""" .. module: lemur.elbs.sync :platform: Unix :synopsis: This module attempts to sync with AWS and ensure that all elbs currently available in AWS are available in Lemur as well :copyright: (c) 2015 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more :license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details. .. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson """ from flask import current_app from lemur.accounts import service as account_service from lemur.elbs import service as elb_service from lemur.common.services.aws.elb import get_all_elbs, get_all_regions def create_new(known, aws, account): new = 0 for elb in aws: for n in known: if elb.name == n.name: break else: new += 1 current_app.logger.debug("Creating {0}".format(elb.name)) try: elb_service.create(account, elb) except AttributeError as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return new def remove_missing(known, aws): deleted = 0 for ke in known: for elb in aws: if elb.name == ke.name: break else: deleted += 1 current_app.logger.debug("Deleting {0}".format(ke.name)) elb_service.delete(ke.id) return deleted def sync_all_elbs(): for account in account_service.get_all(): regions = get_all_regions() for region in regions: current_app.logger.info("Importing ELBs from '{0}/{1}/{2}'... ".format(account.account_number, account.label, region)) try: aws_elbs = get_all_elbs(account.account_number, region) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error("Failed to get ELBS from '{0}/{1}/{2}' reason: {3}".format( account.label, account.account_number, region, e.message) ) continue known_elbs = elb_service.get_by_region_and_account(region, account.id) new_elbs = create_new(known_elbs, aws_elbs, account) current_app.logger.info( "Created {0} new ELBs in '{1}/{2}/{3}'...".format( new_elbs, account.account_number, account.label, region)) deleted_elbs = remove_missing(known_elbs, aws_elbs) current_app.logger.info( "Deleted {0} missing ELBs from '{1}/{2}/{3}'...".format( deleted_elbs, account.account_number, account.label, region))