from __future__ import unicode_literals # at top of module import arrow from datetime import datetime, timedelta from collections import Counter import os import sys import base64 import time import requests import json from tabulate import tabulate from gunicorn.config import make_settings from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from flask import current_app from flask_script import Manager, Command, Option, prompt_pass from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand, stamp from flask_script.commands import ShowUrls, Clean, Server from lemur import database from lemur.extensions import metrics from lemur.users import service as user_service from lemur.roles import service as role_service from lemur.certificates import service as cert_service from lemur.authorities import service as authority_service from lemur.notifications import service as notification_service from lemur.certificates.verify import verify_string from lemur.sources import service as source_service from lemur.common.utils import validate_conf from lemur import create_app # Needed to be imported so that SQLAlchemy create_all can find our models from lemur.users.models import User # noqa from lemur.roles.models import Role # noqa from lemur.authorities.models import Authority # noqa from lemur.certificates.models import Certificate # noqa from lemur.destinations.models import Destination # noqa from import Domain # noqa from lemur.notifications.models import Notification # noqa from lemur.sources.models import Source # noqa from lemur.logs.models import Log # noqa manager = Manager(create_app) manager.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config') migrate = Migrate(create_app) REQUIRED_VARIABLES = [ 'LEMUR_SECURITY_TEAM_EMAIL', 'LEMUR_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT', 'LEMUR_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION', 'LEMUR_DEFAULT_LOCATION', 'LEMUR_DEFAULT_COUNTRY', 'LEMUR_DEFAULT_STATE', 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI' ] KEY_LENGTH = 40 DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = '~/.lemur/' DEFAULT_SETTINGS = 'lemur.conf.server' SETTINGS_ENVVAR = 'LEMUR_CONF' CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ # This is just Python which means you can inherit and tweak settings import os _basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) THREADS_PER_PAGE = 8 # General # These will need to be set to `True` if you are developing locally CORS = False debug = False # this is the secret key used by flask session management SECRET_KEY = '{flask_secret_key}' # You should consider storing these separately from your config LEMUR_TOKEN_SECRET = '{secret_token}' LEMUR_ENCRYPTION_KEYS = '{encryption_key}' # this is a list of domains as regexes that only admins can issue LEMUR_RESTRICTED_DOMAINS = [] # Mail Server LEMUR_EMAIL = '' LEMUR_SECURITY_TEAM_EMAIL = [] # Certificate Defaults LEMUR_DEFAULT_COUNTRY = '' LEMUR_DEFAULT_STATE = '' LEMUR_DEFAULT_LOCATION = '' LEMUR_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION = '' LEMUR_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT = '' # Authentication Providers ACTIVE_PROVIDERS = [] # Logging LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG" LOG_FILE = "lemur.log" # Database # modify this if you are not using a local database SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://lemur:lemur@localhost:5432/lemur' # AWS #LEMUR_INSTANCE_PROFILE = 'Lemur' # Issuers # These will be dependent on which 3rd party that Lemur is # configured to use. # VERISIGN_URL = '' # VERISIGN_PEM_PATH = '' # VERISIGN_FIRST_NAME = '' # VERISIGN_LAST_NAME = '' # VERSIGN_EMAIL = '' """ @MigrateCommand.command def create(): database.db.create_all() stamp(revision='head') @MigrateCommand.command def drop_all(): database.db.drop_all() @manager.command def check_revoked(): """ Function attempts to update Lemur's internal cache with revoked certificates. This is called periodically by Lemur. It checks both CRLs and OCSP to see if a certificate is revoked. If Lemur is unable encounters an issue with verification it marks the certificate status as `unknown`. """ for cert in cert_service.get_all_certs(): try: if cert.chain: status = verify_string(cert.body, cert.chain) else: status = verify_string(cert.body, "") cert.status = 'valid' if status else 'invalid' except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) cert.status = 'unknown' database.update(cert) def make_shell_context(): """ Creates a python REPL with several default imports in the context of the current_app :return: """ return dict(current_app=current_app) def generate_settings(): """ This command is run when ``default_path`` doesn't exist, or ``init`` is run and returns a string representing the default data to put into their settings file. """ output = CONFIG_TEMPLATE.format( # we use Fernet.generate_key to make sure that the key length is # compatible with Fernet encryption_key=Fernet.generate_key().decode('utf-8'), secret_token=base64.b64encode(os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)).decode('utf-8'), flask_secret_key=base64.b64encode(os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)).decode('utf-8'), ) return output @manager.command def notify(): """ Runs Lemur's notification engine, that looks for expired certificates and sends notifications out to those that bave subscribed to them. :return: """ sys.stdout.write("Starting to notify subscribers about expiring certificates!\n") count = notification_service.send_expiration_notifications() sys.stdout.write( "Finished notifying subscribers about expiring certificates! Sent {count} notifications!\n".format( count=count ) ) class InitializeApp(Command): """ This command will bootstrap our database with any destinations as specified by our config. Additionally a Lemur user will be created as a default user and be used when certificates are discovered by Lemur. """ option_list = ( Option('-p', '--password', dest='password'), ) def run(self, password): create() user = user_service.get_by_username("lemur") admin_role = role_service.get_by_name('admin') if admin_role: sys.stdout.write("[-] Admin role already created, skipping...!\n") else: # we create an admin role admin_role = role_service.create('admin', description='This is the Lemur administrator role.') sys.stdout.write("[+] Created 'admin' role\n") operator_role = role_service.get_by_name('operator') if operator_role: sys.stdout.write("[-] Operator role already created, skipping...!\n") else: # we create an admin role operator_role = role_service.create('operator', description='This is the Lemur operator role.') sys.stdout.write("[+] Created 'operator' role\n") read_only_role = role_service.get_by_name('read-only') if read_only_role: sys.stdout.write("[-] Operator role already created, skipping...!\n") else: # we create an admin role read_only_role = role_service.create('read-only', description='This is the Lemur read only role.') sys.stdout.write("[+] Created 'read-only' role\n") if not user: if not password: sys.stdout.write("We need to set Lemur's password to continue!\n") password = prompt_pass("Password") password1 = prompt_pass("Confirm Password") if password != password1: sys.stderr.write("[!] Passwords do not match!\n") sys.exit(1) user_service.create("lemur", password, 'lemur@nobody', True, None, [admin_role]) sys.stdout.write("[+] Created the user 'lemur' and granted it the 'admin' role!\n") else: sys.stdout.write("[-] Default user has already been created, skipping...!\n") sys.stdout.write("[+] Creating expiration email notifications!\n") sys.stdout.write("[!] Using {0} as specified by LEMUR_SECURITY_TEAM_EMAIL for notifications\n".format("LEMUR_SECURITY_TEAM_EMAIL")) intervals = current_app.config.get("LEMUR_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_NOTIFICATION_INTERVALS", []) sys.stdout.write( "[!] Creating {num} notifications for {intervals} days as specified by LEMUR_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_NOTIFICATION_INTERVALS\n".format( num=len(intervals), intervals=",".join([str(x) for x in intervals]) ) ) recipients = current_app.config.get('LEMUR_SECURITY_TEAM_EMAIL') notification_service.create_default_expiration_notifications("DEFAULT_SECURITY", recipients=recipients) sys.stdout.write("[/] Done!\n") class CreateUser(Command): """ This command allows for the creation of a new user within Lemur. """ option_list = ( Option('-u', '--username', dest='username', required=True), Option('-e', '--email', dest='email', required=True), Option('-a', '--active', dest='active', default=True), Option('-r', '--roles', dest='roles', action='append', default=[]) ) def run(self, username, email, active, roles): role_objs = [] for r in roles: role_obj = role_service.get_by_name(r) if role_obj: role_objs.append(role_obj) else: sys.stderr.write("[!] Cannot find role {0}\n".format(r)) sys.exit(1) password1 = prompt_pass("Password") password2 = prompt_pass("Confirm Password") if password1 != password2: sys.stderr.write("[!] Passwords do not match!\n") sys.exit(1) user_service.create(username, password1, email, active, None, role_objs) sys.stdout.write("[+] Created new user: {0}\n".format(username)) class ResetPassword(Command): """ This command allows you to reset a user's password. """ option_list = ( Option('-u', '--username', dest='username', required=True), ) def run(self, username): user = user_service.get_by_username(username) if not user: sys.stderr.write("[!] No user found for username: {0}\n".format(username)) sys.exit(1) sys.stderr.write("[+] Resetting password for {0}\n".format(username)) password1 = prompt_pass("Password") password2 = prompt_pass("Confirm Password") if password1 != password2: sys.stderr.write("[!] Passwords do not match\n") sys.exit(1) user.password = password1 user.hash_password() database.commit() class CreateRole(Command): """ This command allows for the creation of a new role within Lemur """ option_list = ( Option('-n', '--name', dest='name', required=True), Option('-u', '--users', dest='users', default=[]), Option('-d', '--description', dest='description', required=True) ) def run(self, name, users, description): user_objs = [] for u in users: user_obj = user_service.get_by_username(u) if user_obj: user_objs.append(user_obj) else: sys.stderr.write("[!] Cannot find user {0}".format(u)) sys.exit(1) role_service.create(name, description=description, users=users) sys.stdout.write("[+] Created new role: {0}".format(name)) class LemurServer(Command): """ This is the main Lemur server, it runs the flask app with gunicorn and uses any configuration options passed to it. You can pass all standard gunicorn flags to this command as if you were running gunicorn itself. For example: lemur start -w 4 -b Will start gunicorn with 4 workers bound to """ description = 'Run the app within Gunicorn' def get_options(self): settings = make_settings() options = [] for setting, klass in settings.items(): if klass.cli: if klass.action: if klass.action == 'store_const': options.append(Option(*klass.cli, const=klass.const, action=klass.action)) else: options.append(Option(*klass.cli, action=klass.action)) else: options.append(Option(*klass.cli)) return options def run(self, *args, **kwargs): from import WSGIApplication app = WSGIApplication() # run startup tasks on a app like object pre_app = create_app(kwargs.get('config')) validate_conf(pre_app, REQUIRED_VARIABLES) app.app_uri = 'lemur:create_app(config="{0}")'.format(kwargs.get('config')) return @manager.command def create_config(config_path=None): """ Creates a new configuration file if one does not already exist """ if not config_path: config_path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path) dir = os.path.dirname(config_path) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) config = generate_settings() with open(config_path, 'w') as f: f.write(config) sys.stdout.write("[+] Created a new configuration file {0}\n".format(config_path)) @manager.command def lock(path=None): """ Encrypts a given path. This directory can be used to store secrets needed for normal Lemur operation. This is especially useful for storing secrets needed for communication with third parties (e.g. external certificate authorities). Lemur does not assume anything about the contents of the directory and will attempt to encrypt all files contained within. Currently this has only been tested against plain text files. Path defaults ~/.lemur/keys :param: path """ if not path: path = os.path.expanduser('~/.lemur/keys') dest_dir = os.path.join(path, "encrypted") sys.stdout.write("[!] Generating a new key...\n") key = Fernet.generate_key() if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): sys.stdout.write("[+] Creating encryption directory: {0}\n".format(dest_dir)) os.makedirs(dest_dir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(path, 'decrypted')): for f in files: source = os.path.join(root, f) dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, f + ".enc") with open(source, 'rb') as in_file, open(dest, 'wb') as out_file: f = Fernet(key) data = f.encrypt( out_file.write(data) sys.stdout.write("[+] Writing file: {0} Source: {1}\n".format(dest, source)) sys.stdout.write("[+] Keys have been encrypted with key {0}\n".format(key)) @manager.command def unlock(path=None): """ Decrypts all of the files in a given directory with provided password. This is most commonly used during the startup sequence of Lemur allowing it to go from source code to something that can communicate with external services. Path defaults ~/.lemur/keys :param: path """ key = prompt_pass("[!] Please enter the encryption password") if not path: path = os.path.expanduser('~/.lemur/keys') dest_dir = os.path.join(path, "decrypted") source_dir = os.path.join(path, "encrypted") if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): sys.stdout.write("[+] Creating decryption directory: {0}\n".format(dest_dir)) os.makedirs(dest_dir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir): for f in files: source = os.path.join(source_dir, f) dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, ".".join(f.split(".")[:-1])) with open(source, 'rb') as in_file, open(dest, 'wb') as out_file: f = Fernet(key) data = f.decrypt( out_file.write(data) sys.stdout.write("[+] Writing file: {0} Source: {1}\n".format(dest, source)) sys.stdout.write("[+] Keys have been unencrypted!\n") def print_certificate_details(details): """ Print the certificate details with formatting. :param details: :return: """ sys.stdout.write("[+] Re-issuing certificate with the following details: \n") sys.stdout.write( "[+] Common Name: {common_name}\n" "[+] Subject Alternate Names: {sans}\n" "[+] Authority: {authority_name}\n" "[+] Validity Start: {validity_start}\n" "[+] Validity End: {validity_end}\n" "[+] Organization: {organization}\n" "[+] Organizational Unit: {organizational_unit}\n" "[+] Country: {country}\n" "[+] State: {state}\n" "[+] Location: {location}\n".format( common_name=details['common_name'], sans=",".join(x['value'] for x in details['extensions']['sub_alt_names']['names']), authority_name=details['authority'].name, validity_start=details['validity_start'].isoformat(), validity_end=details['validity_end'].isoformat(), organization=details['organization'], organizational_unit=details['organizational_unit'], country=details['country'], state=details['state'], location=details['location'] ) ) certificate_manager = Manager(usage="Handles all certificate related tasks.") @certificate_manager.command def rotate(new_certificate_name, old_certificate_name, commit=False): from lemur.certificates.service import get_by_name, reissue_certificate, get_certificate_primitives from lemur.endpoints.service import rotate_certificate old_cert = get_by_name(old_certificate_name) if not old_cert: sys.stdout.write("[-] No certificate found with name: {0}\n".format(old_certificate_name)) sys.exit(1) if new_certificate_name: new_cert = get_by_name(new_certificate_name) if not new_cert: sys.stdout.write("[-] No certificate found with name: {0}\n".format(old_certificate_name)) sys.exit(1) if commit: sys.stdout.write("[!] Running in COMMIT mode.\n") if not new_certificate_name: sys.stdout.write("[!] No new certificate provided. Attempting to re-issue old certificate: {0}.\n".format(old_certificate_name)) details = get_certificate_primitives(old_cert) print_certificate_details(details) if commit: new_cert = reissue_certificate(old_cert, replace=True) sys.stdout.write("[+] Issued new certificate named: {0}\n".format( sys.stdout.write("[+] Done! \n") if len(old_cert.endpoints) > 0: for endpoint in old_cert.endpoints: sys.stdout.write( "[+] Certificate deployed on endpoint: name:{name} dnsname:{dnsname} port:{port} type:{type}\n".format(, dnsname=endpoint.dnsname, port=endpoint.port, type=endpoint.type ) ) sys.stdout.write("[+] Rotating certificate from: {0} to: {1}\n".format(old_certificate_name, if commit: rotate_certificate(endpoint, new_cert) sys.stdout.write("[+] Done! \n") else: sys.stdout.write("[!] Certificate not found on any existing endpoints. Nothing to rotate.\n") @certificate_manager.command def reissue(old_certificate_name, commit=False): from lemur.certificates.service import get_by_name, reissue_certificate, get_certificate_primitives old_cert = get_by_name(old_certificate_name) if not old_cert: sys.stdout.write("[-] No certificate found with name: {0}\n".format(old_certificate_name)) sys.exit(1) if commit: sys.stdout.write("[!] Running in COMMIT mode.\n") details = get_certificate_primitives(old_cert) print_certificate_details(details) if commit: new_cert = reissue_certificate(old_cert, replace=True) sys.stdout.write("[+] Issued new certificate named: {0}\n".format( sys.stdout.write("[+] Done! \n") @manager.command def publish_verisign_units(): """ Simple function that queries verisign for API units and posts the mertics to Atlas API for other teams to consume. :return: """ from lemur.plugins import plugins v = plugins.get('verisign-issuer') units = v.get_available_units() metrics = {} for item in units: if item['@type'] in metrics.keys(): metrics[item['@type']] += int(item['@remaining']) else: metrics.update({item['@type']: int(item['@remaining'])}) for name, value in metrics.items(): metric = [ { "timestamp": 1321351651, "type": "GAUGE", "name": "Symantec {0} Unit Count".format(name), "tags": {}, "value": value } ]'http://localhost:8078/metrics', data=json.dumps(metric)) @manager.command def publish_unapproved_verisign_certificates(): """ Query the Verisign for any certificates that need to be approved. :return: """ from lemur.plugins import plugins from lemur.extensions import metrics v = plugins.get('verisign-issuer') certs = v.get_pending_certificates() metrics.send('pending_certificates', 'gauge', certs) class Report(Command): """ Defines a set of reports to be run periodically against Lemur. """ option_list = ( Option('-n', '--name', dest='name', default=None, help='Name of the report to run.'), Option('-d', '--duration', dest='duration', default=356, help='Number of days to run the report'), ) def run(self, name, duration): end = datetime.utcnow() start = end - timedelta(days=duration) if name == 'authority': self.certificates_issued(name, start, end) elif name == 'activeFQDNS': self.active_fqdns() @staticmethod def active_fqdns(): """ Generates a report that gives the number of active fqdns, but root domain. :return: """ from lemur.certificates.service import get_all_certs sys.stdout.write("FQDN, Root Domain, Issuer, Total Length (days), Time until expiration (days)\n") for cert in get_all_certs(): if not cert.expired: now = arrow.utcnow() ttl = now - cert.not_before total_length = cert.not_after - cert.not_before for fqdn in root_domain = ".".join('.')[-2:]) sys.stdout.write(", ".join([, root_domain, cert.issuer, str(total_length.days), str(ttl.days)]) + "\n") @staticmethod def certificates_issued(name=None, start=None, end=None): """ Generates simple report of number of certificates issued by the authority, if no authority is specified report on total number of certificates. :param name: :param start: :param end: :return: """ def _calculate_row(authority): day_cnt = Counter() month_cnt = Counter() year_cnt = Counter() for cert in authority.certificates: date = day_cnt[] += 1 month_cnt[date.month] += 1 year_cnt[date.year] += 1 try: day_avg = int(sum(day_cnt.values()) / len(day_cnt.keys())) except ZeroDivisionError: day_avg = 0 try: month_avg = int(sum(month_cnt.values()) / len(month_cnt.keys())) except ZeroDivisionError: month_avg = 0 try: year_avg = int(sum(year_cnt.values()) / len(year_cnt.keys())) except ZeroDivisionError: year_avg = 0 return [, authority.description, day_avg, month_avg, year_avg] rows = [] if not name: for authority in authority_service.get_all(): rows.append(_calculate_row(authority)) else: authority = authority_service.get_by_name(name) if not authority: sys.stderr.write('[!] Authority {0} was not found.'.format(name)) sys.exit(1) rows.append(_calculate_row(authority)) sys.stdout.write(tabulate(rows, headers=["Authority Name", "Description", "Daily Average", "Monthy Average", "Yearly Average"]) + "\n") source_manager = Manager(usage="Handles all source related tasks.") def validate_sources(source_strings): sources = [] if not source_strings: table = [] for source in source_service.get_all(): table.append([source.label,, source.description]) sys.stdout.write("No source specified choose from below:\n") sys.stdout.write(tabulate(table, headers=['Label', 'Active', 'Description'])) sys.exit(1) if 'all' in source_strings: sources = source_service.get_all() for source_str in source_strings: source = source_service.get_by_label(source_str) if not source: sys.stderr.write("Unable to find specified source with label: {0}".format(source_str)) sources.append(source) return sources @source_manager.option('-s', '--sources', dest='source_strings', action='append', help='Sources to operate on.') def sync(source_strings): source_objs = validate_sources(source_strings) for source in source_objs: start_time = time.time() sys.stdout.write("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format(label=source.label)) user = user_service.get_by_username('lemur') try: source_service.sync(source, user) sys.stdout.write( "[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}\n".format( label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time) ) ) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) sys.stdout.write( "[X] Failed syncing source {label}!\n".format(label=source.label) ) metrics.send('sync_failed', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': source.label}) @source_manager.option('-s', '--sources', dest='source_strings', action='append', help='Sources to operate on.') def clean(source_strings): source_objs = validate_sources(source_strings) for source in source_objs: start_time = time.time() sys.stdout.write("[+] Staring to clean source: {label}!\n".format(label=source.label)) source_service.clean(source) sys.stdout.write( "[+] Finished cleaning source: {label}. Run Time: {time}\n".format( label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time) ) ) def main(): manager.add_command("start", LemurServer()) manager.add_command("runserver", Server(host='', threaded=True)) manager.add_command("clean", Clean()) manager.add_command("show_urls", ShowUrls()) manager.add_command("db", MigrateCommand) manager.add_command("init", InitializeApp()) manager.add_command("create_user", CreateUser()) manager.add_command("reset_password", ResetPassword()) manager.add_command("create_role", CreateRole()) manager.add_command("source", source_manager) manager.add_command("report", Report()) manager.add_command("certificate", certificate_manager) if __name__ == "__main__": main()