# Run `make up-reqs` to update pinned dependencies in requirement text files acme alembic-autogenerate-enums arrow asyncpool boto3 botocore celery[redis] certifi certsrv CloudFlare cryptography dnspython3 dyn Flask-Bcrypt Flask-Mail Flask-Migrate Flask-Principal Flask-RESTful Flask-Script Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask Flask-Cors future gunicorn hvac # required for the vault destination plugin inflection jinja2 kombu lockfile logmatic-python marshmallow-sqlalchemy marshmallow ndg-httpsclient paramiko # required for the SFTP destination plugin pem psycopg2 pyjks >= 19 # pyjks < 19 depends on pycryptodome, which conflicts with dyn's usage of pycrypto pyjwt pyOpenSSL pyyaml>=4.2b1 #high severity alert python_ldap raven[flask] redis requests retrying six SQLAlchemy-Utils tabulate xmltodict