import asyncpg import asyncio from risotto.config import get_config VERSION_INIT = """ -- Création de la table Source CREATE TABLE Source ( SourceId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, SourceName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, SourceURL TEXT ); -- Création de la table Release CREATE TABLE Release ( ReleaseId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ReleaseName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ReleaseSourceId INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE (ReleaseName, ReleaseSourceId), FOREIGN KEY (ReleaseSourceId) REFERENCES Source(SourceId) ); -- Création de la table Servermodel CREATE TABLE Servermodel ( ServermodelId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ServermodelName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ServermodelDescription VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ServermodelParentsId INTEGER [] DEFAULT '{}', ServermodelReleaseId INTEGER NOT NULL, ServermodelApplicationServiceId INTEGER NOT NULL, ServermodelUsers hstore, UNIQUE (ServermodelName, ServermodelReleaseId) ); -- Création de la table ApplicationService CREATE TABLE ApplicationService ( ApplicationServiceId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ApplicationServiceName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ApplicationServiceDescription VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ApplicationServiceReleaseId INTEGER NOT NULL, ApplicationServiceDependencies JSON, UNIQUE (ApplicationServiceName, ApplicationServiceReleaseId) ); -- Création de la table de jointure ApplicationServiceProvides CREATE TABLE ApplicationServiceProvides ( ApplicationServiceId INTEGER NOT NULL, VirtualApplicationServiceId INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (ApplicationServiceId) REFERENCES ApplicationService(ApplicationServiceId), FOREIGN KEY (VirtualApplicationServiceId) REFERENCES ApplicationService(ApplicationServiceId), PRIMARY KEY (ApplicationServiceId, VirtualApplicationServiceId) ); -- Création de la table Package CREATE TABLE Package ( PackageId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, PackageApplicationServiceId INTEGER, PackageName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (PackageApplicationServiceId) REFERENCES ApplicationService(ApplicationServiceId) ); -- Création de la table Document CREATE TABLE Document ( DocumentId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, DocumentServiceId INTEGER, DocumentName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, DocumentPath TEXT, DocumentOwner VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'root', DocumentGroup VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'root', DocumentMode VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '0644', DocumentType VARCHAR(100) CHECK ( DocumentType IN ('probes', 'aggregated_dico', 'dico', 'template', 'pretemplate', 'posttemplate', 'preservice', 'postservice', 'creolefuncs', 'file') ), DocumentSHASUM VARCHAR(255), DocumentContent BYTEA, FOREIGN KEY (DocumentServiceId) REFERENCES ApplicationService(ApplicationServiceId) ); """ async def main(): db_conf = get_config().get('database') pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(database=db_conf.get('dbname'), user=db_conf.get('user')) async with pool.acquire() as connection: async with connection.transaction(): returns = await connection.execute(VERSION_INIT)