import arrow from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from import service as domain_service from lemur.auth.permissions import SensitiveDomainPermission def public_certificate(body): """ Determines if specified string is valid public certificate. :param body: :return: """ try: x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(body), default_backend()) except Exception: raise ValidationError('Public certificate presented is not valid.') def private_key(key): """ User to validate that a given string is a RSA private key :param key: :return: :raise ValueError: """ try: serialization.load_pem_private_key(bytes(key), None, backend=default_backend()) except Exception: raise ValidationError('Private key presented is not valid.') def sensitive_domain(domain): """ Determines if domain has been marked as sensitive. :param domain: :return: """ domains = domain_service.get_by_name(domain) for domain in domains: # we only care about non-admins if not SensitiveDomainPermission().can(): if domain.sensitive: raise ValidationError( 'Domain {0} has been marked as sensitive, contact and administrator \ to issue the certificate.'.format(domain)) def encoding(oid_encoding): """ Determines if the specified oid type is valid. :param oid_encoding: :return: """ valid_types = ['b64asn1', 'string', 'ia5string'] if oid_encoding.lower() not in [o_type.lower() for o_type in valid_types]: raise ValidationError('Invalid Oid Encoding: {0} choose from {1}'.format(oid_encoding, ",".join(valid_types))) def sub_alt_type(alt_type): """ Determines if the specified subject alternate type is valid. :param alt_type: :return: """ valid_types = ['DNSName', 'IPAddress', 'uniFormResourceIdentifier', 'directoryName', 'rfc822Name', 'registrationID', 'otherName', 'x400Address', 'EDIPartyName'] if alt_type.lower() not in [a_type.lower() for a_type in valid_types]: raise ValidationError('Invalid SubAltName Type: {0} choose from {1}'.format(type, ",".join(valid_types))) def csr(data): """ Determines if the CSR is valid. :param data: :return: """ try: x509.load_pem_x509_csr(bytes(data), default_backend()) except Exception: raise ValidationError('CSR presented is not valid.') def dates(data): if not data.get('validity_start') and data.get('validity_end'): raise ValidationError('If validity start is specified so must validity end.') if not data.get('validity_end') and data.get('validity_start'): raise ValidationError('If validity end is specified so must validity start.') if data.get('validity_start') and data.get('validity_end'): if not data['validity_start'] < data['validity_end']: raise ValidationError('Validity start must be before validity end.') if data.get('authority'): if data.get('validity_start').replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, tzinfo=None) < data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_before.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0): raise ValidationError('Validity start must not be before {0}'.format(data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_before)) if data.get('validity_end').replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, tzinfo=None) > data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_after.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0): raise ValidationError('Validity end must not be after {0}'.format(data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_after)) if data.get('validity_years'): now = arrow.utcnow() end = now.replace(years=+data['validity_years']) if data.get('authority'): if now.naive < data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_before: raise ValidationError('Validity start must not be before {0}'.format(data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_before)) if end.naive > data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_after: raise ValidationError('Validity end must not be after {0}'.format(data['authority'].authority_certificate.not_after))