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Projet Risotto
2019-11-28 15:01:08 +01:00
2019-11-28 15:11:57 +01:00
Démarrer le server de l'API Risotto :
python3 script/server.py
2019-11-28 15:11:57 +01:00
Accéder à un message :
wget http://localhost:8080/v1/config.session.server.start
2019-11-28 15:01:08 +01:00
Démarrer un serveur LemonLDAP de test
docker pull coudot/lemonldap-ng
echo " auth.example.com manager.example.com test1.example.com test2.example.com" >> /etc/hosts
docker run -d --add-host reload.example.com: -p 80:80 coudot/lemonldap-ng
Démarrer un serveur postgresql de test
2020-01-20 11:34:16 +01:00
docker run -dt -p 5432:5432 --name postgres postgres:11-alpine
docker exec -ti postgres bash
psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE ROLE risotto WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'risotto';"
psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE DATABASE risotto;"
psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE risotto TO risotto;"
#psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;" risotto
2019-12-13 13:55:30 +01:00
Gestion de la base de données avec Sqitch
2019-12-13 13:55:30 +01:00
cpanm --quiet --notest App::Sqitch
sqitch init risotto --uri https://forge.cadoles.com/Infra/risotto --engine pg
2020-01-13 19:53:09 +01:00
Commande :
# Empty database:
su - postgres
psql -U postgres risotto
drop table log; drop table userrole; drop table release; drop table source; drop table server; drop table servermodel; drop table applicationservice; drop table roleuri; drop table risottouser; drop table uri;
2020-01-30 16:22:06 +01:00
psql -U postgres tiramisu
drop table value; drop table property; drop table permissive; drop table information; drop table session;
2020-01-13 19:53:09 +01:00
# Import EOLE
./script/cucchiaiata source.create -n eole -u http://localhost
./script/cucchiaiata source.release.create -s eole -n -d last
./script/cucchiaiata applicationservice.dataset.updated -s eole -r last
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.dataset.updated -s eole -r last
2020-02-21 16:08:31 +01:00
# Create a new user and set role 'server_rw' for this server
./script/cucchiaiata user.create -l gnunux -n gnunux -s gnunux
./script/cucchiaiata user.role.create -u gnunux -n 'server_rw' -a 'Server.ServerName' -v test
# Heritage
## ACA
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n aca -d Aca -p eolebase -s eole -r last
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s aca
### verif
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.reseau.unbound_route_address
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.reseau.unbound_domain_name
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.serveur_dns.unbound_local_zones
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.get -s $S -n creole.reseau.unbound_ip_address_cidr
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.reseau.unbound_route_address
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.serveur_dns.unbound_allowed_client_cidr
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.stop -s $S -a
## etab1
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n etab1 -d "Etab 1" -p aca -s internal -r last
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s etab1
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.reseau.unbound_domain_name test.cadoles.com
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.stop -s $S -a
## unbound
2020-02-24 20:16:49 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n unbound -d "generic unbound configuration" -s eole -r last
2020-02-21 16:08:31 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s unbound
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --creole.serveur_dns.unbound_local_zones cadoles.com
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.filter -s $S -n unbound
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com toto titi
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.ip_cadoles_com 0
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.type_cadoles_com 1 CNAME
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.configure -s $S --unbound.unbound_zone_cadoles_com.hostname_cadoles_com.cname_cadoles_com 1 toto.cadoles.com
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.stop -s $S -a
## unbound_etab1
./script/cucchiaiata servermodel.create -n unbound_etab1 -d "unbound configuration for etab1" -p etab1 unbound -s internal -r last
### verif
./script/cucchiaiata session.servermodel.start -s unbound_etab1
2020-01-13 19:53:09 +01:00
# Create a server
./script/cucchiaiata server.create -s test -d description -m unbound_etab1 -r last
2020-01-13 19:53:09 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.start -s test
2020-02-21 16:08:31 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.configure -s $S --creole.reseau.unbound_ip_address_cidr
2020-01-13 19:53:09 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.validate -s $S
./script/cucchiaiata session.server.stop -s $S -a
# Generate configuration
2020-02-25 08:33:00 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata config.configuration.server.deploy -s test
2020-01-13 19:53:09 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata template.generate -s test
# OpenSSH
2020-02-24 20:16:49 +01:00
./script/cucchiaiata applicationservice.dependency.add -n local_aca -a openssh -s eole -r last