'use strict'; angular.module('lemur') .controller('CertificateExportController', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, CertificateApi, CertificateService, PluginService, FileSaver, Blob, toaster, editId) { CertificateApi.get(editId).then(function (certificate) { $scope.certificate = certificate; }); PluginService.getByType('export').then(function (plugins) { $scope.plugins = plugins; }); $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.save = function (certificate) { CertificateService.export(certificate).then( function (response) { var byteCharacters = atob(response.data); var byteArrays = []; for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += 512) { var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + 512); var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length); for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) { byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i); } var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers); byteArrays.push(byteArray); } var blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); FileSaver.saveAs(blob, certificate.name + '.' + response.extension); $scope.passphrase = response.passphrase; }, function (response) { toaster.pop({ type: 'error', title: certificate.name, body: 'lemur-bad-request', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: response.data, timeout: 100000 }); }); }; }) .controller('CertificateEditController', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, CertificateApi, CertificateService, DestinationService, NotificationService, toaster, editId) { CertificateApi.get(editId).then(function (certificate) { $scope.certificate = certificate; }); $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.save = function (certificate) { CertificateService.update(certificate).then( function () { toaster.pop({ type: 'success', title: certificate.name, body: 'Successfully updated!' }); $uibModalInstance.close(); }, function (response) { toaster.pop({ type: 'error', title: certificate.name, body: 'lemur-bad-request', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: response.data, timeout: 100000 }); }); }; $scope.certificateService = CertificateService; $scope.destinationService = DestinationService; $scope.notificationService = NotificationService; }) .controller('CertificateCreateController', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, CertificateApi, CertificateService, DestinationService, AuthorityService, AuthorityApi, PluginService, MomentService, WizardHandler, LemurRestangular, NotificationService, toaster) { $scope.certificate = LemurRestangular.restangularizeElement(null, {}, 'certificates'); // set the defaults CertificateService.getDefaults($scope.certificate); $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.getAuthoritiesByName = function (value) { return AuthorityService.findActiveAuthorityByName(value).then(function (authorities) { $scope.authorities = authorities; }); }; $scope.dateOptions = { formatYear: 'yy', maxDate: new Date(2020, 5, 22), minDate: new Date(), startingDay: 1 }; $scope.open1 = function() { $scope.popup1.opened = true; }; $scope.open2 = function() { $scope.popup2.opened = true; }; $scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate']; $scope.format = $scope.formats[0]; $scope.altInputFormats = ['M!/d!/yyyy']; $scope.popup1 = { opened: false }; $scope.popup2 = { opened: false }; $scope.clearDates = function () { $scope.certificate.validityStart = null; $scope.certificate.validityEnd = null; $scope.certificate.validityYears = null; }; CertificateService.getDnsProviders().then(function (providers) { $scope.dnsProviders = providers; } ); $scope.create = function (certificate) { WizardHandler.wizard().context.loading = true; CertificateService.create(certificate).then( function () { toaster.pop({ type: 'success', title: certificate.name, body: 'Successfully created!' }); $uibModalInstance.close(); }, function (response) { toaster.pop({ type: 'error', title: certificate.name, body: 'lemur-bad-request', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: response.data, timeout: 100000 }); WizardHandler.wizard().context.loading = false; }); }; $scope.templates = [ { 'name': 'Client Certificate', 'description': '', 'extensions': { 'basicConstraints': {}, 'keyUsage': { 'useDigitalSignature': true }, 'extendedKeyUsage': { 'useClientAuthentication': true }, 'subjectKeyIdentifier': { 'includeSKI': true } } }, { 'name': 'Server Certificate', 'description': '', 'extensions' : { 'basicConstraints': {}, 'keyUsage': { 'useKeyEncipherment': true, 'useDigitalSignature': true }, 'extendedKeyUsage': { 'useServerAuthentication': true }, 'subjectKeyIdentifier': { 'includeSKI': true } } } ]; PluginService.getByType('destination').then(function (plugins) { $scope.plugins = plugins; }); $scope.certificateService = CertificateService; $scope.authorityService = AuthorityService; $scope.destinationService = DestinationService; $scope.notificationService = NotificationService; }) .controller('CertificateCloneController', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, CertificateApi, CertificateService, DestinationService, AuthorityService, AuthorityApi, PluginService, MomentService, WizardHandler, LemurRestangular, NotificationService, toaster, editId) { $scope.certificate = LemurRestangular.restangularizeElement(null, {}, 'certificates'); CertificateApi.get(editId).then(function (certificate) { $scope.certificate = certificate; $scope.certificate.name = ''; // we should prefer the generated name $scope.certificate.csr = null; // should not clone CSR in case other settings are changed in clone $scope.certificate.validityStart = null; $scope.certificate.validityEnd = null; $scope.certificate.keyType = 'RSA2048'; // default algo to show during clone CertificateService.getDefaults($scope.certificate); }); $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.getAuthoritiesByName = function (value) { return AuthorityService.findAuthorityByName(value).then(function (authorities) { $scope.authorities = authorities; }); }; $scope.dateOptions = { formatYear: 'yy', maxDate: new Date(2020, 5, 22), minDate: new Date(), startingDay: 1 }; $scope.open1 = function() { $scope.popup1.opened = true; }; $scope.open2 = function() { $scope.popup2.opened = true; }; $scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate']; $scope.format = $scope.formats[0]; $scope.altInputFormats = ['M!/d!/yyyy']; $scope.popup1 = { opened: false }; $scope.popup2 = { opened: false }; CertificateService.getDnsProviders().then(function (providers) { $scope.dnsProviders = providers; } ); $scope.clearDates = function () { $scope.certificate.validityStart = null; $scope.certificate.validityEnd = null; $scope.certificate.validityYears = null; }; $scope.create = function (certificate) { WizardHandler.wizard().context.loading = true; CertificateService.create(certificate).then( function () { toaster.pop({ type: 'success', title: certificate.name, body: 'Successfully created!' }); $uibModalInstance.close(); }, function (response) { toaster.pop({ type: 'error', title: certificate.name, body: 'lemur-bad-request', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: response.data, timeout: 100000 }); WizardHandler.wizard().context.loading = false; }); }; $scope.templates = [ { 'name': 'Client Certificate', 'description': '', 'extensions': { 'basicConstraints': {}, 'keyUsage': { 'useDigitalSignature': true }, 'extendedKeyUsage': { 'useClientAuthentication': true }, 'subjectKeyIdentifier': { 'includeSKI': true } } }, { 'name': 'Server Certificate', 'description': '', 'extensions' : { 'basicConstraints': {}, 'keyUsage': { 'useKeyEncipherment': true, 'useDigitalSignature': true }, 'extendedKeyUsage': { 'useServerAuthentication': true }, 'subjectKeyIdentifier': { 'includeSKI': true } } } ]; PluginService.getByType('destination').then(function (plugins) { $scope.plugins = plugins; }); $scope.certificateService = CertificateService; $scope.authorityService = AuthorityService; $scope.destinationService = DestinationService; $scope.notificationService = NotificationService; }) .controller('CertificateRevokeController', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, CertificateApi, CertificateService, LemurRestangular, NotificationService, toaster, revokeId) { CertificateApi.get(revokeId).then(function (certificate) { $scope.certificate = certificate; }); $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.revoke = function (certificate) { CertificateService.revoke(certificate).then( function () { toaster.pop({ type: 'success', title: certificate.name, body: 'Successfully revoked!' }); $uibModalInstance.close(); }, function (response) { toaster.pop({ type: 'error', title: certificate.name, body: 'lemur-bad-request', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: response.data, timeout: 100000 }); }); }; }) .controller('CertificateInfoController', function ($scope, CertificateApi) { $scope.fetchFullCertificate = function (certId) { CertificateApi.get(certId).then(function (certificate) { $scope.certificate = certificate; }); }; }) ;