dict): children = list(children.values()) if isinstance(children, list): yield tag, children def iter_family(self, child, family, subpath, ): tag = child.__class__.__name__ if tag == 'Variable': function = self.populate_variable elif tag == 'Property': # property already imported with family return else: function = self.populate_family #else: # raise Exception('unknown tag {}'.format(child.tag)) function(family, child, subpath, ) def populate_family(self, parent_family, elt, subpath, ): path = self.build_path(subpath, elt, ) tag = elt.__class__.__name__ family = Family(elt, self.storage, tag == 'Leadership', path, ) parent_family.add(family) for tag, children in self.get_children(elt): for child in children: self.iter_family(child, family, path, ) def populate_variable(self, family, elt, subpath, ): is_follower = False is_leader = False if family.is_leader: if elt.name != family.elt.name: is_follower = True else: is_leader = True family.add(Variable(elt, self.storage, is_follower, is_leader, self.build_path(subpath, elt, ) )) def build_path(self, subpath, elt, ): if subpath is None: return elt.name return subpath + '.' + elt.name def get_text(self): return '\n'.join(self.storage.get('.').get_text()) class BaseElt: def __init__(self, name, doc, ): self.name = name self.doc = doc def __iter__(self): return iter([]) class ElementStorage: def __init__(self, ): self.paths = {} self.text = [] self.index = 0 def add(self, path, elt): self.paths[path] = (elt, self.index) self.index += 1 def get(self, path): if path not in self.paths or self.paths[path][0] is None: raise LoaderError(_('there is no element for path {}').format(path)) return self.paths[path][0] def get_name(self, path): if path not in self.paths: raise LoaderError(_('there is no element for index {}').format(path)) return f'option_{self.paths[path][1]}' class Common: def __init__(self, elt, storage, is_leader, path, ): self.option_name = None self.path = path self.attrib = {} self.informations = {} self.storage = storage self.is_leader = is_leader self.storage.add(self.path, self) def populate_properties(self, child): if child.type == 'calculation': action = f"ParamValue('{child.name}')" option_name = self.storage.get(child.source).get() kwargs = f"'condition': ParamOption({option_name}, todict=True), 'expected': ParamValue('{child.expected}')" if child.inverse: kwargs += ", 'reverse_condition': ParamValue(True)" prop = 'Calculation(calc_value, Params(' + action + ', kwargs={' + kwargs + '}))' else: prop = "'" + child.text + "'" if self.attrib['properties']: self.attrib['properties'] += ', ' self.attrib['properties'] += prop def get_attrib(self, attrib): ret_list = [] for key, value in self.attrib.items(): if value is None: continue if key == 'properties': if not self.attrib[key]: continue value = "frozenset({" + self.attrib[key] + "})" elif key in ['default', 'multi', 'suffixes', 'validators']: value = self.attrib[key] elif isinstance(value, str) and key != 'opt' and not value.startswith('['): value = "'" + value.replace("'", "\\\'") + "'" ret_list.append(f'{key}={value}') return ', '.join(ret_list) def populate_informations(self): for key, value in self.informations.items(): value = value.replace('"', '\"') self.storage.text.append(f'{self.option_name}.impl_set_information("{key}", "{value}")') def get_text(self, ): return self.storage.text def get_attributes(self, space): # pylint: disable=R0201 attributes = dir(space) for attr in ATTRIBUTES_ORDER: if attr in attributes: yield attr for attr in dir(space): if attr not in ATTRIBUTES_ORDER: if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in ERASED_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(space, attr) if not isinstance(value, (list, dict)) and not value.__class__.__name__ == 'Family': yield attr def get_children(self, space, ): for attr in dir(space): if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in ERASED_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(space, attr) if isinstance(value, (list, dict)): children = getattr(space, attr) if children.__class__.__name__ == 'Family': children = [children] if isinstance(children, dict): children = list(children.values()) if children and isinstance(children, list): yield attr, children class Variable(Common): def __init__(self, elt, storage, is_follower, is_leader, path, ): super().__init__(elt, storage, is_leader, path, ) self.is_follower = is_follower convert_option = CONVERT_OPTION[elt.type] del elt.type self.object_type = convert_option['opttype'] self.attrib.update(convert_option.get('initkwargs', {})) if self.object_type != 'SymLinkOption': self.attrib['properties'] = [] self.attrib['validators'] = [] self.elt = elt def get(self): if self.option_name is None: self.populate_attrib() if self.object_type == 'SymLinkOption': self.attrib['opt'] = self.storage.get(self.attrib['opt']).get() else: self.parse_children() attrib = self.get_attrib(self.attrib) self.option_name = self.storage.get_name(self.path) self.storage.text.append(f'{self.option_name} = {self.object_type}({attrib})') self.populate_informations() return self.option_name def populate_attrib(self): for key in self.get_attributes(self.elt): value = getattr(self.elt, key) if key in FORCE_INFORMATIONS: self.informations[key] = value else: self.attrib[key] = value def parse_children(self): if not 'default' in self.attrib or self.attrib['multi']: self.attrib['default'] = [] if self.attrib['multi'] == 'submulti' and self.is_follower: self.attrib['default_multi'] = [] choices = [] if 'properties' in self.attrib: if self.attrib['properties']: self.attrib['properties'] = "'" + "', '".join(sorted(list(self.attrib['properties']))) + "'" else: self.attrib['properties'] = '' for tag, children in self.get_children(self.elt): for child in children: if tag == 'property': self.populate_properties(child) elif tag == 'value': if child.type == 'calculation': self.attrib['default'] = self.calculation_value(child, []) else: self.populate_value(child) elif tag == 'check': self.attrib['validators'].append(self.calculation_value(child, ['ParamSelfOption()'])) elif tag == 'choice': choices.append(child.name) if choices: self.attrib['values'] = tuple(choices) if self.attrib['default'] == []: del self.attrib['default'] elif not self.attrib['multi'] and isinstance(self.attrib['default'], list): self.attrib['default'] = self.attrib['default'][-1] if self.attrib['validators'] == []: del self.attrib['validators'] else: self.attrib['validators'] = '[' + ', '.join(self.attrib['validators']) + ']' def calculation_value(self, child, args): kwargs = [] if hasattr(child, 'name'): # has parameters function = child.name if hasattr(child, 'param'): for param in child.param: value = self.populate_param(param) if not hasattr(param, 'name'): args.append(str(value)) else: kwargs.append(f"'{param.name}': " + value) else: # function without any parameter function = child.text.strip() ret = f"Calculation(func.{function}, Params((" + ', '.join(args) + "), kwargs=" + "{" + ', '.join(kwargs) + "})" if hasattr(child, 'warnings_only'): ret += f', warnings_only={child.warnings_only}' return ret + ')' def populate_param(self, param, ): if param.type == 'string': return f'ParamValue("{param.text}")' elif param.type == 'number': return f'ParamValue({param.text})' elif param.type == 'variable': value = {'option': param.text, 'notraisepropertyerror': param.notraisepropertyerror, 'todict': param.text in FUNC_TO_DICT, } if hasattr(param, 'suffix'): value['suffix'] = param.suffix return self.build_param(value) raise LoaderError(_('unknown param type {}').format(param.type)) def populate_value(self, child, ): value = child.name if self.attrib['multi'] == 'submulti': self.attrib['default_multi'].append(value) elif self.is_follower: self.attrib['default_multi'] = value elif self.attrib['multi']: self.attrib['default'].append(value) if not self.is_leader: self.attrib['default_multi'] = value elif isinstance(value, int): self.attrib['default'].append(value) else: self.attrib['default'].append("'" + value + "'") def build_param(self, param, ): option_name = self.storage.get(param['option']).get() if 'suffix' in param: family = '.'.join(param['option'].split('.')[:-1]) family_option = self.storage.get_name(family) return f"ParamDynOption({option_name}, '{param['suffix']}', {family_option}, notraisepropertyerror={param['notraisepropertyerror']}, todict={param['todict']})" return f"ParamOption({option_name}, notraisepropertyerror={param['notraisepropertyerror']}, todict={param['todict']})" class Family(Common): def __init__(self, elt, storage, is_leader, path, ): super().__init__(elt, storage, is_leader, path, ) self.children = [] self.elt = elt def add(self, child): self.children.append(child) def get(self): if not self.option_name: self.populate_attrib() self.parse_children() self.option_name = self.storage.get_name(self.path) object_name = self.get_object_name() attrib = self.get_attrib(self.attrib) + ', children=[' + ', '.join([child.get() for child in self.children]) + ']' self.storage.text.append(f'{self.option_name} = {object_name}({attrib})') self.populate_informations() return self.option_name def populate_attrib(self): for key in self.get_attributes(self.elt): value = getattr(self.elt, key) if key == 'help': self.informations[key] = value elif key == 'dynamic': dynamic = self.storage.get(value).get() self.attrib['suffixes'] = f"Calculation(func.calc_value, Params((ParamOption({dynamic}))))" else: self.attrib[key] = value def parse_children(self): if 'properties' in self.attrib: self.attrib['properties'] = "'" + "', '".join(sorted(list(self.attrib['properties']))) + "'" if hasattr(self.elt, 'property'): #self.attrib['properties'] = '' for child in self.elt.property: self.populate_properties(child) if not self.attrib['properties']: del self.attrib['properties'] def get_object_name(self): if 'suffixes' in self.attrib: return 'ConvertDynOptionDescription' elif not self.is_leader: return 'OptionDescription' return 'Leadership'