# This is just Python which means you can inherit and tweak settings import os _basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ADMINS = frozenset(['']) THREADS_PER_PAGE = 8 # General # These will need to be set to `True` if you are developing locally CORS = False debug = False TESTING = True # this is the secret key used by flask session management SECRET_KEY = 'I/dVhOZNSMZMqrFJa5tWli6VQccOGudKerq3eWPMSzQNmHHVhMAQfQ==' # You should consider storing these separately from your config LEMUR_TOKEN_SECRET = 'test' LEMUR_ENCRYPTION_KEYS = 'o61sBLNBSGtAckngtNrfVNd8xy8Hp9LBGDstTbMbqCY=' # this is a list of domains as regexes that only admins can issue LEMUR_RESTRICTED_DOMAINS = [] # Mail Server # Lemur currently only supports SES for sending email, this address # needs to be verified LEMUR_EMAIL = '' LEMUR_SECURITY_TEAM_EMAIL = [] # Logging LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG" LOG_FILE = "lemur.log" # Database # modify this if you are not using a local database SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://lemur:lemur@localhost:5432/lemur' SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False # AWS LEMUR_INSTANCE_PROFILE = 'Lemur' # Issuers # These will be dependent on which 3rd party that Lemur is # configured to use. # CLOUDCA_URL = '' # CLOUDCA_PEM_PATH = '' # CLOUDCA_BUNDLE = '' # number of years to issue if not specified # CLOUDCA_DEFAULT_VALIDITY = 2 VERISIGN_URL = 'http://example.com' VERISIGN_PEM_PATH = '~/' VERISIGN_FIRST_NAME = 'Jim' VERISIGN_LAST_NAME = 'Bob' VERSIGN_EMAIL = 'jim@example.com'