Go to file
2021-08-28 07:34:39 +02:00
debian add sdnotify dependency 2020-11-14 19:11:57 +01:00
docker tiramisu in postgres database 2020-01-30 16:22:06 +01:00
script Merge branch 'develop' into dist/risotto/risotto-2.8.0/develop 2020-11-14 19:01:34 +01:00
sql add v1.user.log.query message 2021-05-12 18:36:59 +02:00
src/risotto build image is now in risotto 2021-08-28 07:34:31 +02:00
templates/1 add 'template' services 2019-12-02 14:22:40 +01:00
tests add pki informations 2020-11-14 08:12:39 +01:00
.gitignore first commit 2019-11-28 14:50:53 +01:00
README.md tmp => /tmp 2020-08-05 17:07:44 +02:00
requirements.txt set requirements 2020-01-17 15:59:48 +01:00
setup.py separate risotto and python3-risotto package 2020-08-12 10:45:15 +02:00
Vocabulary.txt update vocabulary 2020-03-10 14:00:39 +01:00

Projet Risotto

Démarrer le server de l'API Risotto :

python3 script/server.py

Accéder à un message :

wget http://localhost:8080/v1/config.session.server.start

Démarrer un serveur LemonLDAP de test

docker pull coudot/lemonldap-ng
echo " auth.example.com manager.example.com test1.example.com test2.example.com" >> /etc/hosts
docker run -d --add-host reload.example.com: -p 80:80 coudot/lemonldap-ng

Démarrer un serveur postgresql de test

docker run -dt -p 5432:5432 --name postgres postgres:11-alpine
docker exec -ti postgres bash

psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE ROLE risotto WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'risotto';"
psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE DATABASE risotto;"
psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE risotto TO risotto;"
#psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;" risotto

Gestion de la base de données

La plupart des services se greffant à risotto nécessite une table dans la base de données risotto. Chacun de ces services documente la structure de la table mais ne se charge pas de sa création. La création de la table, selon le schéma fournit dans la documentation, est à la charge de ladministrateur du système.

Empty database:

psql -U postgres
drop database risotto;
drop user risotto;

psql -U postgres tiramisu
drop table value; drop table property; drop table permissive; drop table information; drop table session;

# Import EOLE
./script/cucchiaiata source.create -n eole -u http://localhost
./script/cucchiaiata source.release.create -s eole -n -d last
./script/cucchiaiata applicationservice.dataset.updated -s eole -r last
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.dataset.updated -s eole -r last

# Create a new user and set role 'server_rw' for this server
./script/cucchiaiata user.create -l gnunux -n gnunux -s gnunux
./script/cucchiaiata user.role.create -u gnunux -n 'server_rw' -a 'Server.ServerName' -v test

# Heritage
## ACA
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n aca -d Aca -p base -s eole -r last
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s aca
### verif
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.reseau.unbound_route_address
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.reseau.unbound_domain_name
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.serveur_dns.unbound_local_zones
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.reseau.unbound_ip_address_cidr

./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.reseau.unbound_route_address
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.serveur_dns.unbound_allowed_client_cidr
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.stop -s $S -a

## etab1
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n etab1 -d "Etab 1" -p aca -s internal -r last
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s etab1
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.reseau.unbound_domain_name test.cadoles.com
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.stop -s $S -a

## unbound
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n unbound -d "generic unbound configuration" -s eole -r last
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s unbound
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.serveur_dns.unbound_local_zones cadoles.com
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.filter -s $S -n unbound
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com toto titi
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.ip_cadoles_com 0
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.type_cadoles_com 1 CNAME
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.cname_cadoles_com 1 toto.cadoles.com
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.stop -s $S -a

## unbound_etab1
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n unbound_etab1 -d "unbound configuration for etab1" -p etab1 unbound -s internal -r last

### verif
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s unbound_etab1

# Create a server
./script/cucchiaiata server.create -s test.cadoles.com -d description -m unbound_etab1 -r last

./script/cucchiaiata session.server.start -s test
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.configure -s $S --creole.reseau.unbound_ip_address_cidr
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.validate -s $S
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.stop -s $S -a

# Generate configuration
./script/cucchiaiata config.configuration.server.deploy -s test
./script/cucchiaiata template.generate -s test

# OpenSSH
./script/cucchiaiata applicationservice.dependency.add -n local_aca -a openssh -s eole -r last