node_js: - "10" jobs: include: - name: "python3.7-postgresql-9.4-bionic" dist: bionic language: python python: "3.7" env: TOXENV=py37 addons: postgresql: "9.4" - name: "python3.7-postgresql-10-bionic" dist: bionic language: python python: "3.7" env: TOXENV=py37 addons: postgresql: '10' apt: packages: - postgresql-10 - postgresql-client-10 - postgresql-server-dev-10 services: - postgresql - name: "python3.8-postgresql-12-focal" dist: focal language: python python: "3.8" env: TOXENV=py38 addons: postgresql: '12' apt: packages: - postgresql-12 - postgresql-client-12 - postgresql-server-dev-12 services: - postgresql cache: directories: - node_modules - .pip_download_cache env: global: - PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=".pip_download_cache" # The following line is a temporary workaround for this issue: - SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib # do not load /etc/boto.cfg with Python 3 incompatible plugin # - BOTO_CONFIG=/doesnotexist before_script: - sudo systemctl stop postgresql # the port may have been auto-configured to use 5433 if it thought 5422 was already in use, # for some reason it happens very often # - sudo sed -i -e 's/5433/5432/' /etc/postgresql/*/main/postgresql.conf - sudo systemctl restart postgresql - psql -c "create database lemur;" -U postgres - psql -c "create user lemur with password 'lemur;'" -U postgres - psql lemur -c "create extension IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;" -U postgres - npm config set registry - npm install -g bower - pip install --upgrade setuptools install: - pip install coveralls - pip install bandit script: - make test - bandit -r . -ll -ii -x lemur/tests/,docs after_success: - coveralls notifications: email: recipients: - on_success: never on_failure: always on_cancel: never # Dependbot cancels Travis before rebase and triggers too many emails