acme alembic-autogenerate-enums arrow boto3 cryptography Flask-Bcrypt==0.7.1 Flask-Mail==0.9.1 Flask-Migrate==2.1.1 Flask-Principal==0.4.0 Flask-RESTful==0.3.6 Flask-Script==2.0.6 Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask==0.12 future gunicorn inflection jinja2 lockfile marshmallow-sqlalchemy marshmallow ndg-httpsclient paramiko # required for the SFTP destination plugin pem psycopg2 pyjwt pyOpenSSL==17.2.0 # PINNED for a specific reason. This needs to be merged in before upgrade: python_ldap raven[flask] requests==2.11.1 # PINNED for a specific reason. This needs to be merged in before upgrade: retrying six SQLAlchemy-Utils tabulate xmltodict